The Devil's Arena is a level-breaking game. If you want to pass the Devil's Arena, you need to choose a path.

Each path is also connected. To put it bluntly, it is a place where luck counts. If you are lucky, you can choose a path with no enemies at all.

In the early stage, A Lu's food luck was not very high. He mainly relied on Xiao Song for food luck. He himself was really hard to describe. A

Lu's food luck during this period cannot be said to be high, and it can even be said to be a little low, so he can always choose some difficult creatures in the Devil's Arena.

In the end, Terry took A Lu out from the other side with his sense of smell and perception of crisis.

Otherwise, if A Lu continued to fight in it in that state, he would probably be killed directly.

In the original book, A Lu finally took the safest path, so he didn't find anything. This time, Liu Yun planned to explore what was going on here. The

Devil's Arena is composed of stone pillars. When these stone pillars reach a certain number, a platform will appear, and there will be some creatures of different levels on the platform.

Only by defeating the other party can they successfully pass through, and the most amazing thing is that as long as they don't step on it, these creatures will not attack them. Only when they step on this platform will the war begin, and once the war begins, these creatures will chase them all the way, no matter where they run.

So after entering it, there is no way to run away, and you can only fight to the death with the other party.

Liu Yun rode the Diplodocus into it. The platform at the beginning was not troublesome, because the Diplodocus was there, and the Diplodocus could deal with many creatures.

Only a very few flying ones and the stronger Diplodocus couldn't handle them.

However, the ones that the Diplodocus couldn't handle were naturally Liu Yun's. The creatures in the entire Demon Arena were not a threat to him at all, so Liu Yun rode the Diplodocus and rushed around in it.

To be honest, Liu Yun was also very curious about how this place worked. After all, there was only one creature on each platform here, and what did one eat when living here? There was also a problem of how to replenish after being defeated.

IGO has discovered this place for many years, but has not figured out what the Demon Arena is all about.

Liu Yun was riding on a Diplodocus and fighting all the creatures.

When he fought the last one, this one was the largest. In the entire first ecological zone, except for the Lijiaru mammoth, the largest one was this extremely ferocious wild boar.

But it was nothing to Liu Yun, because the wild boar was dead at this time.

Liu Yun found a huge passage behind the wild boar. It was obvious that this thing came from this passage. In fact, Liu Yun was also very curious, because he had never encountered such a wild boar in the first ecological zone before.

In other words, the opponent should live in an environment like the Demon Arena.

Following this passage, Liu Yun rode the Diplodocus all the way forward. The road was full of traces of trampling by huge creatures. Obviously, it was left by this kind of wild boar.

"This direction should lead to the Ligaru Plateau."

Liu Yun was a little curious, but soon he discovered another problem, that is, this road actually led all the way into the mountain, and was still sloping down.

This also made him understand why he didn't find this place. Logically speaking, it would be very easy for him to sense and find traces underground.

But unfortunately, this thing led all the way to the bottom of the Ligaru Plateau. The Ligaru Plateau is more than 3,000 meters above sea level, which is like a huge lid with a thickness of more than 3 meters covering it.

So Liu Yun naturally didn't find that there were other things hidden underground.

Now he found it through the Demon Arena, and when he walked along this road, it turned out to be a huge maze, which also had various twists and turns.

At this time, Liu Yun was more certain that this was Netero's work. After all, the Netero clan He is so obsessed with maze culture that even the place where he lives is a super-large maze, such as the Food Pyramid. The

Food Pyramid looks like a pyramid, but it is just the highest spire of the Netero city buried in the yellow sand.

Hidden inside is the Netero city, but this city is also like a super-large maze. When Alu and Zebra entered, if Zebra had not been using the echolocation map to easily enter, the only way left would be demolition. The demon arena outside does not look like a natural trace, and this place is even more so.

However, mazes are nothing to Liu Yun, and the area here is not very large. It is easy for Liu Yun to explore the area of the first ecological zone.

However, because he does not know Zebra's echolocation Since there was no map, it took a little effort to explore. It took

Liu Yun several hours to explore here.

You know, a few hours is enough for Liu Yun to run back and forth in the first ecological zone several times. This shows the complexity of this maze.

However, several hours of hard work also paid off. Liu Yun figured out the situation of the maze and found the only way.

Through this road, Liu Yun came to an underground space. This underground space is very large. There are a lot of mineral-like things inlaid on the top. These minerals will emit light.

So that the entire underground space is illuminated by a dim light. Although it cannot be compared with sunlight, at least you can see everything around clearly.

Of course, even if it is completely dark, it is not a big problem for Liu Yun, but it is naturally better to have light.

This space The area is also very large, corresponding to the Lijialu Plateau above. The Lijialu Plateau above can allow the Lijialu mammoth to live very comfortably, so this place is naturally not small.

Soon, Liu Yun saw the creatures living here, most of which were encountered in the food arena, and even the demon wild boars he saw before.

This kind of wild boar has a very ferocious appearance and generally lives in a dark environment. Suddenly encountering it is like a demon crawling out of hell.

Therefore, this wild boar is also called a demon wild boar. It is also a behemoth over 100 meters in size, but it is not comparable to the Lijialu mammoth over 1,000 meters.

There is a unique ecosystem here. Liu Yun did not expect that there is such a place hidden in the first ecological zone.

It can only be said that there are indeed too many surprises in this world. It cannot be completely based on the original work. If Liu Yun does not explore it himself, he will not even be able to find it here.

Of course, it is not possible to find it here at this stage. When the strength is strong, it will naturally be a big problem, but the ingredients here will not be of much use at that time.

In this underground space, Liu Yun captured some food and began to explore. As a result, Liu Yun discovered a relic left by the Netero clan.

This relic is similar to a village, but it is now completely deserted, and even the buildings are almost destroyed. If you think about it carefully, it makes sense. After all, in such a place, without anyone, those beasts will run rampant and naturally destroy the place.

However, adhering to the Netero clan's style of making trouble, Liu Yun still explored it carefully, and found that there was actually a space under this village.

"My goodness, what's underneath this nesting doll?"

Out of curiosity, Liu Yun entered it, and he found that this was the treasure hiding place of the Netero clan.

"Unfortunately, the ingredients are completely inedible now."

There are a lot of ingredients stored here, many of which do not even exist in the first ecological zone, but are now rotten. No matter how well they are preserved, they cannot be preserved permanently unless they are canned in gold.

As for using canned gold, not everyone can use it. Only a very small number of red Netero and blue Netero can use canned gold.

After all, the materials of the canned gold are the materials of the seven beasts. The average capture level of the seven beasts is over four thousand. Such strength is not something that a red Netero living in the human world can obtain.

Moreover, after obtaining it, you need to find a way to make it into a can, and there are also prerequisites for using the canned gold seal, which is to cook the object to be sealed first.

Just like the blue Netero wanted to cook Jiro and seal him, but they ended up being cooked instead. In the end, only Only three or two cats were left alive.

This was because Acacia suddenly broke in to cause trouble, otherwise none of the Blue Netero would have survived.

Without the Golden Can, the food stored here would have been inedible long ago, but fortunately, this is a warehouse. In addition to the food, there are also many kitchen utensils and materials.

Liu Yun also put away these materials and kitchen utensils directly. The kitchen utensils are not needed, but they can be given to other people later, including those found at the IGO headquarters.

As for the materials, this is what Liu Yun plans to use to recast the Seven Star Sword. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In Liu Yun's opinion, the Seven Star Sword will probably be recast many times, after all, the materials will be constantly updated.

Liu Yun is unable to directly obtain materials such as the Dragon King's Fang now. It can only be said that Xiaosong's food luck is really terrible. His kitchen knife can be used up at once. The result is an absolutely top-notch Melk kitchen knife.

Only top chefs have it, such as Granny Setsuno, King of Medicinal Food Yoda and others.

This shows how outrageous Komatsu's food luck is. At that time, he was still in the human world, but he got such a material.

Even if this is just a fossil and its hardness has weakened a lot, it took a lot of time for the first generation of Melk to collect the material.

So even if it is a fossil, it is still top-notch material.

If it is really the tooth of the Dragon King, then I'm sorry, neither the first generation of Melk nor the second generation of Melk should be able to do anything.

After all, the Dragon King Deleus will only grow one tooth in his lifetime, and this tooth is the hardest part of his body. It is so hard that it is impossible for two Melks to handle it.

Even if you use Melk's stars to grind it, it is estimated that It would take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete.

So the fossil of the Dragon King's Tooth is very good, and it would be impossible to replace it with a tooth.

Liu Yun does not have any better materials now. The best ones are those found in Netero's warehouse. Although these red Netero live in the human world, it does not mean that they do not have the strength to go to the food world.

So the strong among them will also go to the food world and bring back some food ingredients and materials from the food world. Over time, those that are not used will be stored.

As a result, after the red Netero was enslaved by the blue Netero, they eventually became what they are now.

These materials are now Liu Yun's. First, learn the grinding skills and recast the Seven Star Knife. When his skills are improved and he gets better ingredients, Liu Yun will make the Seven Star Knife into a super kitchen utensil that surpasses the top Melk kitchen knife. The harvest of this trip is undoubtedly quite rich. After putting away the things here, Liu Yun left.[]

The next thing to do is simple. Start to study the grinding techniques. As for when to give the kitchen knives to everyone, Liu Yun said that they need to wait until their food Zen reaches half an hour. When food Zen reaches half an hour, it is considered to be entry-level. At that time, their control of power will be more precise, so that (the king's) can be handed over to them.

It's not that Liu Yun is reluctant to part with these kitchen knives. He found a lot of kitchen knives in the warehouse of IGO and the ruins of Netero.

But the problem is that the kitchen knives in the world of food captives have one characteristic, that is, they are sharp.

Although there has always been a saying that knives are dangerous only when they are not sharp, overly sharp kitchen knives are more dangerous.

Melk kitchen knives, even the lowest-level Melk kitchen knives can easily chop the chopping board in half in the hands of ordinary people.

It's not that there are no lower-level ones, but to be honest, there is no need to take out the lower-level ones. The food wars world can make them by itself, and the difference between them and ordinary kitchen knives is not very big.

So Liu Yun was going to give Melk the kitchen knife, but now everyone's control of power is too weak. If they accidentally cut themselves or others, the consequences will be quite serious.

So before they get started with food Zen, Liu Yun will not give them the kitchen knife.

In this way, after Liu Yun left the first ecological area, he began to study the skills of grinders and regenerators.

These things have been completely recorded in his mind. In theory, they have passed the test, and the next step is actual operation.

The kitchen knife in the world of food captives has very demanding requirements for grinding skills.

Don't think that people are just simply sharpening the knife, but during the grinding process, you need to accurately control the situation of the kitchen knife and grind it at different angles.

As long as the grinding position is correct and the force is correct, then a very strange light and sound will burst out when grinding.

This means that their actions have reached the level of perfection. In the original work, Xiaosong also followed the second generation Melk to learn for a few days before he succeeded for the first time..

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