Bat Thief:"!!!"

His body was like a statue, standing there woodenly, his mind was blank, he could hardly hear any sound, and his body was trembling slightly.

His whole scalp was tingling!

What's going on?! What on earth did he hear?! What

Xiao Ma said just now was exactly the same as what Lao Qiang said?

Did he really betray himself?

The most important thing is that he didn't feel guilty at all, but felt very happy instead.

I must have heard it!

Yes, yes, there must be something wrong?

I don't know how long he was stunned before the Bat Thief finally reacted. He pushed Lao Qiang away, clenched his fist and said,"Did you really betray me?"

"Is there a problem? Boss!"

Patting his chest, Lao Qiang said:"I have figured it out now. The boss is there to be betrayed. If he doesn't betray you at the critical moment, then why should I recognize you as the boss?"

"When you're out there, you can't talk about loyalty, you should talk about interests!"

"If I sell you to the police, I can get two more years in prison!"

"From now on, I can eat the meals cooked by Chef Xiao Jiang every day, which is much more interesting than working outside."

The Bat Thief took a deep breath.

What on earth is wrong with this world?!

Oh my god! I have doubted everyone except you, but you betrayed me, and you did it with all your might. It's fine that you worked diligently and conscientiously.

The most important thing is that you are still proud of it after betraying me, and think you have done something quite remarkable?

"You bastard!"

The Bat Thief clenched his fist and was about to punch him on the head, but Xiao Ma quickly stepped forward and subdued him.

"What are you doing?"

He said seriously,"Wang Fugui, I hope you can pay attention to your actions!"

"If you dare to do the same thing again, don't blame us for being rude to you?!"

He was panting, his eyes were red, his nails were almost embedded in his flesh and blood, like a leopard, staring at Lao Qiang viciously, as if he wanted to tear him into pieces.

The look in his eyes made Lao Qiang shudder, and the latter felt quite guilty.

He touched his head, smiled awkwardly and said,"Boss, if there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

"Actually, I'm doing this for your own good. Think about it, you've stolen so many things, and sooner or later you'll get caught. If you walk by the river, you'll get your shoes wet."

"You are not locked up now, and you have to think about those things every day. I will send you in now."

"You don't have to be afraid anymore, you can sleep well at night. Look at how well I have done.……"

"Get out of here!!!"

Now Wang Fugui wanted to bite Lao Qiang to death.

"Then I'll go first."

Lao Qiang said with a smile:"Officer, can I go to Prison No. 2 tonight?"

"The food in our prison is really unbearable."

"No problem."

Xiao Ma replied:"I'll tell our captain when he comes back later."

""Okay, thank you, officer. Thank you, officer."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lao Qiang left the room.

The Bat Thief, who was sitting on the chair, was now in a mess.

He felt that being arrested was nothing?! What really made him incomprehensible and extremely angry was that he was arrested because the person he trusted the most betrayed him. It was even more outrageous...

He betrayed himself so that he could continue to be in prison.

He had seen people addicted to smoking and drinking, but this was the first time he had seen... a person who became addicted after being in prison.

Really, this world is too crazy!

No matter what, he, the Bat Thief, is also a big shot in the underworld!

He He had imagined many ways of ending before. Maybe in the end, some powerful and awesome top detective would come out and catch him directly, and put him in jail in a very embarrassing situation.

Or maybe, he was getting old and suddenly felt that being invincible was too boring, so he chose to surrender.

He just didn't think that he didn't lose to the police, but to a prison chef!

Oh my God, I just can't accept it!

Xiao Ma didn't have time to pay attention to the Bat Thief's current mood. He continued to ask,"Just now, two of my colleagues called and said that they didn't find the dirty things in your house.'"

"Tell me quickly, where did you hide the thing?"

The Bat Thief spat and said,"I don't know?"

"I advise you to cooperate with us."

Xiao Ma said seriously:"Don't waste our time here!"

"You don't understand what I'm saying, do you?"

The Bat Thief's temperament changed drastically now, and he showed no sign of wanting to cooperate at all. Lao Qiang's words just now had caused him too much stimulation.

He spat and cursed:"I'm telling you, I don't know, I just don't know?!"

"If you have the guts, hit me now? I won't say anything even if you hit me. Besides, if I remember correctly, you have a clear rule that you can't force a confession by beating, right?"

"If you touch me now, I will have the right to ask the higher authorities to file a lawsuit against you. You are infringing on my rights!"

"I told you that I hid that batch of stuff in a very secret place. You will never find it."

"You want me to speak, no way?!"

"I tell you, I didn’t lose to you bunch of stinky policemen, you are just a bunch of trash, useless garbage!"

"If it wasn't for that bastard Lao Qiang who betrayed me, you would never have caught me in your life."

Xiao Ma slammed the table with his hand, pointed at his nose and cursed:"I hope you can be nicer, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you?"

"Why do you want to beat me up?"

The Bat Thief raised his head and said,"Come on, come here, if you have the guts, beat me up today."

"Otherwise, if you want me to tell you where the things are hidden, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Do you really think I'm an idiot?"

"Even if I am really locked up, I will still disgust you guys!"

The Bat Thief's attitude changed a lot before and after, which made Xiao Ma feel a little at a loss.

But think about it, seeing his best brother betray him, the Bat Thief must be unhappy.

"I can give you some time to think about it carefully."

Xiao Ma said calmly:"I hope you can think it over clearly within two days. Even if we don't find the dirty stuff, we can still convict you."

"Of course I know that."

He leaned back in his chair and said,"But what can I do about it?"

"Is it a great thing that you can convict me?"

"Even if you really convict me, you will never be able to find that batch of stuff."

"What an idiot!"

Xiao Ma couldn't help but clench his fist and stood up suddenly, ready to hit him in the face, but he held back at the last moment.

There were surveillance cameras in the interrogation room, and their every move was clearly recorded.

"How about it? Don't you dare to fight? Come on, come on, fight quickly?"

"I tell you, even if you beat me to death today, I will never tell anyone, not to mention that I don't believe you really dare to hit me!"

Xiao Ma threw the transcript on the table and rushed out of the interrogation room angrily.

The Bat Thief's face was cold and his fists were clenched tightly!

What if he was caught? As long as he didn't tell where the dirty things were, no one could catch him.


In the kitchen

"Old classmate!"

Jiang Xue rushed into the kitchen with a smile on her face, opened her arms tightly, and rushed towards Jiang Chen. Seeing this, the latter stretched out his right index finger and pointed at her forehead.

"What are you doing? Men and women should not touch each other!"

Jiang Xue said happily:"You are really my idol!"

"I admire you so much! I'm sorry, I was so happy just now that I couldn't control myself. Please don't mind it!"

Jiang Chen was puzzled by the other party's behavior.

He couldn't help but ask,"Why are you coming over to praise me for no reason?"

"Why do I feel something is strange? What happened?"

Jiang Xue replied:"We thought you were amazing for helping us solve a case last time."

"But we didn't expect that in just a few days, he helped us solve a second major case and allowed us to catch the legendary bat thief!"

"Do you know how many police officers there were who didn’t even stand a chance of catching him?"

"I tell you, if this matter is reported by reporters, you will become famous!"

"You are a chef in prison, but you are better at solving cases than our professional criminal police!"

Jiang Chen was particularly confused now.

She listened to Jiang Xue's exaggerated words, praising him to the point of losing his mind, but she didn't give any specific reasons.

He couldn't understand it! What on earth did Jiang Xue want to say?!

How did he help solve the case?

Last time, he did cook two dishes to seduce Wu Qiang, and finally revealed his accomplices.

But this time... he didn't seem to have done anything, right?

"Don't you understand yet?"

Jiang Xue said quickly:"I told you that the Bat Thief was caught. Not long ago, all members of our team took action and caught him!"

"Do you know why he was arrested?"

"I don't know."

Then Jiang Xue told Jiang Chen the whole story in front of him. When he finished listening, he was stunned for a while.

This is really a blessing in disguise!

Jiang Chen has been working as a chef in the police station for more than half a month. By chance, he helped them solve two cases in a row.

Each case is more difficult than the other!

Each case has a greater impact than the other. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The most important thing is that it is all indirect and related to his cooking skills!

But if you think about it carefully, it is true. Compared with eating coarse food in prison, any normal person would know how to choose a good meal.

"I'm telling you, old classmate, if we report this case, you'll become famous, and a lot of people will probably know about it."

"You are amazing!"

"You are simply my god!"

Jiang Chen held his forehead and said,"It's not as exaggerated as you said. This is also considered luck."

"Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's make braised pork elbow tonight to reward you. After all, you have solved another big case."

Jiang Xue said quickly:"I still say that, don't give us the credit. You are the main person in these two cases."

"I tell you, if there are more reporters coming to interview us, we will definitely put you on the front page!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said nothing.

He turned and went to the kitchen and started to get busy again, preparing to make the new dish he unlocked in the system, the braised pork elbow.

When they were working outside during the day, Jiang Chen was not idle either, and went out to buy pork elbows.

After washing the pot, he first put the pork elbows in water, then added scallions, ginger slices, and cooking wine. He did not need to cover the pot, and just lit a high fire.

Jiang Chen prepared more than ten pork elbows, one for each person, and there were extra ones, so if other people wanted to come over to eat later, they would not have to worry about not having enough. There was nothing else to do now, so Jiang Xue stayed in the kitchen, ready to accompany Jiang Jiang Chen said to her,"I like to cook with him.

It's not only quiet, but also very comfortable.

Looking at Jiang Chen's back, Jiang Xue couldn't help but secretly sigh, why is there such a perfect man in the world?

He is handsome, can cook, has a good figure, and has a nice voice.

The most important thing is... he also helped them a lot.

Jiang Chen has no time to take care of other things now. He is fully focused and puts all his energy into the pot.

You have to concentrate on cooking!

After about half an hour, the elbow is almost cooked, and Jiang Chen takes it out and puts it aside for later use.

Then pour���Soy sauce, spread evenly, after this step, heat a small amount of oil in the pot, and then put the elbow in and fry it until both sides are golden yellow.

Then wash the pot, add water, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, red pepper, green onion, ginger slices, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper, rock sugar, and white wine.

These things are very important and indispensable.

Then put the fried elbow in the pot and stew for about 40 minutes, then you can eat it!

Jiang Xue, who was standing next to Jiang Chen, stared blankly at the pressure cooker in front of her, her eyes did not blink, her abdomen churned again, and her mouth kept secreting saliva.

Although the elbow was just put into the pressure cooker, a faint aroma could be smelled, not particularly strong, but fragrant and long-lasting.

When a person is in a good mood, his appetite will also improve.

After solving a big case today, it is estimated that their criminal team 3 will become more famous. Everyone is following Jiang Chen's light.

Not only can she eat the delicious meals he cooked every day, but also, Jiang Chen solved two cases.


Jiang Xue didn't know how to describe it. (Li's)

After about thirty minutes, the pressure cooker kept emitting hot air, and the strong aroma filled the kitchen.

Jiang Xue, who was already a little disgusted, became even more greedy.

She opened her bright eyes and stared at the pressure cooker blankly for a long time without moving away. She couldn't help but move closer. After a while, she closed her eyes and breathed greedily. She tried hard to capture the smell of the elbow in the air!

I want to eat it so much!

Can't bear it anymore?!

"It will only take a few minutes. Call your team."

"No problem."

Jiang Xue agreed immediately. He took out his cell phone and dialed Captain Wang's number without saying anything. After a few simple words, he hung up.

About two minutes later, all three groups rushed in. They smelled the aroma of the elbow and drooled.

They looked at the pressure cooker with expectation, as if it was the most precious treasure in the world!

Everyone was very happy!

However, Jiang Chen found that Xiao Ma looked a little sad, as if he was in a heavy mood.

""What's going on?"

He asked curiously,"Now that the case has been solved, why do I feel that you are still unhappy?"

Xiao Ma sighed, and with a wry smile on his face, he said,"We just caught the Bat Thief, but that guy is even more arrogant and stubborn than Wu Qiang, and he even maliciously provoked us!"

"Not only did he refuse to confess, but he also went against us!"

"This bastard is too much. I almost couldn't help but beat him up today."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly when he heard this.

"I thought it was a big deal."

Jiang Chen smiled and said,"Let's eat first. I'll come to help you after dinner. I will make him confess within an hour."

Everyone was stunned. They looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

"What is the method?"

Jiang Chen said mysteriously:"Keep it a secret, eat first. Don't worry, it's not a repeat of the old trick. It's different from the method of making Wu Qiang confess, but the effect is faster! Only one dish is needed!".

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