When the police came, they saw a group of students helplessly comforting a crying aggrieved social big brother.

“What’s going on?”

The two policemen who came to adjust asked who was the policeman and asked.

“I just want to come in for a meal, why are you arresting me?”

“Call the police, what crime do you say I committed?”

“I am so wronged, you are many people, and you are too bullying!”

As soon as he saw the police coming, the bald brother wiped his tears and roared.


It occurred to everyone that these people had sneaked in to eat as if they had not broken the law.

Their calling the police can only be regarded as a conflict mediation and it is over.

This is embarrassing!

The police were speechless after learning about the situation.

“It’s not going to unravel yet.”

They suddenly remembered a police report that had been circulating in the police station before.

A student at Huada University lost love and jumped off a building and was persuaded by a roast goose.

At that time, the police station was wondering how delicious the food in the Huada canteen was, so that people could not jump and eat it.

This will happen again, which is very outrageous.

“Is your school cafeteria really so delicious?”

The police looked at the group of students and asked curiously.

Looking at the interested eyes of the two policemen, the students were stunned.

Subconsciously shook his head, “It’s not delicious, our canteen has nothing to eat!” ”

This swift denial of the appearance is more certain that the canteen must be delicious.

Otherwise, these students would not have organized a group to arrest these foreign school people, and also called the police to try to arrest them.

“Uncle Policeman, you don’t know that the fragrance of this canteen can drift far away every time you go to the hotel, and who in this neighborhood doesn’t know that the canteen inside Huada has a perfect taste!”

The bald big brother will also react, they did nothing, even if the police came, they could not tell them how, and did not cry.

Being called uncle by a tattooed big brother, and this person is still older than him at first glance, the police officers twitched at the corners of their eyes.

Why do you call Uncle when you see a policeman?

They’re also young okay!

After resolving the dispute, the two policemen returned to the bureau and told their colleagues about the incident.

“You don’t know? Now that BGI is already very popular in the country, it is that canteen, and all those who have eaten it have not said that it is not delicious, and they howl on the Internet every day, and they are eager to eat every day. ”

“Before, there was a person who went to BGI to eat a meal, and then he felt that everything he ate was unpalatable, lost ten pounds in a week, and finally ran to work in the library of BGI to eat in order to eat in the canteen every day.”

The two policemen were stunned to hear the news.

“Is it such an exaggeration?”

“You go online and search, and that’s not all!”

When such a thing happened, the leaders of the University of China also knew about this situation.

Everyone got together for a meeting, and there was no good way to discuss it for half a day.

In the end, I can only find Xu Ming to see if he has any good suggestions.


Xu Ming didn’t expect that these people had already fought so hard to eat, and they all came out to climb the wall.

This does affect the school if it is allowed in this way.

“If you don’t let the security guards keep a dog, and then when you see the outsiders, you will go up and pick up people, and then it is estimated that no one will dare to come?”

Xu Ming thought about it and could only rely on this means to suppress the outsiders.

They want to have a meal when they come in, which is really not good to deal with too strictly, otherwise it is not easy to deal with the image of the school.

People on campus are gathered against outsiders.

People outside the school realized the problem and gathered together to come up with ideas for each other to try their best to enter the University for dinner.

“We now identify several feasible roads, and if we climb the wall, there will be someone inside, and the success rate will increase a lot.”

“If you dress up as a student, the success rate of girls is very high, and if the boy’s words are too thin, it is best not to try, it is easy to be found.”

“There are also people who drive in, saying that there is something wrong with coming to the school, and it is quite easy to register, but the number of people cannot be too large, otherwise the security guards will check.”

“The most secure thing is to find acquaintances, or spend money on a position.”

“There are also impersonation students, we also have student materials that we have spent money to buy, as long as we are familiar with the memorization, we can pass the pass.”

Good fellow, have these people gotten to this point in order to have a meal?

If Xu Ming saw it, he would sigh a hard time, it was really not easy to do this in order to eat a meal.

Regarding the strategy of BGI, there have been many rumors on the Internet.

At this time, a tour group in Huaguo went to the top of a canteen of Huada.

Fame is so big, but also cheap, if he takes the group in for a walk, it is worth it and meaningful!

Their tour group is different from the general tour group, but it is a tour group that specially brings foreign friends to visit and play in China.

If you want to take these foreigners to see the top sports schools in China, it is still good to discuss with the leaders.

So this tour group really found the leaders of BGI to discuss.

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