Food Hunter

Chapter 173: Mr. Mighty

   From the beginning, Uncle Li invited ordinary people who didn't know how to read into the team, because he had his own abacus.

   On the one hand, the number of people is easy to handle, and on the other hand, there are unknown dangers hidden in the tomb. You can use the less important people in the team as pathfinders. Just like just now, the ordinary players who didn't look far were killed instantly.

   Ten living lives just disappeared. Uncle Li and the others didn’t even have a trace of psychology. At this time, seeing the swarms of human-face insects flying in, they were even more calm.

   "This worm is very poisonous, don't let them get close!"

   Uncle Li came to this conclusion based on the death method of the team members just now, and while reminding him, he sent out weakly fluctuating bullets to attack the flying insect swarm.

   The mind bomb hit the insect swarm, and instantly shot down the few flying in the front. With a light pop, the insect's body exploded, and the body fluid splashed on the ground and walls, leaving a pool of green fluorescent traces.

   The number of bugs that emerged from the Ye Mingzhu is less than a hundred. At this time, the reduction of a few of them will not damage the formation.

   Without Uncle Li's reminder, other people used Nian Bombs as a long-range attack method to bombard the flying insects, only to see the luminous body fluid splashing around in the corridor.

   Those with mental abilities who do not belong to the release system also condense their energy into mental bullets, but because the systems do not match, the power of the mental bullets will be reduced, and it will not even be able to form lethality in the battle between people with mental abilities.

   However, at this time, it is the best time to use it on human face poisonous insects.

Of the ten people with the ability to read, two of the skills did not reach home and could only watch awkwardly from the sidelines. Another person did not move, and that was Bi Siji. She pretended to be scared, and was scribbling wildly. water.

Luo also launched an offensive against the bugs with ordinary mind bombs. Unlike other people's crude methods that were quite a waste of energy, he compressed the volume of the mind bombs to the size of a marble, and while his fingers bounced, each mind bomb accurately hit one by one. Only bugs.

   Human Face Poisonous Worm's defense power is not very good, and he can't perceive the existence of Qi, and he didn't even have to dodge. It was bombarded by more than half of it in just a few breaths, causing the tunnel to be splashed with glowing body fluids.

   While paddling, Bi Siji silently observed the seven who attacked the Swarm with Nian Bombs.

Except for Luo, the other six people, including the hidden strength Astro Boy’s release method, are too rough. Obviously only 10 points of damage can be used to kill a bug, but 100 points of damage are required. Injure two or three bugs in groups.

   This behavior is not only a waste of energy, but also its killing efficiency is not very good.

  Only Luo, the condensed mind bomb is just as powerful, and it can not only kill insects, but because it has less air, the condensing time is fast enough, which increases the killing efficiency accordingly.

   With Luo's sharp contrast, Bi Siji distinguished that the other six people were not in the release line, and Luo was probably the release line, so he could master the techniques of the release line so proficiently.

   "The details are good, this kid..." Bi Siji looked at Luo's killing efficiency obviously far exceeding the others, and secretly gave Luo Jia a 1 point evaluation.

  Except for Bisji, everyone else was focusing on attacking the bugs, but didn't notice Ron's fine control. After all, the threat of bugs was not small.

This group of weird bugs that can poison ordinary people in an instant, but they have no power to fight back when they face the ability of Nian, and they were bombarded by Nian bombs one after another, and soon died and wounded. .

   In the corridor, the body fluids of the insects cover the walls on the ground, forming a luminous road 100 meters long, which is also a highly poisonous road.

   "How do you get there now?" Aya said.

   Toxins that can kill people in an instant, and can ignore the gloves. It is extremely troublesome to clean up, and there is a great risk. At this time, how to pass is a problem.

   Everyone looked at each other silently.

   Insecticide is fortunate to say, but this terrible unknown toxin is spread all over, it is not so easy to solve.

   The corpse killed by greed is still not far away, always reminding them not to touch these venoms rashly.

   Uncle Li showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

   No one would have expected that a bug that was so easy to deal with would leave such troublesome sequelae, but it stumped them.

"When killing the first insect, you should think about the consequences. If Eli's method of killing the insects, why would you face such a dilemma?" Bi Siji curled his lips and thought in his heart. .

   It is precisely because of the power of the mind bomb that the body fluid of the insect is like splashing paint, and it is spilled everywhere. It's hard to get through now.

   The field fell into a deadly silence, and the staff was reduced by more than half of the time without saying anything. It was blocked by a pile of corpses of insects, really melancholy.

   "Let me come." At this moment, Luo stood up.

   Everyone looked at him.

  Uncle Li's eyes lit up and asked: "Luo, do you have a way?"

   Luo nodded and said seriously: "My thoughts can be used here."

   "What do you think?" Aya asked subconsciously.


   Luo blinked his eyes and flicked: "My name is Mr. Mighty. It can sweep oil and dirt at 360 degrees in all directions. It is fast and efficient, saves money and effort!"


   A wisp of cold wind blows through, cold field.

   "A point is deducted." Biski thought silently.

   Seeing the speechless reaction of the people, Luo didn't care. He showed the least important effect of thought ability, and can hide the most important effect of thought ability as a hole card, which can exert the best effect at the right time.

   Luo stood in front of the tunnel covered with venom, his breath surged, the God Realm was activated, and the faint light circle spread out, including the location of the venom, and the venom seemed to be wiped on both sides by an invisible rag.

   "Brother...very at home." Looking at this scene, Rupi said.

   can develop special cleaning ideas, it is considered a talent, and I have to be convinced.

   Everyone was speechless, but it is undeniable that Luo helped a lot again, whether it is to remove thoughts, or now...

  Vaguely, Luo's importance in everyone's hearts is getting higher and higher. Although Na Nian looks very tasteless and has no chance of fighting, it may play a lot of key roles in the future.

  "Cancel the one-point deduction just now After seeing Ronaldo's ability to remove the venom, Bi Siji's eyes were slightly brighter, and there was a kind of like-minded feeling.

   She belongs to the Change Department, but she developed a mind that has nothing to do with battle. She is called a magic beautician. She has various professional beauty techniques and abilities, and can also relieve fatigue.

   Including Bi Siji, everyone didn't realize that Luo was hiding his awkwardness. They really thought that the mighty and mighty-looking Mr. Luo was Nian.

   Use part of the power effect of the hand of God to easily poke away the venom that has been smeared everywhere, sweeping a clean road.

   In the process of using the ability, Luo deliberately did not touch the corpse, so that everyone's evaluation of the combat ability of this idea was reduced a lot.

   They have a preconceived notion, that is...Mr. Mighty's ability to move an animal's body can't even move a mere corpse.

   "It's over."

   Luo turned around and glanced at the people, only to see that they were all admiring Luo Tou's eyes, and he didn't know what kind of admiration came from.

   The venom swept away, and everyone turned on their flashlights, illuminating the road ahead, and walking towards the depths of the tunnel.

   The previously luminous beads were not night pearls at all, but stones, which lost their luminous effect after the insects got out, and the corpses of the insects were concentrated at the entrance of the tunnel, causing the road behind the tunnel to be dark.

   Everyone walked to the corner of the corridor, the terrain changed drastically, but it was a downward-sloping stone ladder, and there were still pale bones on the stairs, but the number was not large.


   At this time, an unknown cry that was almost inaudible came from the darkness deep in the stairs.


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