Fog Survival

Chapter 739 Jinshui Chamber of Commerce

Qi Yuan's face darkened, and he was speechless.

He was originally wondering why the vendors here were so enthusiastic. He didn't buy anything from them, but they still chatted with him.

Even after expressing his desire to come here to do business, he was still happy.

If it were other vendors, they would have cursed if they knew someone was coming to steal their business.

Unexpectedly, this thing was waiting for him in other places!

Jinshui Chamber of Commerce? It doesn't sound good at first!

Qi Yuan couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he still smiled and asked: "Jinshui Chamber of Commerce? Guaranteed to learn and learn? Let's not talk about other things first. Will you teach you to communicate with these originals?"

"Communication? So that's what you are worried about!"

The man smiled and patted Qi Yuan's shoulder, which made Wei Xi behind him helpless, fearing that his boss would slap him to death!

The man said with a big promise: "Someone has translated their language, and some simple terms are no problem."

Then, he demonstrated it himself.

Take out a piece of bark, with some unfamiliar fonts written on it, and Chinese characters corresponding to the bottom.

Qi Yuan took a quick look and felt a headache, and even admired these vendors!

The text on the bark only contained two contents.

Patterns of buying and selling resources, and basic numbers.

After the people who came to buy and sell selected the items, they circled the corresponding numbers and even bargained, thus completing the transaction smoothly.

This simple trading method survived miraculously.

Qi Yuan was helpless and asked: "What about the currency? The specifications of the spirit stones on both sides should be different, right?"

Qi Yuan had learned that there were not many people in the small world tribe, so there was no special currency.

Maybe there was one before, but it was not used much in the tribe, and the method of making currency was also complicated, so in the end it fell back to using irregular spirit stones again.

Not to mention human survivors, each faction has its own spirit stone specifications. Not only are there differences between large gathering places and super gathering places, but even different forces within super gathering places use different currencies.

Even on the Star Island Group Chain, a separate marine spirit stone currency is used.

So it is still very difficult to trade.

However, the man said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. Most of us are bartering, and even if we want to use spirit stones, we generally cut them into the size of system spirit coins. It's actually quite convenient."

"Brother, I won't lie to you. Our Chamber of Commerce is having a discount recently, only 288! If you go and report my name, maybe you can get a 95% discount."

Qi Yuan sighed and said, "Forget it, I just came here today. Let's see and make plans next time. "

"Hey, brother, can you lend me money first? You can go back to Jinshui Chamber of Commerce with me and we can discuss it in the long run!"

"No need."

"Hey, why are you like this? I have been talking to you for so long. Do you know how much business I have disturbed? If you don't give me an explanation, are you taking advantage of me, Wang Changzhu? !"

The vendor named Wang Changzhu suddenly stood up from his seat and looked at Qi Yuan fiercely.

Even vaguely, there was an excellent aura.

Qi Yuan glanced at him lightly: "If you don't go, are you going to force me?"

"Hmph, you don't have to go. You made me waste so much time. Hand over 300 spirit stones and I will let you go."

As he said, Wang Changzhu stepped forward, straightened his one-meter-tall figure, and said threateningly.

At this moment, the unfriendly eyes of several vendors around formed a circle around them, and they even deliberately tapped the table with their fingers, echoing in the silent air.

If it were an ordinary person, he might really be scared by this scene.

Qi Yuan was also a little helpless. He didn't expect that he would be blocked by several vendors when he came out to negotiate a deal with his identity.

"Jinshui Chamber of Commerce... Who is your boss?"

Wang Changzhu looked fierce and said in a cold voice: "Humph, no matter who your boss is, you are backed by the super-concentrated Seventh District! There is a big boss of the Five-Man Alliance in charge, no matter what your background is, just use it!"

Qi Yuan and Wei Xi looked at each other, their faces became extremely wonderful, and they even felt like laughing but couldn't.

It felt like... I had a shit hat on my head, but I still looked in the mirror to admire it.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I felt, and even a little humiliated.

A bunch of scoundrels, using the names of the Seventh District and the Five-Man Alliance, are swindling here. It's simply a move against the will of the gods.

Qi Yuan didn't want to say more, and directly slapped Wang Changzhu into the ground.

The powerful force hit him, like a hammer hitting tofu, his body exploded with a pop, half of his arm turned directly into meat paste, and blood stained a large area of ​​soil red.

The change in an instant, no one responded.

When Wang Changzhu's miserable cry sounded, everyone responded in fear and stepped back a few steps in fear.

" dare you? Aren't you afraid of revenge from the Seventh District?!"

Several vendors trembled with their legs, but still threatened stumblingly.

Qi Yuan glanced at him and said, "Go call your boss. If he doesn't come in 15 minutes, no one will live."

" boss..."


A stream of spiritual energy was blasted out casually, and Wang Changzhu's other arm on the ground exploded.

Two seconds later.

Another shrill cry sounded: "Go, go! Go! Go! Is there shit in your brain? Go!"

The other person's pupils dilated, and he trembled with fear. After hearing Wang Changzhu's voice, he stumbled and ran out.

Except for Wang Changzhu who was groaning, none of the other people present dared to speak. They all hid in the corner trembling with fear, not daring to make a sound.

They now had only two thoughts in their minds.

One was to curse Wang Changzhu constantly. This dog thing really knew how to pick people. He had to pick a tough one.

And it seemed that he was not afraid of the seventh district at all.

At the same time, they kept praying, hoping that the kid who called people would come back quickly, otherwise if he waited too long, who knows what would happen.

For the first time, they felt so vividly that it felt like a year.

Every second seemed to be tortured.

Especially Wang Changzhu on the ground, a lot of blood flowed out, and the crushed muscles and bones had sunk into the soil. It was painful to pull it lightly.

But fortunately, because of too much bleeding, he was almost fainted.

Ten minutes later.

At the entrance of the alley in the distance, a person dressed in black came over.

However, when he saw Qi Yuan for the first time, he immediately thought it was not good and was about to leave.

But her strength was obviously insufficient. Wei Xi only took a few seconds to drag her back from a distance and threw her in front of Qi Yuan.

"Huh... rare level strength?"

Qi Yuan was a little surprised. He curiously lifted his cloak and saw a familiar face.

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