Fog Survival

Chapter 953: Biological Continuation of the Microcosm

These three creatures with human blood entered a faster development process, and a new race developed rapidly.

Qi Yuan adjusted back to the original time flow rate and began to allow this most powerful race to start an extremely long development process.

At first, they still experienced many life-and-death crises, and even almost exterminated their race, but relying on the excellent human genes in their bodies, they finally survived the danger and successfully continued their race.

Moreover, they also became the longest-lasting race in this small world!

They have existed for tens of thousands of years, and have not been eliminated by the torrent of the times, and are even constantly leading the times.

In 8,000 years, they shed their mucus, completely walked off the land, went to live in the forest, and began to grow thick black hair on their bodies.

In the next few years, they mastered superb climbing techniques, picked wild fruits from trees, avoided danger in trees, and really adapted to life on land.

They even began to learn to use tools, using stones to crack nuts and using wood to attack other creatures.

It can be seen that they already have some human characteristics.

When Qi Yuan thought that they would continue to advance in the next development process until apes appeared and developed into civilization,

they did not make any progress for two hundred years and still lived a life of eating raw meat and drinking blood, while other creatures were still developing.

Due to climate and environmental factors, the forest area dropped sharply and food was seriously insufficient, forcing them to leave the land where they had lived for several years.

Some migrated to higher mountains and lived in caves. Although it was safer, it was more difficult to obtain food.

Qi Yuan called this part the plateau tribe.

Another part migrated to warmer areas, because they needed to trek for a long time, so they developed strong endurance.

Qi Yuan called this part the grassland tribe.

In fact, if we say that they are a tribe, then we really overestimate them. Now this group of creatures is not much different from wild beasts, and even their wisdom is not as good as ordinary monkeys.

This also confused Qi Yuan.

It stands to reason that after a long period of development, their potential will gradually be developed, becoming stronger, taller, and more intelligent.

But in reality, except for the rapid development in the early stage, there was no change at all in the later stage.

For this situation, Qi Yuan had to start thinking about the cause of this situation.

It is impossible to detect any abnormality from the naked eye level, so Qi Yuan focused on the spiritual level.

The brain is not bright, not eating well enough, or there is a problem with the spirit.

After a period of research, Qi Yuan really found the reason, and then he suddenly realized it.

In the extremely fast flow of time, their thinking speed is very high, but they are completely in a dull state, with no chance to think at all, completely relying on instinct.

When they were single cells at first, they could still develop autonomously based on instinct.

But when they developed to a certain extent, the quality of thinking became particularly important, and they needed to actively think about the direction of development.

However, the ultra-fast time flow rate allowed them to reproduce quickly, but it curbed the development of thinking.

For this situation, there is only one way - slow down the flow rate of time.

He first changed the flow rate of time to 1:365000, which means that one day in the outside world is equivalent to 1000 years in the inside.

But the development is still too fast.

After adjusting to 1:365100, this group of creatures barely adapted, gradually began to have wisdom and be able to think.

In this way, the gap immediately appeared.

Because of the lack of food, the plateau tribes became weaker and weaker in physical fitness, and they had no ability to supplement with plants, which led to continuous degeneration.

And the grassland tribes that went to the warm zone ushered in a new development.

First, because of the high temperature, in order to dissipate heat better, they began to gradually lose their hair, revealing their light yellow skin.

Because the grassland is flat, whether they are traveling or hunting prey, they need strong endurance, so they gradually began to change their running posture and use a semi-upright and semi-crawling way to travel.

With the improvement of wisdom, some simple tools began to be created, and simple tribes were formed to hunt for food together.

Adequate meat has continuously improved their physical fitness, so the race has continued to grow and their genes have been continuously optimized.

Only compared with humans, they still have a lot of differences.

For example, their height, in order to facilitate concealment, most of them are very short. If converted to human height, it is likely to be less than 1m.

But their muscles are extremely developed, especially the muscles of their legs, which are extremely powerful.

The legs are relatively fragile, but also relatively flexible, and can make and use some simple tools.

At the same time, in order to adapt to the hot environment of the grassland, they lost their body hair, but the hair on their heads was extremely lush.

And it seems... too lush!

Despite their short bodies, their hair is like a huge umbrella, covering their entire bodies and completely shielding them from direct sunlight.

Therefore, even if they run wildly in the sun every day, their skin is still not completely tanned, but looks delicate and tender.

However, because the top layer of hair is directly exposed to the sun, the color is dry and yellow, while the bottom layer of hair is black.

Such a special image, like a bunch of small mushrooms running wildly on the grassland, is very cute and interesting.

With the development of the times, this gradually improved grassland tribe began to multiply in the grassland, and a large number of tribes appeared.

At this time, the tribes began to differentiate.

Some of them were unable to catch prey in the vast grassland because of their insufficient running ability, so they returned to the forest again.

Some chose to go to colder places to avoid the hot environment.

Another part still stayed here, and seemed to plan to live in the grassland for a long time.

The part that entered the forest encountered a lot of trouble as soon as it entered.

Their umbrella-like hair would be hooked by dense branches as soon as they entered the forest, making it very inconvenient to move.

Moreover, the slightest movement would wake up the animals in the forest, making it very difficult for them to hunt.

For humans, they just need to shave their hair.

But for these primitive creatures with undeveloped intelligence, this is not an easy task, because this huge hair is like their important organs, and it was once a weapon for survival.

So just a small crisis caused a large number of deaths.

However, the group of people who stayed at the end found a solution.

They found a special plant, which would produce a dark green sticky juice when crushed, which is corrosive to a certain extent. Applying it on the head can effectively remove hair.

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