Chapter 0174 – Heading to the Little Boss World!!

The background is similar to the Great Qing, but this world history is completely different, just like the legendary kitchenware, which was made by Xu Ling with extraterrestrial meteorites seven thousand years ago, and the existence of this thing proves that history is completely different.

Of course, although the situation is not as bad as the original Qing Dynasty, the weakness of the imperial court is indeed manifested, for example, Bajeru and others’ attitude towards Chinese cuisine can be seen at the beginning.

If the imperial court at that time was strong, then these people dared to say such things? It’s just slightly better than Daqing.

After all, at that time, Kaiyu in the dark culinary world used people as experimental products, and even the situation of emptying the village directly appeared, no one cared.

When Liu Pianxing and others went out to travel, they saw too many problematic officials.

So it seems that a dish is done, and people have changed directly, but Guan Lin has never believed this kind of thing.

Of course, if the cooking reaches a certain level, it is indeed possible to do some other things, such as changing the personality, or even completely manipulating a person.

Changing personality can be done for some powerful Lin Chef, if nothing else, let’s say Joichiro’s Asura Chef Heart, even if he has just entered the Lin Chef level, but if the Chef Heart plays a very aggressive side.

It is very possible to directly break a person’s heart and make the other party a waste, this kind of thing can really be done.

Therefore, Guan Lin would rather believe that it is because of Liu Pianxing’s culinary influence that he directly modified the other party’s personality, rather than believe that it awakened the other party’s good side.

After all, Liu Pianxing’s kitchen heart is indeed too right, and being attacked by this kind of kitchen heart with all his strength, normal people can’t bear it at all.

Of course, this kind of cooking heart can’t control a person, no matter how you change the other person’s personality, the other person’s memory and other things will still not change.

Only Kaiyu’s Eight Demon Breaking Array was able to control a person, but it was finally broken by Liu Pianxing’s cooking.

But on the whole, the background of the small patriarch world is quite good, although the imperial court does not do much, but there is still a little deterrent power, at least it will not be like the late Qing Dynasty, being used as a slave and licking all kinds of things.

Guan Lin did not go to the Little Boss World at the first time, but prepared something, something that was completely absent in that era.

The development of science and technology in that era was not very fast, so some modern things, the value is not very high, but in that period you can also get a lot of money, scarce is expensive, which is much better than using precious metals such as gold.

After all, precious metals such as gold are not low in price in every era.

When the preparations were almost ready, Guan Lin also found others and said what he was going to do.

“Away for a while? Is it the same as the previous one? ”

Erinae and others thought of Guan Lin’s departure in the past, and for the outside world, Guan Lin directly evaporated from the world.

“Almost, but this time it’s closed, so I won’t even have much contact for the next while, but I’ll come back at the school festival.”

Guan Lin opened his mouth and said that the shuttle can be carried out anytime and anywhere, but you can’t run back and forth every day, otherwise it is still very troublesome, so Guan Lin simply waited until the school festival and came back, anyway, it is not long before the school festival, and when the field training is over, and then to the school festival, it is almost a month’s time.

So it’s okay to rush back at that time, but this time Guan Lin was very curious about whether this guy could still do anything.

Guan Lin didn’t interfere too much with Shijie, but Erina, Shinto, and Isshiki were absolutely untouchable.

That is, he can only team a few other people to make the best.

And now that Erinai is no longer too afraid of thistle, the next thing will be interesting.

Therefore, Guan Lin will definitely come back to see when he waits for the school festival to see what kind of mess the beak cut thistle can make, under the nose of the beak cut immortal Zuoweimen.

The current situation is a little unoptimistic for him, because Erinae is not afraid of him much, and Roche really sees that because of Roche’s sunrise affairs, he no longer has that kind of guilt for the difficult thistle.

After all, Xue Che Zhenji is also a woman, knowing that her man has illegitimate children outside, although it was before he met him, the other party did not know, but this matter itself exists, which cannot be denied…

Izuku really didn’t have that guilt, and Luo Che Erina’s problem was basically solved.

After all, for Xue Chexian Zuoweimen, the biggest problem is his daughter and granddaughter, and as for Xue Che Xian’s talent, he doesn’t care at all.

Not to mention that now the Xue Che family has one more Xue Che Chaoyang, growing at an extremely terrifying speed, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he will stand at the ceiling level of the special level.

So for Beak Cut Thistle, now Xue Che Xian Zuo Weimen can completely deal with it, it’s good that the other party doesn’t cause anything, if it causes any big problems, then the difficult Beak Che Xian Zuo Weimen will not give him any good looks…

Of course, now Guan Lin doesn’t care about this, after preparing what needs to be prepared, Guan Lin said goodbye to everyone, as for where he went, naturally no one knows.

Guan Lin did not change his clothes, just wore his own set, after all, although the world of the little boss is not very advanced, but the good villains have already docked with the world, so some clothes have long flowed into this land.

It’s just that the locals are a little resistant to these things.

This is also one of the common problems of chefs in the world of small masters.

It is normal that they have a hard time accepting new things, after all, there were no advanced and developed ideas in that era.

Just like tomatoes, when Liu Pingxing followed Chef He Di to see tomatoes in the vegetable market, Chef He Di would not buy them, because he felt that the people who used this ingredient were those foreign chefs.

And those foreign chefs look down on these chefs very much, so naturally they will not use each other’s ingredients.

This kind of thinking is slightly problematic, but in the context of the times, it is normal to have such thoughts, after all, not everyone is the same as Master Liu Pianxing and others

Most of them are still old guards represented by the pastry king Rogan, of course, they are also developing.

It’s not that they’re eating and waiting for death, they keep the old ways they don’t want those who look down on their ideas to come in, but they have always developed their own things, so it can only be said that they are semi-conservative and big…

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