All the members of the Criminal Division 3, including Luo Yong, each carried a large plate and ate enthusiastically at the table, looking very happy.

Each of them had three dishes, namely boiled pork slices, fried potato slices, and stir-fried cabbage. They were obviously just the most homely and simple dishes, but they looked very delicious. They ate with relish and didn't notice the arrival of the two people at all.

Even Guo Mengmeng, who looked quiet, showed an intoxicated look on her beautiful face while eating.

The boiled pork slices were spicy and fresh, the fried potatoes were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the stir-fried cabbage was crispy and refreshing. For them, each dish seemed to be the ultimate enjoyment.

The photographer swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but point the camera at those delicacies. He couldn't help but come to the boiled pork slices.

The meat slices floated on the red soup base, and the green celery and white bean sprouts were intertwined with the red peppers. The strong aroma came to his face, making his abdomen surge, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

It smells so good, so good!

How can there be such a delicious dish?!

The photographer couldn't help himself, and finally put the camera next to the table, and also got a big bowl of rice, a bowl of boiled pork slices, and sat next to it to eat.

When he touched the boiled pork slices, he felt that his soul was sublimated. It was numbing, spicy, and most importantly, full of freshness. The meat was very tender, but also very chewy. The aroma of the vegetables had been completely integrated into the meat.

Just one bite made people feel particularly appetizing.

Then came another piece of potato slices. Jiang Chen had a very good control of the heat. The outermost layer of the skin had been completely fried golden and crispy. A light bite was a crunchy texture. The aroma of the potato instantly filled the mouth, but the inside of the potato was mellow and soft, with a long aftertaste, forming a sharp contrast with the crispy outside. It was truly crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

It was awesome!

Tian Bingbing finally understood why the police officers in the police station had completely lost interest in the interview and only wanted to come here to eat. If she thought about it carefully, if she had tasted such delicious food, it would be difficult for her to forget it for a while, and she would always want to try it.

However... although the food tastes great, can anyone tell her what it has to do with solving the case?!

Why does everyone say that Jiang Chen is the number one hero this time?

Without his help, it would be impossible to get the truth out of him?


I still have to ask after we finish eating!

After about half an hour, Tian Bingbing put down her bowl and chopsticks, smiled a little embarrassedly, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and her eyes fell on Jiang Chen who was reading a book next to her.

He is so handsome! With such a handsome face, he can even be a star.

"How about it, reporter?"

Luo Yong said with a smile:"Now you finally know that we didn’t lie to you before, right?"

"Isn’t our chef Xiao Jiang’s cooking skill truly unique?"

"Captain Luo."

Tian Bingbing stood up, showing her signature professional smile again and asked,"I was blind before, Chef Xiao Jiang's cooking skills are really amazing."

"I have traveled a lot for many years, but I have never eaten anything so delicious. However, I have a question that I don't understand?"

"What's the problem?"

Tian Bingbing asked,"Didn't you say before that the reason why we were able to solve the case this time was largely due to Chef Xiao Jiang's contribution?"

"That's true."

He nodded and asked,"What's the problem?"

Tian Bingbing continued,"But he's just a cook, what does he have to do with solving the case?"

"You don't understand this, do you?"

Captain Wang stepped forward and described the whole process of their interrogation in vivid detail in front of Tian Bingbing.

The more Tian Bingbing heard, the more horrified she felt.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

This method is really cruel.

It doesn't look like torture, but it is actually more cruel than torture.

Isn't it torturing people to death?

Starving for a day or two, and then putting Jiang Chen's food in front of him, who can only look but not eat. Just thinking about such torture makes people shudder.

Too cruel, too brutal.

Are they still policemen?

This is no different from abusing lynching.

But... why does Tian Bingbing still think it sounds interesting.

Think about it carefully, what kind of morality is needed to deal with such a prisoner?

As long as you can get words out of him, you can do anything?

"Then can we interview Chef Xiao Jiang next?"

Now Tian Bingbing has a strong curiosity about Jiang Chen. What kind of magical chef is he?

With such high skills, he came to the prison to be a chef.

He also helped solve a big case.

It's really legendary!

"You can't ask me this, you have to ask Chef Jiang!"

Captain Luo had just finished speaking when his cell phone rang. After he answered it, the director's voice came from the other end.

"Lao Luo."

Director Xie Feng said:"Hurry up and ask the people from the third criminal group to come to the office. I have something important to tell them." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Got it, I'll be there right away!"

Xie Feng's tone on the other end of the phone was quite urgent, which showed that something important must have happened. Luo Yong did not delay here. He looked at the members of Group 3 and said,"Brothers, you all heard what the director said just now, let's go quickly!"


Then they all left the room.

Tian Bingbing and the photographer then interviewed Jiang Chen for half an hour.


Director's Office.

Looking at the latest information, Xie Feng's expression was particularly solemn. The information on it made him feel creepy and unbelievable.

No matter what, Xie Feng never thought that two major cases would happen in their city recently!

The nature of these two major cases is worse each time.

Not long ago, their Public Security Bureau just solved the case of stolen cultural relics, but now a more difficult case has emerged.

What a trouble!

After a while, the door outside was pushed open, and Luo Yong walked into the office with Lao Wang and others.

"Director, what's the matter?"

Xie Feng's face was gloomy. He didn't say anything, but pointed at the documents on the table. Luo Yong went forward and took a quick look. He was also pale.

This... is it not true?!

The public security in their city was quite good before, what's going on recently?!

Why do some cases that give them a headache always appear?

"Captain, can you let me see it?"

Seeing the strange behavior of the two people just now, Lao Wang was very curious and walked forward involuntarily and took the document.

When he finished reading it, his behavior was exactly the same as theirs, even worse than theirs.

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