Fog Survival

Chapter 602: The Peace of Yunhu

Chapter 602: Peaceful Cloud Lake

"This is the only perfect mountain and river scroll, named Cloud Lake. It is both a natural environment and a wonder. It is a very magical existence."

After the explanation, Zhong Maiyun nodded blankly, still feeling incredible.

"I never thought that there would be such a beautiful place in the misty world."

Zhong Maiyun looked at the dark and terrifying scene outside, and then looked at the peaceful and auspicious surface of Cloud Lake, feeling inexplicably melancholy.

Qi Yuan also sighed, saying: "That's why I asked you to move here. There are several small islands here, which are larger than the shelter. They are being developed now. You can pick one at will. I'll give it to you."

Zhong Maiyun looked at him teasingly: "Tsk tsk, Boss Qi is generous! An island is given away just like that?!"

Qi Yuan waved his hand: "Oh, isn't it because the property is too big and there is a bit of oversupply of real estate?"

Hearing this Versailles remark, Zhong Maiyun rolled her eyes at him helplessly.

After thinking about it, Zhong Maiyun still refused the island and said: "I don't need an island. It's too troublesome for me to redevelop and build it. You can also arrange a forest villa for me in the living area. I will live there in the future."

Compared with the undeveloped, wild and primitive island, it has already formed a town and has a complete commercial circle and living area, which is obviously more suitable for living.

Qi Yuan did not force it, and nodded and agreed directly.

As a big boss, let alone one forest villa, even 100 villas would not be a problem.

"Okay, let's make it a deal. The one next to my villa is just vacant, so I'll give it to you."

Qi Yuan stretched, made arrangements, and then said, "Then let's go back. It's just time for dinner. A new hot pot restaurant has opened in the town. Let's go and try it."

After that, he ordered the turtle fisherman to row the boat again, and return at a speed far exceeding the cruise ship speedboat.

On the way back, we just passed the living island south of the main island.

That is, the new island formed by the merger of the fishing island, the fertile land island, and the breeding island. Qi Yuan also took a look.

Although it is said to be a fusion, in fact, the residents of the three islands do not live together, but each forms a village.

Now, a total of five areas have been formed on the entire living island.

To the north, there is a village formed by the former aquaculture residents, with fertile grasslands and wide aquaculture areas, and they are still responsible for aquaculture of various creatures.

At the same time, they are closest to the main island in the north, which is convenient for daily transportation of dairy products and meat.

To the east, there is the former fishing island, which is still responsible for fishing.

They are the only group of residents who are qualified to fish by Qi Yuan, but the types and quantities of catches are also strictly required.

To the south, there is the former good farm island.

They plant crops and have once again carried out a new level. The seeds are carefully cultivated by the research institute and are generally very valuable crops.

The quality is all above excellent level, and many are even rare.

As for the east side of the island, it is a merger of the "training area" and "prop manufacturing area" of the original three islands.

The main island is responsible for training scientific research talents and talented combatants, and is also the island's guard.

The last place is the center of the entire island!

This is the economic, political, and cultural center of the island, with a business circle second only to the main island.

As for why it is called the political center, it is because Qi Yuan arranged an island owner here, who is fully responsible for the island's development planning.

This person is none other than Mia Inoslin's daughter, Niya!

That is, Tim's little niece.

This very young and beautiful girl has very good management skills and manages this place in an orderly manner.

After a simple inspection, Qi Yuan did not attract anyone's attention and returned directly to the main island.

I chose a newly opened "Yundao Hot Pot Cuisine" as my meal for today.

Nowadays, the food industry on the main island has been greatly developed, and the food is no worse than that in the cities on the earth, and even more delicious.

The main reason is that there are top talents gathered here, including many top chefs.

So the food here has been inherited in the purest way, and even newly developed.

This is also related to Qi Yuan's open attitude.

He not only supports scientific research and battles, but also maintains a supportive attitude towards food, business, construction, education, tourism... and other industries, and actively invests resources in development.

Therefore, there is the current living area.

Zhong Maiyun lived on the lake island for a few days. After Qi Yuan enjoyed a lazy life, he had to return to a busy life.

And Zhong Maiyun has completely fallen into the comfort of the small town.

In the morning, take a walk to buy groceries and have breakfast, go to the flower shop to do what you are interested in, go to a restaurant to eat delicious food in the evening, and go boating from time to time.

In her words, why bother about the shelter? Just enjoy it here until you die!

Qi Yuan, on the other hand, returned to the first area pitifully and started a new round of work.

This time, it was mainly two people who came to him.

Zhang Zhongyue and Tim!

In this situation, they are looking for themselves for nothing more than one thing - special contracts!

After the five special contracts appeared, these people have not made any other movements.

The main reason is that the remaining 15 special contracts are all in a relatively far position and cannot be explored in a short time.

The same goes for Qi Yuan. Although he enjoys life on the island in the middle of the lake, he also arranges an exploration team to find other special contracts.

But so far, they are still on their way and have not yet reached their destination.

There is another reason, that is, after the previous battle, many forces are no longer able to fight again and need to recuperate for a long time!

When I came to the 귷 area, I was still familiar with the 놅 conference room.

When Qi Yuan arrived, Zhang Zhongyue was waiting here.

When they saw Qi Yuan coming, both of them stood up to greet him with full respect.

After taking a seat.

Zhang Zhongyue looked at Qi Yuan with a smile on his face and said: "Lord Qi, you have become famous recently. There are five special deeds in total, and you actually have two of them. It's really amazing!"

Qi Yuan smiled, took a sip of tea, and said modestly: "Mr. Zhang, since when have we been so polite?"

One sentence made Zhang Zhongyue laugh, and at the same time the relationship between the two became much closer.

During the recent period, they have been busy obtaining special contracts and have rarely contacted each other.

Moreover, Qi Yuan became the owner of two special contracts and successfully broke through the 궝-level shelter, but Zhang Zhongyue ended up in defeat.

As a result, the relationship between the two has become obviously inconsistent.

But Qi Yuan's attitude was obviously no different from before, which made Zhang Zhongyue feel at ease.

Qi Yuan did not exchange too many greetings, but asked straight to the point: "Mr. Zhang, what is the specific reason why you called me here this time?"

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