048. Exchange for cooking skills, top knife skills [1st update】


A week has passed since the egg fried rice was cooked. During this week, Bai Mu has been doing nothing in the Polar Star Dormitory, or more precisely, in his room.

Since the last time he ate the egg fried rice, it took a whole week for his sense of taste to slowly recover. During this week, no matter what he ate, he felt that there was no taste, as if his taste was paralyzed.

After this incident, Bai Mu has deeply understood that the food he made really cannot be eaten casually. This thing he made carefully is a hundred times more terrifying than his dark food. It feels like he almost saw the gate of hell. I don’t know what the ordinary dark food he usually makes tastes like, but no matter what it tastes, Bai Mu dare not try it easily. This time he has walked outside the gates of hell.

So when he is free now, he goes to other people’s vegetable gardens or breeding rooms to help out, so that time passes quickly.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed, and the opening ceremony of Totsuki Academy is just around the corner.

Several people in Polaris Dormitory held a celebration before the start of the school year, mainly to celebrate everyone's successful promotion to high school, and to welcome Bai Mu to join Polaris Dormitory again.

Bai Mu also completed various side quests in this month, and the scattered points have added up to 6,000, thanks to the high-end dishes in the Totsuki Resort. Although the price is there, it can't be used as a daily meal, but it's really fun to use it to brush up points.

After several people gathered together for the celebration, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Bai Mu returned to his room, opened the system panel, and came to the system's mall page.

Locking the mall in the skills column, and selecting the"knife skills" sub-category in the skills column, Bai Mu began to carefully browse the various skill introductions.

His current cooking skills, in one sentence, have not yet crossed the threshold of an amateur. Although as a chef, there are many skills required to master, the most intuitive of them is undoubtedly knife skills.

Good knife skills can not only shorten the cooking time of dishes, but also give people a pleasing visual feeling.

The price of advanced knife skills in the system store is 4,000 points, and the price of top knife skills is 6,000 points. Based on top knife skills, there are various knife skills. The price of each of these skills is more than 10,000. If you have the foundation of top knife skills, you only need 4 to 5,000 for one.

There is nothing to hesitate. Bai Mu directly exchanged for a top knife skill. In this way, his points were reset to zero again, but his skill column had an additional character display of"top knife skills".

Although he spent all the points accumulated in this month, Bai Mu still felt it was worth it. At least you get what you pay for. After obtaining this skill, Bai Mu immediately wanted to find an opportunity to try out what this top knife skill felt like. Now it was past ten o'clock outside, and there should be no one in the kitchen. If I remember correctly, there should be some vegetables left there, which is enough for him to try his skills.

Walking out of the room, Bai Mu walked downstairs with a flashlight, and soon entered the kitchen. He touched the switch on the wall and turned on the light. As expected, he saw a few cabbages left over from the night before on the kitchen counter.

"What kind of skill is top knife skills?"

Bai Mu took out a kitchen knife from under the kitchen counter, washed it with water, and put the cabbage on the chopping board.

Picking up the kitchen knife, the"top knife skills" in the skill column on the system panel has spontaneously flashed.

Bai Mu took a deep breath and suddenly felt that there was an inexhaustible power in his hands.

When he opened his eyes and looked at the cabbage in front of him, the roots, stems, textures and other information of the vegetable were all clear in his mind.

His brain was abnormally clear at this time, just like a high-precision computer.

As long as he wanted, he could immediately find the best place to cut, without even a millimeter of error.

After observing the cabbage for about two seconds, Bai Mu resolutely raised the kitchen knife in his hand. The information of the cabbage that he had recorded just now flashed through his mind, and the kitchen knife in his hand came to the place where the knife fell with incomparable precision.

Swish, swish, swish - the sound of the kitchen knife cutting the cabbage rang out in the kitchen. The sound was very dense, crisp and pleasant, like a short and beautiful melody. The knife light and the kitchen light intertwined, so fast that only a residual image could be seen. After just three seconds, the whole cabbage had turned into a pile of filaments of the same size and length. If someone saw what happened just now, they would be surprised.

With a snap, the pillow in the hand of Tanaka Hui, who came to get water, fell to the ground. The consciousness that was originally a little confused was now completely awake. Looking at Shiraki's action of cutting the whole cabbage within three seconds, Tanaka Hui had only one thought in her mind.

So, Shiraki's knife skills are so good?

Staring blankly at Shiraki's back for a while, Tanaka Hui suddenly realized that her focus seemed to be a little wrong. It was already past ten o'clock. I didn't expect that Shiraki hadn't gone back to sleep at this time. Instead, he was practicing knife skills alone in the kitchen. This spirit of hard work in cooking shocked Tanaka Hui. Compared with him, she was really far behind!


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