Food Hunter

Chapter 90: The crisis is approaching

   Under the night, malice is entangled with murderous intent.

   On the mountain road, the gang members who got off the bus were mixed. The plan made was very simple, and that was to attack the main entrance.

   There are a lot of people in this team, but there is no concept of cooperation between them.

   The mansion monitoring room, located in the center of the house, controls the security equipment around the house, including night vision cameras set up in many places around the house.

   The images transmitted back through the camera and the real-time reports of the subordinates give a rough idea of ​​the enemy's location and determine the enemy's plan.

   The number of people cannot be determined, but no less than 500 people.

   The large screen in the monitoring room is divided into 27 screens, monitoring the movement around the house in real time.

   Kenda stood in front of the screen, through the headset, coldly ordered: "Hands."

   Outside, following Kenda's command, a gunshot pierced the silence in the night.

   At the same time as the gun sounded, a bullet wrapped in high temperature shot out from a certain place on the height of the building, crossed the three lines of defense, and hit the unlucky one standing in the front of the enemy team.

   The bullet hit the head, and the hapless skull was directly lifted by the powerful impact, flying a distance of two or three meters toward the rear.

   "There is a sniper, go straight!"

   After a short silence, someone roared.

   At this time, another gunshot sounded in the distant night, and one of the members of the crowd exploded a blood flower on his chest and fell to his death.

   Almost in the next second, the vanguard team of close to two hundred people launched a charge against the peripheral barriers.

"Da da da…!"

   Intensive gunfire resounded throughout the hill, and the two sides officially fought.

   Within a few minutes, dozens of people fell on both sides.

   on the top of the mountain.

   The invisible woman silently watched the dense gunshots and the faint flames that flickered from below.

   was silent for a while, and the woman jumped down the **** and headed towards the house in the distance.

   She doesn't want to participate in this fight, but she is very interested in the relevant information of G1. It is best to get the information without blood.

   There is no other reason why I am so interested in the drug G1.

  Because she is a virus hunter.

   On the other side of the mountain, a group of five people are all holding night vision telescopes watching the exchange of fire.

   "It's starting." Among the five, a middle-aged man with a small head in a dark shirt said in a deep voice.

   "Boss, when are we going to do it?" A yellow-haired young man chewing gum asked next to him.

   The middle-aged man did not put down his binoculars, and while watching, he replied: "No hurry, the boss's order is to wait for someone to break into the house, and then do it again."


   The bubble blown by the yellow-haired young man suddenly burst. He opened his mouth and sucked the gum on his mouth into his mouth. He glanced at the green box near his feet and said with a smile: "I can't wait."

   "Huang Mao, don't be lazy when the time comes. Our trip is not to kill people, but to record information." The Scar Man sitting on a green box said casually.

   Huang Mao rubbed his hair, curled his lips and said, "Isn't it going to be cleared in the end, sooner or later."

   "Then don't mess around." Scar man warned.

   "Hey, I know." Huang Mao lazily said.

   Laxiang City, the top floor of a nine-star hotel.

   A young man sat on the sofa and looked at the picture displayed on the front screen. It was the night scene that the five men saw.

   Next to the sofa, a middle-aged man stood silently.

   "Get G2 and swallow it again, I think the old man will be very happy." The young man embraced his arms and smiled.


   After this gun battle started for profit, some people kept falling down every second.

  Although there are snipers on the Kenda side to suppress, the number of enemies has an absolute advantage. It takes less than ten minutes to kill the people of the first line of defense.

   In just ten minutes, there were a hundred more corpses on the ground.

   When the gang members rushed across the first line of defense, Kenda detonated the bomb that had been planted in advance.


   The sudden explosion directly killed 30 or 40 gang members, leaving their limbs on the ground.

   The remaining hundred or so gang members did not stop, and continued to go deep, attacking the second line of defense.

  Everyone is desperado. I don’t know what fear is. Each person has a gun and kills the enemy without hesitation.

It took only ten minutes for the first line of defense to be breached, and the second line of defense was also breached in less than ten minutes, but the number of gangsters dropped sharply to about forty, and Kenda, who was stationed on the last line of defense, But there are more than a hundred people.

   Countless bullets converged back and forth with the sound of gunfire. With the help of a stronger bunker, the people on the Kenda side stubbornly resisted the enemy's offensive.

  The first team had difficulty attacking for a while. At this time, the rest of the gang members who formed an encirclement to the house immediately narrowed their scope and began to invade the house.

  The gap in the number of the two sides is becoming more and more obvious. There are still more than 400 gangsters, while the Kenda side only has less than a hundred people left.

   Although I did not visit the scene in person, I can still feel the oppressive feeling through the monitoring screen.

   If all the remaining personnel fall, then everything is over.

   "It's only thirty minutes..."

   Kenda looked at the monitoring screen and gritted his teeth.

The time limit    Luo gave was two hours, that is, another one and a half hours. With the current situation, the use of buildings can barely withstand an attack of about one hour.

   "It may be too late, **** it."

   Kenda glanced at the scene in the surveillance screen. Hundreds of enemies were crossing the fence, easily shot and killed the guard dog, and approached the house.

   "Return to the house to defend."

   Kenda issued an order to the remaining people, and then let the subordinates in the monitoring room connect Luo's communication line.

   "Luo, there are more than 400 people left on the other side. We can only defend for another hour at most. In the worst case, we will be breached in less than half an hour." Kenda said immediately after the connection was made.

Luo, who was digesting his breath in the room, heard the sound coming from the earphones, opened his eyes suddenly, looked calm, and replied: "Try to hold on, my position is not far from you, if it is impossible, I will withdraw the rest of the people. Stay outside the surveillance room."

   "Okay," Kenda replied.

   After cutting off the communication, Luo checked the time and only four hours were left...If you concentrate on digesting it, it should take less than half an hour to unblock it.

   "More than four hundred people..."

   Luo's eyes condensed, and the gunfire from outside the house never stopped.

   The remaining people on the Kenda side retreated to the house, and after the obstacles arranged in advance, they attacked the approaching enemy.

   A bird’s eye view from above, the lonely house is surrounded by a crowd of more than 400 people.

   There are no obstacles around the house. Even if the number of people is dominant, it will cost a lot to force it in.

   The tentative offense of the gangsters was directly hit back Then they moved out of the rocket launcher, a total of three.

   Seeing this scene through the surveillance screen, Kenda's eyes narrowed and anxiously shouted: "Sniper, knock out the bazooka opposite."

   His order was given to the sniper on the house, but it was late.

   More than thirty minutes have passed since the start of the war. The two snipers lurking on the top of the house killed many gang members during this time, but their position was also exposed.

   After the enemy moved out of the rocket launcher, the first target was the sniper on the top of the house.

   The three-shot rocket flew to the top of the house with a dazzling tail flame, immediately causing a strong explosion.

   The whole house shook suddenly, the roof collapsed and fell, not only crushing several people who could not dodge, but also affecting the surrounding buildings.

   The two snipers were directly buried in the explosion, and Kenda and the rest of the people who saw this scene changed their faces.

   could easily guard against obstacles in the house, but when the opponent took out the rocket launcher, the situation immediately fell to one side.

   "The rocket launcher doesn't have eyes. It's useless for you to hide in the house. If you don't want to die in vain, you can throw away your weapons and surrender. I promise not to kill you."

   When the bazooka stood up, among the enemies, a man dressed in black held up a megaphone and shouted.

   Their purpose is very clear, that is to use the deterrent power of the rocket launcher to make the people of Kenda give up resistance, and then reduce casualties.

   In the room, Luo opened his eyes again and heard the explosion and the sound coming through the loudspeaker.


   He jumped out of bed. Although the time to unblock has not yet arrived, it is not suitable for sinking his heart to digest his energy.

   It is also feasible to use exercises while acting, but the efficiency is relatively low.


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