Even though he took hundreds of thousands from Jiang Xue, when Smith saw Jiang Chen again, his eyes were more or less full of contempt.

He really didn't mean it!

It's just that Jiang Chen's sudden appearance just now really shocked him. It's no exaggeration to say that it reached an unparalleled level.

It was completely beyond his expectations!

He stared at Jiang Chen intently and touched his head with his hand.

"I'm very curious now!"


Smith nodded and replied,"Yes, I want to know what he has done to make so many of us obey his orders."

"I hope I can compete with him openly to see whose meal is more delicious."

Smith thought that he was the only one who had this idea, but he didn't know that the moment he put forward his proposal, he was agreed by many people.

"I think so too!"

"You’re right, we should compete with him openly!"

"That makes sense, we should have a good competition!"

Seeing that everyone's attitude was so firm, Jiang Chen showed a bitter smile.

What a group of ignorant guys!

He said gently:"Everyone, do you really want to challenge my cooking skills?"

If it was a challenge for something else, Jiang Chen might still doubt whether he could be his opponent.

But in a cooking competition, even if they united, they might not be his opponent.

Smith took the initiative to step forward and said:"Sir, please don't misunderstand that we have absolutely no ill will towards you."

Seeing that the other party was so serious, using a very serious tone, and emphasizing this incident in front of him, the smile on Jiang Chen's face became more gentle.

He leaned back in his chair calmly and said:"Then you continue?"

"We just don't understand why you are appreciated by this lady when you are just a prison cook."

"You even spent a huge amount of money to get so many of us to listen to your arrangements!"

"To be honest, we really don't understand!"

Feeling the anger and injustice in the other party's words, Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"So, tell me, how do we compete?"

Smith was a little worried that Jiang Chen would reject their request. After all, the other party's level and methods might not be comparable to his.

Seeing that he agreed so readily, Smith was relieved.

"No problem."

He smiled and said to Jiang Chen:"Now listen carefully, the most abundant ingredient here is potatoes."

"I hope you can cook with us using potatoes now, and whoever cooks better will win?"

""All of you, come together!"

Jiang Chen spoke calmly, as if to him, this was just an ordinary and simple decision.

But the moment he said that, everyone was stunned.

They all looked at Jiang Chen in shock, not daring to believe what they just heard? They even wondered if there was something wrong with their ears? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Is he kidding?

Is what he said true?

"Are you sure you are not joking?"

Jiang Chen said,"Of course I am not joking. Everything I said is true."

"You can each cook a dish, and if any of your dishes tastes better than mine, I lose."[]

"I can give you a lot of money then."

Jiang Chen probably has tens of millions of savings now. Some of that money is from his own extra money, and some is from Jiang Xue.

Anyway, no matter who gave it to him, it doesn't matter to Jiang Chen.

After hearing what Jiang Chen said, everyone was stunned for a while, a little at a loss.

".All right then."

Smith said,"Sir, you said it all yourself. We didn't force you to say it."

"If you insist on doing this, we will not show mercy to you next time."

"I welcome it very much."

He nodded in front of everyone and said nothing more.

Jiang Xue, who was standing by, hesitated for a moment, with obvious worry in her eyes.

"Are you being too reckless?"

She (Manuo) didn't look down on Jiang Chen, she just thought that this method was a bit risky!


He said nonchalantly,"They took the initiative to challenge me, not me deliberately offending them."

"Do you think the fault lies with me?"

Faced with the question Jiang Chen just asked, Jiang Xue didn't know how to answer for a moment.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that what he just said was indeed the case.

"No... that's not what I meant?"

"That's it."

He said calmly:"Anyway, I don't think I did anything wrong."


They are the ones who are going to take the initiative to launch the challenge!".

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