Fog Survival

Chapter 228 Leasing and Selling

Next, after a 30-minute heated discussion, he finally made a detailed record of all the plans.

First, the main business model of the seventh district - real estate leasing and sales.

In theory, the entire seventh district belongs to them, and they can completely occupy it and develop business.

However, this method is too wasteful.

They are short of manpower and have no sufficient business experience, so they can't make perfect use of this land.

They can't arrange a complete market operating environment like the eighth district and achieve overall management.

So, they chose to find another way - rent it all out or sell it out.

Of course, Qi Yuan didn't want to sell the store, the cost was too high, and there was no time.

So, just sell the land directly!

Sell it by square!

And limit the purchase per square!

After discussion, he finally decided to rent 60% of the land, sell 30%, and finally keep 10% of the land for his own use.

All the land is distributed on both sides of the middle road. As you go deeper, the area becomes larger.

Those who choose to sell are all small inner land near the center of the gathering place.

And the outer areas with large enough area are all rented.

Among them, the price of renting land is charged at 2 spirit coins per square meter per month.

And the area of ​​each area allowed to be rented is more than 500 square meters.

So every month, you need to pay 1,000 spirit coins.

And those lands sold directly are sold at 100 spirit coins per square meter.

In other words, it takes 1,000 spirit coins to buy a minimum area of ​​10 square meters.

And the price of larger land is imaginable.

At the same time, it is stipulated that each person is only allowed to buy one piece of land.

This rule forces them to seriously consider whether to buy a large area of ​​land or a small area of ​​land in the only purchase opportunity?

Qi Yuan believes that most survivors will choose to do their best to buy a relatively larger area of ​​land.

Especially for the survivors in the fourth-level shelter, the purchase demand may be very large!

The survival of the fourth-level shelter depends entirely on the "Shelter Scroll". Will 200 spirit coins per week drag them down sooner or later?

In this case, it is better to try your best to buy a piece of land in the gathering place to survive.

Moreover, there is a more important point!

Once they settle in the seventh district, they will definitely be bound to the seventh district in the future.

If they encounter a strong beast attack, the survivors in the first-level shelter still have a way out and can choose to escape.

But can these people who have settled down still run away?

Maybe, even if they are not allowed to participate in the war, they will hold Qi Yuan's thigh and clamor to defend their homes.

Moreover, Qi Yuan learned that there are very few large areas that do not allow the sale of land, and most of them only allow the leasing of shops.

Especially the official forces, they are strong enough in themselves, and there are many hands under them, so they occupy most of the areas.

Only a small number of commercial and residential areas are left, which can be rented with spirit coins.

However, Qi Yuan doesn't care.

Don't want to build a house?

We can sell the land directly and let them build it themselves, or they can buy it from Qi Yuan.

Can't run the market?

Don't worry, there must be business talents among the settled people, let them develop their own business!

Worried about being attacked by wild beasts? So you want to win over other powerful survivors to cooperate?

It doesn't matter! The real strong people, do they like to be controlled in other areas, or develop freely in the seventh area?

The result is predictable.

Qi Yuan, the main thing is to do whatever he wants!

As long as you pay, you can do whatever you want!

Of course, if you really want to kill and set fire, break the rules, and want to overturn the table after eating and drinking!

Then ask the 9 excellent beasts on the border if they allow it!

In practical terms, the rules of the seventh district are the most relaxed among the 10 districts in the entire gathering place.

While other forces are still busy laying foundations, building houses, and setting rules.

Qi Yuan has already stopped working early and started to prepare for other things.

At present, the seventh district is temporarily managed by Yang Zhenghe. Qi Yuan returned to the shelter island with the newly purchased 500 그.

As the number of survivors decreases, the future trend will make labor more and more precious.

Therefore, Qi Yuan chose to ask for a batch of labor.

Anyway, there is enough food now, and more 그 can be supported. If a few 그 talents can appear, it will be a big profit.

And Zhang Zhongyue did not cheat him. The ages of these 500 그 are all concentrated between 15 and 50 years old.

Although their physical fitness is not high, they all have the ability to work, not just eating and waiting to die.

However, none of these 500 그 used the "slave scroll", which gave Qi Yuan a headache.

500 "slavery scrolls" would cost 50,000 spirit coins, which he couldn't afford at the moment.

So, he chose this method.

He bought 100 "slavery scrolls\

,"and picked 50 people with the best physical fitness from the 500 people, and put them in the training area after using the "slavery scroll".

They were handed over to Han Dong and Zhang Yuan to take care of them and train them daily.

Later, 50 younger and more flexible people were picked, and after using the "slavery scroll", they were placed in the "prop manufacturing area".

Let Wang Yihui lead them to start learning the manufacturing of various props.

As for the other 400 people, they were all arranged in the southern dormitory area to farm with other people.

In order to prevent the loss of talents, Qi Yuan has made plans to evaluate the comprehensive capabilities of the entire dormitory area after a period of time.

Promote the talents with strong abilities and those who have been buried.

However, at present, Qi Yuan's development focus is still on the gathering place.

Once the gathering place is opened, there will be countless wealth! It will definitely make Qi Yuan rich overnight!

Now, he mainly focuses on four items!

They are "Night Light Bulb", "Communication Spirit Pattern", "Beehive Hut", and "Forest Cabin".

These items can be sold in the "Seventh District", and the sales should be very good.

Therefore, Wang Yihui got a new task!

In addition to the communication spirit pattern, she needs to be responsible for arranging the production of the other three props.

In order to reward the staff of the "Prop Manufacturing Area", Qi Yuan took out a large number of good and excellent food and put them in the store.

Just before, they had accumulated a sum of points to exchange for these foods.

At the same time, in the underground shelter, "sand and mud bricks" are still being manufactured in full swing.

If there are survivors who want to lay the same foundation as the road in the "purchase or lease" area, they can buy "sand and mud bricks".

Therefore, they plan to open a "sand and mud brick store" mainly to sell building materials.

Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, Zhong Maiyun, and Zhao Cheng should have their own plans and will open some shops of their own.

Qi Yuan is the same. He has a lot of shares in large stores and can run many shops.

Recently, he is worried about what to sell.

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