Fog Survival

Chapter 410 Ancient Civilization

After tasting the benefits, Qi Yuan became particularly concerned about the monopoly industry.

So, targeting high-level forces, he opened a store specializing in selling spiritual patterns.

Every once in a while, a batch of defensive spiritual patterns, storage spiritual patterns, defensive spiritual patterns, and communication spiritual patterns will be sold.

Business is also very good. The only drawback is that the spiritual pattern engraving is too slow, resulting in high sales.

In comparison, 께leaf cattail is used as a necessary material for exploration, and its turnover far exceeds that of spiritual patterns!

However, there is a very clear trend!

Today's survivors' life is mainly about exploration and fighting, everything is for survival.

Therefore, anything that can improve your strength is very popular!

Qi Yuan rarely worried about shop matters and left almost everything to An Changlin.

놊passed by 놇In the seventh district, there is another matter that is controlled by Qi Yuan himself.

That was the establishment of the "Guard Bureau".

Qi Yuan's plan for the seventh district, the "Guard Bureau" is a very important part, mainly responsible for the internal security issues of the district.

He arranged for an outstanding subordinate to be responsible for its establishment. Now it has begun to take shape, with more than 50 employees. It is an officially certified security system in the seventh district.

They all wore masks from beginning to end and never revealed their names. When acting externally, he only calls himself the Director of the Security Bureau.

The mysterious person aroused the curiosity of the people in District 7.

For the convenience of naming, they were called wolf-headed, white-headed, and black-headed according to their masks.

During Qi Yuan's private interview incognito, he laughed off this statement.

When carving the masks, he directly used the bark of the guardian giant tree and simply carved them.

However, due to insufficient technical skills, only one dog head was carved, but it was really ugly, so the next two paintings were not carved, but directly painted in black and white.

Unexpectedly, it has now evolved into the wolf head, white head, and black head of the "Guard Bureau".

But it still sounds a bit mysterious! temperament.

But what Qi Yuan is more satisfied with is the work ability of their people.

But overall, their performance was pretty good and they did maintain order in the seventh district.

After they appeared, the number of rapes and crimes decreased significantly, and other districts also dared to mess around here, especially those in the fourth district, who rarely visited here.

The existence of the Guard Bureau has a hidden meaning.

That is checks and balances.

An Changlin's power in District 7 is definitely beyond everyone's imagination, and he decides almost everything.

If there is a control scroll restriction, Qi Yuan can be so confident about him.

But even so, someone still needs to contain him, remind him all the time, and let him do whatever he wants.

The Guard Bureau shoulders this responsibility.

And An Changlin will also contain and restrict the Guard Bureau.

If we look at the ancient times, this kind of behavior is decentralization and checks and balances.

Qi Yuan understood the complete situation and had just sent An Changlin back when the "Mist Survival Book" beside him rang.

The person who sent the message was Mr. Zhang Zhongyue.

Since exploring the soul, the two have not been in contact.

Qi Yuan was a little surprised: "Mr. Zhang is so busy, why do you have time to see me..."

But when he saw the content of the message, Qi Yuan immediately looked serious and became energetic.

He even rubbed his eyes, looked at it again a little unbelievably, and muttered to himself: "How can it be so incredible?"

Qi Yuan only replied with one sentence: "Meet and discuss."

This time, Qi Yuan did not contact anyone and went to District 8 alone.

In the eighth district, the core business district, there is an extremely hidden conference room.

Only Qi Yuan and Zhang Zhongyue sat facing each other, both looking very serious.

Qi Yuan was the first to ask: "Mr. Zhang, is what you said true?"

Zhang Zhongyue glared at him: "When have I ever lied? And it's this kind of thing."

Qi Yuan was still feeling incredible and asked again: "What do you mean, you have discovered a 께-type teleportation array that connects other parties?"

Zhang Zhongyue nodded slightly, with an extremely serious expression, and said: "We have conducted preliminary exploration and found that it is a shelter."


Qi Yuan asked strangely: "Were they discovered in advance by other survivors?"

Regarding this question, Zhang Zhongyue did not answer directly, but silently stared at Qi Yuan's eyes, only looking at the hair all over his body.

Qi Yuan swallowed the water and seemed to have guessed something. He asked tentatively: "Is he a human? An elf? A dwarf? A cat girl? Or a vixen?"

Seeing that Qi Yuan was getting more and more outrageous, Zhang Zhongyue quickly interrupted him, glared at him speechlessly, and said: "He is a human being, and he can even speak Chinese, but he is not a survivor."

"놊 is a survivor, how can I be 땣?"

Qi Yuan said incredulously, but soon, he seemed to have thought about something.

He suddenly thought that very ancient weapon fragments had been found in the iron-backed wild boar's lair.

These weapons have existed for far longer than humans have come to the misty world.

They are human survivors, but they do exist.

He also remembered that the origin of the shelter Zhong Maiyun now owned was equally mysterious.

There is a high probability that they are ancient ruins left behind by survivors who once existed!

Now, Zhang Zhongyue said that he had discovered an ancient survivor, and Qi Yuan suddenly understood.

After calming down, Qi Yuan asked: "What level is their shelter now? How strong is it? Perfect level? Or super level?"

Zhang Zhongyue was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "The people who control the shelter are all dead. The place where they live is just the most ordinary level five shelter. The strongest level for them is the excellent level."

After a simple reply, Zhang Zhongyue asked a little strangely: "You just said super, what do you mean?"

Qi Yuan digested the information and replied thoughtfully: "Beasts above the perfect level are super creatures. And the quality of perfection and above is called rare level."

"Above perfect level?!"

Zhang Zhongyue's pupils shrank, and he took a deep look at Qi Yuan, but didn't say much.

Qi Yuankai asked: "That's right. They showed up alive. Didn't they leave nothing behind?"

Zhang Zhongyue shook his head and explained: "They are similar to primitive civilizations. They have almost no props and no methods to enhance their strength. They are extremely backward."

"Why is this happening?"

"I know it too, so I want to ask you if you have any information in this regard."

Qi Yuan was silent for a moment, but still told all about the ancient weapons in the Tiebei Boar Cave and the mysterious fifth-level shelter he had discovered before.

After Zhang Zhongyue listened, he also fell into silence.

After a long time, he replied: "We have also found similar traces and have made conjectures in this regard, but we always thought that they were completely extinct."

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