050. Rice with Vegetables and Mixed Sauces】

""Okay, special vegetable rice porridge, please enjoy."

While Tansho Kei was staring blankly at the spot, Shiraki had already placed a bowl of something that looked particularly exquisite in front of her.


Vegetable Rice with Mixed Sauces (?)

Taste: J-grade

Taste: K-grade

Cooking Effect: None

Special Effect: None

Overall Rating: J-grade

Rating: Rice with mixed sauces such as blueberry sauce, strawberry sauce, peanut butter, squid sauce, mushroom sauce, ketchup, salad sauce, Thousand Island sauce, etc. The seasoning ratio is seriously unbalanced, and there is a risk of vomiting


The squid sauce was because Baimu suddenly discovered that there was such a sauce, so he poured a little into the pot out of curiosity.

As for the mushroom sauce, it is more like a side dish specially used for rice than a sauce.

It is surprisingly delicious when eaten with rice.

There are also some mushroom particles in it.

This pot of jam and vegetable rice can be said to be a collection of various sauces.

I don’t know what the flavor will be when so many sauces are combined.

Anyway, Baimu himself doesn’t dare to eat it���

Tansho Kei came back to her senses and looked at the food in front of her, which seemed to be glittering. Her eyes were filled with amazing colors.

The beautifully cut vegetables were neatly arranged on top like the toppings of Japanese ramen. The soup smelled very light, but there seemed to be a hint of rich flavor hidden under the lightness. It was impossible to tell what Shiraki had put in it just by smell.

"I, I'm starting to eat!"

Tansho Kei took a spoon from the kitchen counter next to her and took a bite of the food with great anticipation.

Then, in the next second, she felt that she was caught in a delicious whirlpool!

The soup looked very light, but after it entered her mouth, the strong taste hidden under the light appearance suddenly burst out, just like a torrential rain suddenly fell in the trickling forest, and the delicious taste that rushed straight to her head almost swallowed her up completely!

"Hmmm... this sweet taste is……"

Tanosuke Hui closed her eyes, savoring the sweet scent that flashed through her mouth. She seemed to have tasted that taste before, but now she couldn't remember it at all. It was like the colorful wild flowers blooming on the roadside in a rainstorm in the mountains. The buds slowly bloomed under the watering of the rain. It was simply a blooming of flowers of taste!

In a trance, she seemed to be standing in a rainstorm in the mountains. Tanosuke Hui looked around at a loss, and at this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared above her head. A huge lotus leaf blocked her. Her eyes opened slightly. It turned out that the person who held up the lotus leaf for her was Shiraki.

In the rainstorm, the man showed her a gentle smile, like the gurgling of mountain stream water, making the surrounding rain no longer fierce. The mountain scenery and the human scenery formed a gradually harmonious picture, just like... the delicious taste gradually blended on the tip of the tongue, whether it was a light taste or a rich taste, it was cleverly integrated with that unknown sweet breath, just like a picture of a mountain stream in the rain, making people feel endless charm.


Suddenly realizing that she was lost in thought about a boy, Tanaka Hui suddenly woke up and blushed when she saw Shiraki in front of her.

——Two people holding up a lotus leaf together in the rain, how could I have such a shameless idea?

"Hmm? What's wrong? Is it not tasty?"

Bai Mu looked at Tanomo Megumi who suddenly reacted strongly with some surprise.

"No, no, Shiraki-kun's food is delicious! It's true! This is the first time I've eaten such food since I was a child. I can feel the imagery that Shiraki-kun has integrated into the food. It's very beautiful, but, just……"At the end, Tanaka Hui recalled the fantasy she had just had in her mind. Because the food was so delicious, she was addicted to it.

"Just what?"

"But... am I really qualified to taste such delicious food?"Tanokoro Megumi looked at the food in front of her. When she thought that such a perfect dish was made by Shiraki specifically for her, her heart was filled with fear. Am I really qualified to receive such care?

After all, she was just a last-place student who was always on the passing line and didn't know when she would be expelled.

I'm afraid that even the lecturers of Totsuki Academy couldn't serve a dish as perfect as the one in front of her.

And now this dish was quietly placed in front of her. Just looking at the faint heat it exuded, she could imagine the pleasant and quiet mountain forest in the rainstorm. She had only seen such delicious food in the theoretical course of junior high school. It was said that the food could trigger people's sensory taste, or the synesthesia taste. Such food was top-notch, and only the chefs who were truly at the top of the food pyramid could do it.

Has Shiraki-kun... reached this height?

"What are you thinking about again?" Bai Mu sighed and rubbed her head.

"I don't know how your grades are in junior high school, but given your personality, you should be very nervous when it comes to classes or exams, and you can't show your strength at all.

I'm a pretty good judge of people.

Your potential is definitely beyond your imagination.

The next high school life will be the first touchstone of your life.

As long as you can persist, you will even have a place in the top ten in the future.

Do you understand? So don't think about it now, eat quickly and go back to sleep, and cheer up to attend the opening ceremony tomorrow.


After saying a lot of things, Shiraki left the kitchen directly under the dazed expression of Tanaka Hui.

Tanaka Hui was blankly thinking about what Shiraki had just said. What does 'I have a pretty good eye for people' mean? Does this mean that Shiraki-kun is actually very optimistic about her?

Tanaka Hui, who didn't grasp the point at all, ignored the following sentence 'There will be a place for you in the future top ten'. If she had heard such words at other times, she would probably have squatted on the ground in fear, but at this moment, her mind was full of Shiraki's words 'I have a pretty good eye for people', and she was wondering if Shiraki also had a little affection for her.……


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