"Have the descendants of the Liu family left the Chinese culinary world?"

The news that Liu Yun left the Chinese culinary world is naturally well known to all parties. Now the bright culinary world is eager for Liu Yun to leave as soon as possible. After all, the dark culinary world will always be watching the Chinese culinary world, and who knows what big things will happen. As for the dark culinary world, they don't want Liu Yun to leave. After all, they don't have much influence in the international culinary world.

It's not that they don't have the ability to expand. For the dark culinary world, it is not difficult to expand. After all, they have super cooking skills and means.

But the problem is that they have opponents in the Chinese culinary world, and dealing with these opponents is already the limit. They can't allocate more people to expand externally. In addition, they felt that there was nothing worth expanding in the international culinary world. After all, compared with the Chinese culinary world, the international culinary world now doesn't even have a Lin chef. In their eyes, that basic chef is not worth expanding.

It is basically a barren land in the culinary world, so naturally they would not spend much effort on it.

However, they never thought that the people of the Liu family actually ran away, and in the end, there was a person with strong talent.

Lan Xuan and others did not spread the news that Liu Yun became a Lin chef, so in the eyes of the people in the dark culinary world, Liu Yun is still a top-class chef.

Becoming a top-class chef at this age is nothing to brag about in the Chinese culinary world.

But the account cannot be calculated in this way. After all, Liu Yun is in the international culinary world. He can reach this level without inheritance and without the guidance of famous teachers.

Once he comes into contact with Lan Xuan and others, it is estimated that the improvement speed will not be slow. In addition, Liu Yun is the only"197" descendant of the Liu family, which means that Liu Yun is destined to be the mortal enemy of the dark culinary world.

So the dark culinary world naturally wants to get rid of Liu Yun directly.

"That's right, I just received news that he has left the Chinese cuisine world. Those people in the Guangming cuisine world are too cautious, and we can't find a chance to make a move."

"Now that he has left the Chinese cuisine world, we can do nothing to him."

At this time, at the headquarters of the dark cuisine world, several people shrouded in darkness were having a meeting. There was a huge screen in front of them, and the person on this screen was the leader of the dark cuisine world.

As for those sitting here, they were naturally the dragon chefs of the dark cuisine world. These dragon chefs were the descendants of those who still lingered in the dark cuisine world after it was destroyed.

In Liu Maoxing's era, although some chefs joined the dark cuisine world out of helplessness, the vast majority of people in the dark cuisine world were lawless.

The existence of the dark cuisine world allowed them to act recklessly, but after the dark cuisine world was destroyed, they became dogs without a home.

The court at that time would naturally not hold back on those who had committed crimes, and the bright cuisine world also shouted and killed them..

These people will not think about why the other party treats them like this, they will only think that it is wrong for the other party to treat them like this.

Selfish people never think about their own faults, so they have a deep hatred for the light cuisine world.

In particular, Liu Maoxing, who caused the destruction of the dark cuisine world, is their number one enemy.

But now the dark cuisine world is gone, even the Five Tigers are not the opponents of Liu Maoxing and others, let alone them? It

's not that they haven't thought about rebuilding the dark cuisine world, but rebuilding the dark cuisine world requires strong people to take charge.

Among them, the strongest is just Lin Chu, who can't compete with the light cuisine world at all, but they haven't given up completely, because they know that there are still strong people left in the dark cuisine world.

Among the Five Tigers, except for Kaiyou's death and Yakan's disappearance, Yan Xian, Mila and Zhu Qi are still alive.

But they didn't consider Zhu Qi and Mila. After all, these two were complete traitors in their eyes.

In the end, they found Yan Xian, and who is Yan Xian? He is a person more like Linghu Chong.

He is more inclined to be free and easy, and doesn't want to get involved in things. After Kaiyou was gone, Yan Xian was naturally not interested in rebuilding the dark culinary world, so he didn't pay attention to these people.

In desperation, these people finally had to lie dormant, but their hatred for the bright culinary world, Liu Maoxing and others has never diminished.

And they know that their generation has no hope, so they hope that their descendants can seek revenge on these guys.

So much so that the thinking they instilled in their descendants is also like this, leading to As a result, their descendants also have a deep hatred for the light cuisine world and Liu Maoxing and others.

This continued until decades before the establishment of the new dark cuisine world, when a group of people found the descendants of the remnants of the dark cuisine world and trained them.

After decades, the new dark cuisine world was finally established. After the establishment of the new dark cuisine world, the anger of these people was naturally vented. The hatred inherited from their ancestors towards Liu Maoxing and the light cuisine world needed to be vented. At that time, the Liu family was caught off guard, and there was no strong man in charge, so they finally got rid of Liu Yun and his parents.

These dragon chefs are all descendants of the dark cuisine world. After being taught by this group of mysterious people, they have grown to the dragon chef stage, but it is very difficult to go further.

The leader of the dark cuisine world is still the leader of this group of mysterious people, and the other party's cooking skills are definitely better than those of the dragon chefs, so they will be convinced by these dragon chefs.

However, several decades have passed, and they have never seen the true face of this leader. Nowadays, with the development of technology, this leader rarely appears in person, and orders are issued through remote conferences.

"It is indeed more difficult for him to leave the Chinese culinary world, but after leaving the Chinese culinary world, he will also lose the protection of the people in the light culinary world and the anti-dark culinary world. I will be responsible for this matter, you don't have to worry about it."

The leader of the dark culinary world said, and after hearing this, the dragon chefs below did not say anything more. Since their boss is responsible for this matter, they don't have to worry about it.

As for other things, just continue according to what was discussed in the past. The battle between the dark culinary world and the light culinary world and the anti-dark culinary world will not end overnight.

Now all parties are constantly paying attention to their opponents, looking for flaws while also constantly strengthening themselves.

The people in the dark culinary world held a meeting, and the dragon chefs in the light culinary world naturally would not let it go, so they also held a meeting.

After all, the appearance of Liu Yun, the descendant of the Liu family, will definitely cause a stir in the dark culinary world. action, so they need to deal with it.

In addition, Lan Xuan will also tell several leaders of the light cuisine world about Liu Yun’s talent. They need to pay attention to Liu Yun, because in Lan Xuan’s opinion, Liu Yun now is just the same as Liu Maoxing back then. ?

Back then, the dark cuisine world also suppressed the light cuisine world, but after Liu Maoxing turned up, he forcibly destroyed the dark cuisine world.

The situation at that time was almost exactly the same as it is now, except that there is an additional anti-dark cuisine world.

Therefore, Lan Xuan needs to inform these dragon chefs in the light cuisine world of Liu Yun’s talent, let them pay attention to it, and pay attention to Liu Yun. In this way, the next time Liu Yun returns to the Chinese cuisine world, he will get more convenience.

"Although we don’t have much power in the international culinary world, we can still give him some help. He also needs help. The talents and cooking skills of the people in the international culinary world are too poor. He needs some qualified help, just like Liu Maoxing back then."

Youling, the core area of the Guangming culinary world, is stationed here by the descendants of Lu Yi, the Supreme Dragon Chef of the Imperial Kitchen.

Lu Yi is the apprentice of Yu Qilin Ma Liu, the father of Liu Maoxing. He himself is very talented. He entered the Imperial Kitchen at a young age and became a member of the Dragon Chef.

Later, he directly became the Supreme Dragon Chef and took charge of the Imperial Kitchen. However, the collapse of the old era made the Imperial Kitchen a thing of the past, but Lu Yi's family is still standing.

After all, a family led by a Supreme Dragon Chef can naturally thrive in the culinary world.

At this time, as soon as his proposal came out, it immediately made The others couldn't help but roll their eyes.

Liu Maoxing did have helpers around him back then, Jie Lu and Ryan were both helpers, but Jie Lu and Ryan both had the power to help Liu Maoxing.

Many times when facing attacks from the dark cooking world, it was these two who blocked the attacks. After all, the dark cooking world doesn't just compete with you in cooking skills, they also like to play dirty tricks.

At that time, Liu Maoxing didn't have much combat power, and he had to rely on Ryan and Jie Lu to fight.

Now the man from the Lu family is planning to send helpers over. You don't need to think about it to know that the one to be sent must be the kid from his Lu family. After all, that kid has good talent..The kid from the Lu family is about the same age as Liu Yun, and he has already found his own intention, but he has not yet been promoted to the level of Linchu.

After all, if you want to become a Linchu, finding the intention is only the first step. The next step is to strengthen your intention.

Only when it reaches a certain level can you become a Linchu. Not everyone can become a Linchu in a few days after finding the intention like Liu Yun.

But since the intention has been found, it means that the other party is destined to become a Linchu.

Sending this person over is obviously to get closer to Liu Yun. After all, the cooking skills Liu Yun has shown now are at the level of Linchu, and his talent is just like Liu Maoxing back then.

According to Lan Xuan, Liu Yun is likely to be promoted to the level of Dragon Chef or even Supreme Dragon Chef within a year.

Once he becomes the Supreme Dragon Chef, Liu Yun is destined to dominate the bright cooking world. The younger generation of his family should build a good relationship with the other party. When the other party grows up, both his kid and his family can get the other party's blessing.

This calculation was made, and everyone present heard it clearly, but as the Lu family said, their minds also became active.

"It just so happens that my little girl can't stay idle all day long, and her cooking skills are pretty good, let her go with us!"

Jie Kun, who was the first to react, immediately took advantage of the opportunity. It's not just your Lu family that has outstanding young people, my Jie family also has them.

Other Dragon Chefs also spoke up one after another. While they were talking, Lan Xuan also noticed a problem.

"Didn't you notice?"

At this time, Lan Xuan spoke, and immediately attracted the attention of several other people.

"What did you find?"

Others looked at Lan Xuan with some confusion.

""Have you not noticed that each of our families seems to have someone of similar age to Liu Yun who has good talent?"

Lan Xuan said. He just realized this when everyone mentioned it. (To read the novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

You know, in the past, it was rare to find a genius who could become a Lin Chef at this age.

According to the current development trend, it will take the younger generation of each family one or two years to become a Lin Chef. It may even take less than a year.

Then they are likely to become Dragon Chefs in their twenties.

This is considered quite explosive in the Chinese culinary world. They know exactly how long it takes for the older generation to become Dragon Chefs.

In the past, such geniuses could not appear in large numbers, but now, every family has one.

"If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have realized it. So is it because of destiny? Unfortunately, we don't have a Supreme Dragon Chef here, otherwise we would have been able to sense it a little bit."

After listening to Lan Xuan's statement, Jie Kun also nodded. It was the same when Liu Maoxing grew up to 0.4. Talents continued to emerge in both the light and dark cooking worlds. Now that their family is full of talents, it is obviously because of destiny.

However, a dragon chef cannot sense the will of heaven, only a Supreme Dragon Chef can, so the people present don't know if this is because of destiny.

In fact, if they want to verify it, they can also visit the senior year, but who among the people present has not been there? Except for Lan Xuan who met Mr. Shui Jing, they all returned empty-handed.

"Maybe this is why Mr. Shui Jing said that the time has not come yet. Anyway, I will go to Mr. Shui Jing again to see if I can get more information."

Although he knew that there was a high probability that he would return empty-handed, it was not Lan Xuan's style to do nothing, so he planned to try his luck again.

What if he could meet Mr. Shui Jing again? As for the younger generation, he also agreed to send the younger generation over to establish a good relationship with Liu Yun. This is the future of the bright culinary world.

Just like that, after everyone discussed it, they dispersed. Liu Yun didn't know that he just came to the Chinese culinary world, but the entire Chinese culinary world reacted to him in various ways.

But he knew that he wouldn't care. After all, he was not afraid of these guys.[]

It is also that the present era has developed to the modern era. If it is still the background era of Liu Maoxing, then Liu Yun can really do whatever he wants.

With a strengthened body and such attainments in food, he would be invincible in ancient times. If you want to beat him, you can only win in cooking. As for other aspects, no one can help.

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