Food Hunter

Chapter 186: We are all special

The source and existence of the unknown creature are unknown, so he is called a black cat.

Apart from this phantom world, it is most likely the result of the white smoke font and Staki's thoughts. The black cat in front of him is the problem.

Luo can feel that there is an invisible thin line connecting him and the black cat, and the black cat pops out of the book, that is, the existence of the black cat is related to the ability to think.

However, Luo knew nothing about it.

Why is there a weird black cat, why the black cat's eyes look very human, why the black cat looks like he wants to eat him.

The black cat's silver eyes showed a unique color in the black and white world. He was smiling, but Luo didn't see it because of the color of the fur and the small mouth.

Staki was about to move not far away but didn't do anything. She was expressionless, her small mouth was lightly open, like a devil, coming and going just chanting "unforgivable".

As a member who is also in the world of illusion, Luo's head is a little confused, mainly because this cat has something to do with his mind ability.

When Luo was puzzled, the black cat might have finished thinking, and suddenly moved, pounced on Luo like lightning, opened his small mouth, and took a bite on Luo's body.

The speed was too fast. When Luo reacted, the black cat had already spoken and retracted.

Luo was stunned, he was not injured, because what the black cat bit was not his flesh, but qi.

"The taste is okay."

The black cat's cheeks stirred, as if chewing on something delicious.

He spoke clearly when he gave the evaluation, and the voice sounded like a silver bell, but with a hint of sharpness and tenderness.

That bite bit out one-tenth of Luo's breath, and he was still talking.

No matter whether the black cat is related to him or not, Luo suppressed the surprise in his heart. Inconveniently, he slashed with a knife and slashed the black cat's neck.


A small mark appeared on the black cat's neck, which returned to its original shape in an instant.

"It's useless."

The black cat raised his head slightly, and swallowed his breath with a grunt. The next second, he rushed over again, his movements were familiar and swift. After taking a bite, he shrank back, and chewed up to the breath of his mouth as if there was no one beside him and chewed very calmly.

That bite made Luo's breath a part of it. If this goes on, if the black cat takes ten bites, he will definitely be finished.

"No matter what method you use, it won't hurt me."

The black cat levitated in mid-air, squinting his eyes, holding his head in his hands, leaning his upper body backwards, with Erlang's legs tilted.

Seeing the black cat chewing his anger while posing such a beating posture, Luo's face became slightly difficult to look.

The knife he had just cut was indeed done, but the black cat recovered in a blink of an eye, just like Staki's humanoid mind beast.

At this time, he thought of the ability of the white smoke font in his body, maybe it could be used to deal with the black cat that appeared inexplicably.

"I've passed, no matter what method is useless, including your peculiar ability."

The black cat shook Erlang's legs, swallowed his breath leisurely, and then squinted at Luo.

That strange ability...?

Does this cat refer to the white smoke font?

Luo took a step back in shock, that was his biggest secret.

He looked at the black cat and asked: "Are you...?"

The black cat thought for a while and replied: "If you want to find a suitable method in your cognition to describe my identity, that is... Nian Beast."

"What a joke!"

Luo raised the knife and pointed at the black cat, and said angrily: "Where can Nian Beast feed on the summoner's qi?"

The appearance of the beast can be human, it can be an animal, or even a monster or a creature that does not exist in reality.

According to the different abilities of the summoner, the Nian Beast can also speak, has an independent soul, has a certain amount of intelligence to make judgments, or possesses other special abilities.

So, whether there will be a Mind Beast that actively eats the breath of the summoner is not something Luo can judge.

"What is the basis for you to be so sure?"

The black cat leaned forward, grinning in the shape of an anchor, and when he spoke, he leaped towards Luo again.

This time, Luo swung the knife again before the black cat lowered his mouth. However, there was a clear touch on the blade of the knife to cut off the object, but the black cat was fine, and took another breath.

"Who told you? Have you seen it? Do you know the beast? Can your knowledge support your method?" The black cat squinted at him, chewing the air in his mouth.

Luo was silent, he had already planned to use the white smoke font ability to try to see if he could solve this evildoer.

The black cat swallowed his breath, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, and said seriously: "Actually, I don't know, and it doesn't matter at all, because I am not a Nian Beast. I just explain it as a Nian Beast, so you can understand it quickly. "

At this moment, the silent Luo suddenly took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand to jam the black cat's neck.

"Didn't I pass it? It's useless." The neck was stuck, and the black cat had a calm expression. He even raised his paw to grab Luo's vigorous arm, grabbing a mass of vigor into his mouth. Stuffed.

It looked like he was eating, and then someone suddenly put a knife around his neck, but he continued to eat without changing his face. There was a sense that eating was more important than the threat of death.

Luo had no words, but activated the white smoke font ability, without any response. Then, he urged his breath to squeeze the black cat’s neck with a palm, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t further compress the black cat’s neck. .

As if there was a protective cover preventing him from doing this.

Why is this, what is this guy?

"You seem surprised, to be honest, I feel surprised myself."

The amount of chewing gas and the jammed neck did not affect the black cat's speech.

He looked at Luo, the color of thinking appeared in his silver eyes, and the next second, he returned to calm.

"I am special."

The black cat muttered to himself, then lifted his palm with only three paws, pointed at Luo with the middle paw, and said lightly: "You are also special. Since we are all special, there is no need to make a fuss, honestly. It's over if I eat my anger."

The middle paw is the index finger to the black cat, not the middle finger.

What he said was very inexplicable, but Luo at least understood one meaning, that is, the black cat wants to eat his anger.

There is too little information, and half of the energy in the body has been eaten by the black cat. This is a very dangerous situation, but Luo has become more calm.

Although he couldn't hurt the black cat, he didn't let go of the black cat, keeping his neck stuck, and said coldly, "What the **** are you?"

The guy who jumped out of his own thoughts seemed to know the ability of his white-smoke fonts, and he had to eat his anger. This phenomenon was incredible and unacceptable.

"Your mind beast."

The black cat's mouth smiled like a boat, and it was clear that he was not a beast, but he still used this explanation.

Luo's eyes were cold, he had no choice but to take the bastard, and he had many doubts.

The black cat looked at Luo, as if he could see Luo's doubts.

"Since Nian Beast's law cannot be accepted by you, then I will change to another method, such as... the Dark Continent."

"Why do you want to eat your qi? Actually, my tastes are very and I am not only interested in qi."

"Simply, I'm here to trouble you."

"But you don't have to be afraid, because if you die, I will be very troubled."

The black cat said to himself like this, actually answering the doubts from Luo's heart.

At this point, he turned his head to look at Staki who kept muttering in a low voice, and said lightly: "Half of the breath is enough. As for this trouble, let's help you solve it."

As soon as the voice fell, the black and white world collapsed without warning...


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