054. Random Draw [Three Updates】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task"High-profile Debut", task assessment: A-level, reward 2000 points, random draw x10.

After firing the Italian cannon just now, Bai Mu quickly left the stage and found an empty shade of a tree to check his"trophies".

2000 points, this is almost the highest reward task he has ever done. Sure enough, after entering the plot, the task rewards are much more generous, completely different from the previous tasks that were 200 points at any time.

The second is the random draw, which is a lottery roulette that combines the prizes of the primary draw, the ultimate draw, the advanced draw, and the god-level draw. However, precisely because it contains a lot of things that are far beyond the value, there will also be some pitfalls such as [Thank you for your patronage] and [Come again]. In short, this lottery is life and death, everything depends on luck.

Bai Mu has always been very confident in his luck, and immediately said in his heart,"System, let's start with 5 random draws!"

【Ding Dong, random draw is starting……】

【The random lottery has been successfully launched, and the five consecutive draws are about to begin】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for winning 'One More Time'’!】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for winning 'Thank you for your patronage’!】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for winning 'One More Time'’!】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining 'B-level cooking card: Pork chop rice' x1】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the 'SS-level cooking experience card: Hundred Flowers' X1】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for winning 'Thank you for your patronage’!】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining 'Dionysus Dragon' X1】

【The five consecutive draws are over. 】

The items drawn this time are quite good. Bai Mu immediately clicked on the item introduction. The first one was the B-level cooking card.

【B-level cooking card: Pork chop rice bowl: After using this card, the host's cooking level will be ignored and B-level pork chop rice bowl can be made.】

【SS-level cooking experience card: Dazzling Hundred Flowers: Create the effect of"Dazzling Hundred Flowers" through the perfect control of the kitchen knife, accurately handle the food, and cook the designated food regardless of the host's cooking level. This item disappears after one use.】

【Dionysus: From the captive world of gourmet food, capture level: 37, habitat: Dionysus Island, price: 100 grams of meat/180,000 yen.

Introduction: The dragon that dominates the island of Dionysus Island, which is praised as the"Paradise of Wine".

Director Mansam, who is obsessed with alcohol, chose it as the"main course" in the full menu.

Its meat is famous for its mellow taste of the highest grade brandy.

In addition, since the meat of the Dionysus dragon contains alcohol, it must be eaten by people over 20 years old.

It is indeed an ingredient that echoes the"taste of adults" that children cannot understand.

Cooking it in the grilled way can not only make the alcohol aroma in the meat fully emit, but also keep the original flavor of the meat.


The three things drawn this time were all very good, especially the Dionysus Dragon, which was actually a whole Dionysus Dragon that the system had already processed.

As for the SS-level cooking experience card, Bai Mu looked through the mall.

Although he found it, the purchase item behind it was gray.

The system explained that this skill did not belong to this world, and the power system could not evolve normally in this world, so it could not be exchanged in the current world.

This made Bai Mu a little curious.

He didn't know which world this SS-level cooking skill was from, but he would be able to see the power of this card with his own eyes anyway.

If it was just a one-time experience card, he could also exchange it in the system mall for 5,000 points.

In general, the things drawn this time were simply a great harvest. Bai Mu left the shade of the tree where he was with satisfaction and walked towards the teaching area where the class would start soon.

He was assigned to the same classroom as Soma Yukihira. Both of them were transfer students, so it was normal for them to be assigned together. As soon as he entered the classroom, Shiraki felt that several unfriendly eyes were looking at him. Looking up, most of those who were obviously very unhappy were boys. Megumi Tadokoro was squatting in the back and trembling in such an atmosphere, while Soma Yukihira walked up to him and said hello.

"Oh, you are Shiraki, right? We met during the transfer student exam. Your speech just now was really brilliant. Although you messed around during the transfer student exam, since you can make dishes like that, maybe your interests match mine, hahaha."

Of course, Soma Yukihira was referring to his dark cuisine.

In his opinion, Shiraki's ability should not be underestimated to be able to make dishes with that kind of fragrance.

The cooking method he used, which seemed like a joke, was probably his personal interest, which was similar to his dark cuisine.

If there was a chance, Soma Yukihira really wanted to find Shiraki to discuss how he used such an exaggerated method to ensure that the nutrients of the ingredients were not lost.

It sounds cool to think about showing off his skills in front of others in the future, and then having people praise the taste of the dishes.

"Look, those two transfer students……"

When Yukihira Soma enthusiastically ran up to ask Shiraki for cooking tips, the students behind him started pointing at the two of them. Everyone looked like they wanted to eat them alive, especially Shiraki. If the class wasn't about to start, I'm afraid these people would have rushed up impatiently to teach them what"humility is a virtue" meant.


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