After listening to Roland Chapelle's words, everyone nodded. Indeed, now is not the time to make blind guesses. Everything will be clear after the results come out.

In fact, it is not their fault that they like to make blind guesses, but because the flames controlled by Liu Yun blocked most of the sight, making it difficult for everyone to see what is going on, so they make blind guesses.

In comparison, it is much easier to guess what happened on Dojima Gin's side. What Dojima Gin made is a seafood feast. It is simple and difficult.

It is simple in that he only needs to cook a lot of seafood in the most appropriate way.

The difficult part is how to combine these seafoods together into a complete dish.

This is not something that can be done with just a random pot of stew. It tests the chef's comprehensive ability and understanding of the ingredients.

Time passed by, and soon, everyone saw that the flames on Liu Yun's side suddenly retracted. In the blink of an eye, the flames had retracted.

"It was unbelievable that there was not even a single bit of blackening in such a flame. Even if he could control the flame, how did he determine the limit of the flame the noodles could withstand?"

Everyone still couldn't understand that being able to control the flame didn't mean the noodles could be cooked perfectly. They could only say that they didn't know how terrible Liu Yun's sense of touch was, otherwise they wouldn't have found it strange.

"It was steamed again, baked and then steamed again, to increase the taste!"

At this time, Liu Yun's operation had been seen clearly by everyone. Facing everyone's discussion, Liu Yun didn't care so much. The next thing to do was to cook the sauce.

For this dish of"Unifying the Seven Kingdoms", the sauce is inside, so from the outside, the noodles are very simple, without any ingredients, and can't even be called a finished dish, but it contains the concept of unifying the seven kingdoms.

Comparing the beef to the original Qin Dynasty, wrapping it with the sauce cooked by the other six kingdoms means that Qin unified the seven kingdoms.

This step is also the key, because the noodles need to be coiled in a spiral shape. Normally, even if it is Even if beef is mixed into the noodles, and the noodles are roasted and steamed to make them very chewy, it is impossible to do this.

But Liu Yun's skills can make up for this. His sense of touch can accurately control the condition of the noodles themselves, and his sense of food can accurately control the strength.

This allows Liu Yun to roll the noodles into a spiral shape and wrap other sauces without any other external force. It is also because Liu Yun has super sense of touch and the help of his sense of food. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to do this.

Unless other things are used to stick the noodles together, and then deep-fried them to fix the shape, but in this way, the taste of the noodles will be The feeling will be affected to a certain extent.

And even with this method, the difficulty is ridiculously high, so this dish, except for Liu Yun who can reproduce it, others can only watch. Even Liu Maoxing in the original book can't reproduce this dish of Yakan.

His cooking skills are good enough, but other basic conditions are not up to standard. The explosive flame ability alone can make this dish exclusive to Yakan. Unless there is a fire control ability like Liu Yun, otherwise even if it is reproduced, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Liu Yun has not only reproduced this dish, but even saved the frying step. , using an incredible technique to roll up the noodles, so that the taste of the noodles even surpasses the dish made by Yakan. Of course, it is only the taste, and the gap in other aspects is still very huge.

While steaming the noodles, Liu Yun's sauce was gradually completed. In the last step, Liu Yun also kept it a secret and did not add the sauce in front of everyone.

He chose to raise the flame again, on the one hand to block everyone's sight, on the other hand to further heat the sauce, add the boiling hot sauce to the spiral noodles, and finally seal it. The taste of this flame will also be part of the essence of the dish.


After sealing the last noodle, the flame disappeared and three portions of noodles were placed in front of Liu Yun.

"Finished so quickly? Looks like I have to speed up too!"

Since there are so many ingredients to process and seafood is not easy to process, Dojima Gin's speed is naturally slower.

Liu Yun's cooking is finished first, so naturally he tastes Liu Yun's cooking first.

"Hmm? This noodle is so strange, there is no sauce. I remember I made the sauce just now, why didn't I add it?"

After Liu Yun's noodles were put on the table, many graduates were puzzled. The noodles looked plain and simple, as if they were a semi-finished product that needed to be drizzled with sauce.

"Look carefully, the noodles are rolled up!"

Roland Chapelle said as he picked up a thick noodle. The reason why the noodles are so thick is that they are rolled up, forming a spiral column, so they look very thick.

"The dish is ready. It is called the Unified Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles. Please enjoy it!"

Liu Yun introduced the name of the dish.

""Unifying the Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles"? What a strange name! Why is it called this?"

Hearing this, everyone was a little curious. Generally, dishes would not be given such names. Such special names are usually given because the dishes are very special and fit the name very well.

But they really couldn't tell what the connection was between this noodle and the Unification of the Seven Kingdoms.

"This requires you to taste it first, and you will know it naturally after tasting it."

Liu Yun said with a smile, the name of this noodle can only be understood after tasting it.

Hearing this, Roland Chapelle and others no longer hesitated, but started to taste it directly. However, after taking a bite, the expressions and movements of the three people were stiff, and only their mouths were still chewing.

Then the bodies of the three people collapsed directly. This was not because Liu Yun put any drugs in it, but simply because of the stimulation of the taste buds.

When people taste a certain delicacy, they will feel very comfortable, and their bodies will gradually relax.

The ultimate delicacy stimulates the taste buds and gives the three people an extreme���The three of them collapsed in an instant.

At this time, everyone saw the sauce flowing out of the noodles that were bitten off by the three of them.

"The sauce was actually wrapped inside the noodles, which was incredible. How did they manage to roll the noodles? And there was no sign of frying to set the noodles."

At this moment, the worldview of the graduates present was severely impacted, as if their cooking careers over the past 20 years were fake. They were both chefs, but how could the other party always come up with something that they couldn't understand?

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