Fog Survival

Chapter 794: Swinging the Butcher Knife

Chapter 794 Swinging the Butcher

Although the situation was urgent, Qi Yuan still focused on stability.

He believed that in today's environment, as long as the pressure continued, the Five Kings would sooner or later become unable to bear it and resist.

Yang Zhenghe had no objection and said: "You can take the Warrior Puppet and Hurricane Puppet No. 1 and No. 2 first. I will go to you after I make the Ice Spirit Puppet."

Qi Yuan readily agreed, which was also one of the purposes of his visit.

After saying goodbye for two days, Qi Yuan left the shelter with a perfect puppet.

This time, he went directly to the border battlefield!

The area we are heading to is the area currently facing the most difficult situation and receiving the greatest resistance - the area where the Bear King is stationed.

Flying high in the sky, you can have a panoramic view of the battle situation. It is still in a state of war. Although it is not fierce, the battle has not stopped.

Most of the beasts are excellent-level beasts, and there are also a few rare-level beasts.

However, most of the rare-level combat forces are still hoarded behind the front lines, ready to deal with large-scale wars at any time.

This place is mainly garrisoned by the Bear King's forces, and the defense is very strong.

The Bear King is not only the strongest himself, he is also the strongest among the seven perfect-level creatures in his group.

The population number exceeds 2,000, and the rare level number exceeds 40. It is a true overlord-level group. Any force that wants to deal with them must weigh its own strength.

Moreover, in addition to his own ethnic group, the number of rare beasts under his jurisdiction is also very large, at least more than a hundred.

Such a powerful force, without the intervention of perfect-level creatures, would be impossible to resist with only the rare-level combat power of the Five Alliances.

The stronger the Five Alliances are, the stronger their peak combat power is. If they compare with their foundation, they simply cannot compare to this group of ferocious beasts that have accumulated for hundreds of years.

The combined rarity levels of the entire five 그 alliances are not necessarily comparable to the power under the 껗Bear King and One Beast.

So if you want to win, there are two ways.

The first is to carry out strikes with cutting-edge combat power, and the second is to carry out dimensionality reduction strikes.

His action this time was to choose the second method: to use the perfect combat power to forcibly raid the rare group.

After storing the puppet in a small space, Qi Yuan flew all the way to the south, directly reaching behind the enemy's lines.

With his perfect strength, no one can detect him at all, and even if they find him, they can't stop him.

Moreover, the beast does not have a holy thunder barrier and cannot prevent the invasion of outsiders, so it suffers a big loss in this regard.

Qi Yuan's target was not the battlefield at this time, but the large number of rare beasts stationed at the rear defense line of the battlefield.

That is the main combat force. Once these effective forces are eliminated, it will be enough to completely defeat this direction.

Qi Yuan explored all the way and finally found the vicious beast stationed one kilometer behind.

At first glance, there were so many rare-level items that Qi Yuan could not help but take a breath.

There are more than 50 rare-level animals, including 8 members of the Bear King's tribe, and the others are ferocious beasts of different varieties.

If we add the beasts fighting on the front lines and the beasts that died in the battle, the number of rare beasts participating in this war has reached 깊60~70.

This is just one front.

It can be seen from this that the battle in the entire New World will be a terrible situation. It will definitely be a huge meat grinder.

Sneaking behind secretly, Qi Yuan took a close look at the locations of all the ferocious beasts, looking for a suitable exit point.

Now that you have chosen 꿛, you must maximize the results.

Choose an area near the rear, secretly put down two hurricane puppets with stronger abilities and faster movements, and surround them from two angles to prevent the beasts from escaping.

Afterwards, Qi Yuan returned to the area where the ferocious beast rested.

Without any hesitation, the warrior puppet appeared from the small space.

Like thunder in the sky, a huge figure appeared on this piece of soil, and the huge weight caused the surface to crack.

The powerful aura spread out, instantly awakening all the evil spirits, and let out bursts of roars and roars.

A massacre began.

The difference between the rare level and the perfect level is not made up by quantity, but by quality.

After all, with its size 껗, the 녢Warrior Puppet can achieve absolute suppression, almost one punch at a time.

Although it cannot kill with fists, it is enough to make most ferocious beasts lose their ability to resist in an instant.

Even the leader of the bear clan was seriously injured after being kicked by the warrior puppet. He vomited blood.

The appearance of the perfect aura immediately attracted the attention of the five kings behind.

A fierce look flashed in the Bear King's eyes, and he stared angrily at the north, breathing heavily, and his anger continued to swell in his heart.

"Asshole, there's a perfect level appearing, just to force us to a dead end?!"

But under the current situation, it did not dare to hesitate and immediately got up and rushed there.

Because he understands very well that once the current situation is out of balance, the other side will immediately act like a beast smelling blood and expand the war again!

However, this sneak attack had been planned for a long time, and the gap in strength was too big, and there was no ability to resist at all.

Although the rare-level ferocious beasts that were attacked were angry and frightened, they were also rational enough to think of fighting hard and start running away.

Under the leadership of the leader of the bear tribe, the rare-level ferocious beasts completely dispersed and retreated in different directions, completely entering the mountains to avoid the attacks of the warrior puppets.

It must be said that their strategy was very correct. The warrior puppets were bulky and difficult to chase.

However, this time, it was not just the warrior puppets.

When they entered the mountains, a new round of slaughter had begun, and it was even more desperate.

The characteristics of the hurricane puppets were that they were extremely fast, very flexible, and had the ability to fly.

When the beasts entered the mountains, although they avoided the warrior puppets, their own speed was also limited, and they also relaxed their vigilance.

At this time, two hurricane puppets quickly came out, observed in the air, and then quickly killed them at a fixed point.

In the warrior puppets, they could still escape at their own speed, so they were not too desperate.

But when they entered the mountains, they seemed to enter a huge cage, a cage specially prepared for them, and they could only be forced to be killed.

There was no chance of escape.

Qi Yuan followed the hurricane puppet and had a very leisurely task - that is to collect the corpses of rare beasts.

This unexpected battle achieved great results. In just a few minutes, more than 20 corpses of rare beasts were harvested.

But at this time, Qi Yuan's eyes condensed and he turned his head to look behind him.

He keenly felt that an extremely powerful perfect creature was constantly approaching here.

"Bear King?"

He immediately guessed who the visitor was.

With a flickering eye, he directly controlled the hurricane puppet, letting go of some insignificant beasts, and instead directed the slaughter to the tribe of the bear king.

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