069. Acrylic paint [First order please!]

As Erina's fifth cooking building, the kitchen here is naturally well-equipped with various facilities, and the area is large enough to be used as the hotel's back kitchen, but even so, Erina often dislikes it as"too small".

At this time, Shiraki temporarily requisitioned the kitchen on this floor and started to work at the cooking table.

There are naturally all kinds of ingredients and kitchen utensils, but because the protagonist today is not the food itself, but the contents of the test tubes that Shiraki brought with him, he just picked a few ingredients at random and prepared to make a big pot of stew.

Tomatoes, carrots, apples, cabbage, various meats, and salmon, a fish that is not suitable for cooked food.

In short, all the ingredients that are worth looking at were taken to the chopping board by Shiraki.

It didn't take long to wash the vegetables.

Soon, all the ingredients were neatly placed on the chopping board.

Hisako and Erina looked at the ingredients Shiraki chose with a strange look on their faces.

Vegetables, fruits, meats, and fish, just looking at these ingredients, they couldn't imagine what Shiraki would do, especially salmon.

Was it going to be used to make sushi? At this time, the two hadn't thought that Shiraki would use all the ingredients here to make a dish.

They thought that Shiraki was going to make several different dishes.

After washing all the ingredients, Shiraki picked up the kitchen knife beside him, but this time he didn't cut the ingredients into strips or slices.

Instead, he picked up a carrot with his left hand and carved it with his right hand.

There was a constant rustling sound of carrot meat being cut by the knife.

Shiraki moved quickly.

During the whole process, he only saw his left wrist constantly turning, and the carrot became thinner and thinner, and was gradually carved into the shape of a branch.

Next came the cabbage. Shiraki first dug out the heart of the cabbage and put it aside, and then cut the remaining leaves into shreds. However, these shreds were not ordinary cabbage shreds, but a dozen shreds connected together, which looked like a miniature grass.

This strange cutting method made Erina and Hisako even more puzzled.

Was Shiraki just making decorations for the dishes? This didn't look like cooking, but simply carving.

However, the carvings were indeed very delicate, and it was unknown what these things were used for.

The confusing scene continued.

After turning several ingredients into the shapes of bushes, mushrooms, and forests, Shiraki built the last salmon into the shape of a small house.

In this way, all the ingredients on the chopping board immediately created the scenery of a cabin in the woods, but the colors of this cabin seemed a bit inconsistent.

The carrots as branches are red, the apples cut into mushroom shapes are light yellow, and the salmon as the cabin in the woods are white and red. In general, these ingredients are very mismatched except for their delicate appearance.

Bai Mu was prepared for this problem. He took out a set of things that looked like seasoning boxes from somewhere. These boxes were filled with colorful things. Then, Bai Mu took an oil brush from the cooking table without changing his expression, dipped a little from the seasoning box in his hand, and brushed it directly on the ingredients in front of him.

"So, what are those?……"

Even with Erina and Hisako's eyes, when they saw Shiraki brushing those colored things on the food, they couldn't accurately judge what it was. Its consistency didn't seem to be any kind of seasoning on the market, and the color was too bright to be extracted from the food. What on earth was this?

The correct answer was - acrylic paint.

Yes, this set of things that Shiraki had just exchanged from the system was acrylic paint, which is very common in the field of art.

This paint is made of polymethyl methacrylate (see ACRYLICRESIN) dissolved in mineral spirits.

It is also called pure acrylic paint or plastic paint.

The acrylic acid in acrylic paint is irritating to the respiratory tract, and direct contact with the eyes can cause burns.

It has obvious irritation and sensitization effects on the skin.

Oral administration strongly irritates the mouth and digestive tract, and can cause dizziness, difficulty breathing, nervousness and other symptoms.

In general...

This thing is absolutely not to be taken by normal humans, and Shiraki didn't want to use it directly in cooking.

However, the effect of the egg custard made with rotten eggs was completely beyond his expectations.

He originally thought that even if it was a very delicious dish for other people, there should be some adverse reactions after eating it.

However, the people in Polar Star Dormitory did not have any adverse reactions.

They were all refreshed.

Almost all of them got up early the next day and felt that the blood in their bodies was normal and they were full of endless energy.

Such an effect naturally made Bai Mu doubt his life.

However, at the same time, he also roughly understood that when he put some harmful substances into the dishes, not only would the taste of these substances be reversed, but even the effects would be reversed.

Although the power of rotten eggs was already very great, Bai Mu obviously took out something more terrifying this time.

These pigments were just appetizers.

Under the puzzled gaze of Erina and Hisako, the forest hut that looked very out of tune just now instantly turned into an art painting. The colors of various ingredients were not only rich and colorful, but also had light and shadow effects, which looked like a gradient. The contrast of warm and cold tones in the whole painting was just right, but... why did this seasoning look a bit like art paint?

Such doubts only appeared in Erina and Hisako's minds for a moment, and the next second they collectively dispelled this doubt.

——How could it be possible to use paint for art?

On the other side, Bai Mu continued to work. After constructing this colorful"forest cabin" picture, he finally unplugged several test tubes that he brought with him.

Without any fancy tricks, Bai Mu directly poured the liquid in these test tubes into the"forest cabin" he had just constructed.

Suddenly, a pungent smell came from the"forest cabin" in front of Bai Mu.


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