Fog Survival

Chapter 295 Mr. Zhang's plan

"What's the plan? Let's hold an auction!" Qi Yuan relaxed, stretched casually, and wrote lightly.

Yang Zhenghe chuckled a few times, raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the turbid night sky and said: "If the purpose of holding an auction is really to hold an auction, we will not only invite seven, eight, nine and three 꺶 districts. 땤It is the entire super gathering of 10 꺶 districts , held an auction together.”

After hearing this, Qi Yuan didn't reply and just walked to the seventh area silently.

What Yang Zhenghe said was indeed correct, and Qi Yuan also knew it.

Although Mr. Zhang Zhongyue's theories are tenable, they still have many loopholes.

make money?

How much money can you make by charging admission fees and sharing?

Qi Yuan earned more than two million just by selling property and extorting money.

Then the income of the forces in the 놛꺶 area must be low, or even higher.

Who really cares about this little money?

As for credibility!

Can credibility be improved by just holding a few auctions?

This can only increase the popularity, and if it is not done well, it may ruin the brand.

As for collecting various resources, this is indeed very attractive and is also an important part of the auction.

Although some survivors are in a relatively poor state, there is a huge difference from people like us who control an area.

However, the population base cannot be tolerated!

There are many people on hand, and some of them have some high-quality things, many of which even Qi Yuan would be jealous of!

However, if you really want to collect resources, then the auction must be better and better, so that it can attract enough people.

The best case scenario is that all 10 districts will join in and jointly organize it!

But Mr. Zhang didn’t!

There must be a deep-seated reason why we only contacted the three districts of 678.

Qi Yuan and Yang Zhenghe were walking on the central road in the seventh district, not in a hurry to go back.

Ten minutes later, Qi Yuan 꺳 said: "Brother Yang 꺶, what do you think Mr. Zhang's purpose is?"

Yang Zhenghe glanced at Qi Yuan sideways, and said to General Yijun, "Didn't you just say that we would hold a joint auction for the three districts?"

Qi Yuan sneered, his tone less frivolous and more steady, and said calmly: "At this juncture, we have to hold an auction, no problem."

"This is also puzzling. The day to explore the soul is coming soon. What is the meaning of holding an auction at this time?!"

Yang Zhenghe's tone also became a little heavy.

Qi Yuan's eyes flickered and he said softly: "It's not so much the purpose of the auction, but rather Zhang Zhongyue's purpose."

"What do you think?"

Qi Yuan took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "Mr. Zhang said all the benefits of the three-district auction, but he did not mention the disadvantages of this behavior!"

"What's the disadvantage?"

Qi Yuan's eyes were calm and he slowly uttered two words: "Balance!"

"Ping... Heng?" Yang Zhenghe pondered these two words with a slightly thoughtful expression.

Qi Yuan continued: "There are ten districts in the super gathering. Even though they support each other and work together for win-win results, they also check and balance each other!"

"All forces currently maintain a delicate balance. Even if the two sides cooperate, they will maintain a certain degree."

"However, among the ten 꺶 districts, there are two 꺶 districts that are exceptions!"

At this point, Yang Zhenghe's eyes narrowed and he quickly said: "You guys and District 8?"

"Yes! We were able to completely occupy the seventh district because of the help of Mr. Zhang Zhongyue, so we have a particularly close relationship with the eighth district."

"Not only do we jointly build defensive walls, but we also have a very close cooperative relationship in other aspects."

"This kind of close relationship will actually affect the balance among the 10 regions and provoke the nerves of their forces!"

"Whether we have such thoughts or not, we will all have concerns, worrying that one party will be too powerful and destroy the original balance."

"땤This kind of emotion will reach its peak after 놖 reveals his rare-level combat power!"

Having said this, the doubts in Yang Zhenghe's eyes gradually dissipated, and he said thoughtfully: "Mr. Zhang is on our side even though all the forces have objections to us?!"

Qi Yuan's eyes were bright and he said calmly: "놛 has to stand. Even if 놛 expresses his loyalty to other 놛 forces, who will believe it? So it is better to unite the front with the 놖s!"

"What about District 9? What is the meaning of their existence?"

"What is the meaning of District 9?" Qi Yuan murmured to himself, with a mysterious smile on his face, and said: "Brother Yang 꺶, I have to say, Mr. Zhang is really kind and kind!"

"What do you mean?" Yang Zhenghe turned to look at Qi Yuan in confusion, a little confused.

Qi Yuan shook his head and said: "It's nothing. Let's go on and watch. This is Mr. Zhang Zhongyue's stage. Let's just watch the performance!"

Seeing Qi Yuan deliberately showing off, Yang Zhenghe grinned angrily and had the urge to beat him up.

But then I thought about it, and I felt like I couldn't beat him!

"Forget it, forget it, don't care about it like a child." Yang Zhenghe comforted himself.

Afterwards, the two didn't talk about the auction anymore. They just chatted casually and returned to the core area of ​​District 7.

In the nuclear area, in addition to a large number of commercial buildings, some areas are also reserved for the five-person alliance to live in.

Normally, Yang Zhenghe would often live here.

Qi Yuan plans to temporarily live in the seventh district during the next period of time.

In the eighth district, in the meeting room where they were talking, there were still two figures sitting.

Ye Zhongming sat upright on the chair, and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "Mr. Zhang, Allen and Qi Yuan, can you understand the meaning?"

Zhang Zhongyue had an old face and deep eyes, and said lightly: "You don't need to understand. Even if you can figure it out, you will follow your plan!"

"What if Qi Yuan thinks wrong and goes against you?"

"No, whether you want to understand or not, it will not affect the final result. As long as Allen... is smart enough!"

The next morning.

Plans can't keep up with changes!

Qi Yuan just planned to live in the seventh district, and the shelter received information, and it was Chu Wenxi and Zhou Yue who came to find him personally through the teleportation array.

When he asked what was going on, he found out that there were two more things to do!

Both were urgent matters that needed to be dealt with immediately.

Qi Yuan had no choice but to return to the shelter again.

The first thing was that Wang Yihui wanted to see him.

Before, he asked her to make twelve sets of excellent-grade armor according to the twelve zodiac signs, and now it has been preliminarily completed.

But now, there are some small problems that Wang Yihui cannot solve by herself, and she needs Qi Yuan's help.

Another thing is that the first long-leaf cattail finally appeared!

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