Fog Survival

Chapter 1554 The remaining survivors

In terms of meat, I have also caught four rabbits in the past ten days, all of which have been dried into dried meat, almost filling up a whole box.

I am generally more frugal when eating meat, and I only take a small piece each day, so I have accumulated a lot and have become a wealthy survivor.

In addition, the fur has been processed. I made the fur of these six rabbits into hats, gloves, shoes and other things.

In fact, the workmanship is very rough, which is equivalent to wrapping a layer of fur on the surface of the body, which can be used to defend against danger and keep warm.

If I continue to obtain other furs in the future, I can also wrap my arms, legs, and back with a layer of fur, so that the warmth effect will be greatly improved.

Moreover, during this period of time, there is a most rewarding harvest!

That is, I met other survivors!

A few days ago, after collecting relatively sufficient food, he thought about going up the hillside to see if there were other resources there.

As a result, he climbed to the top of the mountain after a short while. When he looked down from the top of the mountain, he realized where he was.

In fact, the location of the camp was close to the top of the mountain, but just because of the terrain, there was a relatively flat slope.

Originally, he thought he was in the valley, but he didn't expect that the terrain was so high.

However, this also has advantages and disadvantages. It can only be said that each person has his own opinion. Besides, the campsite has been built very well and is very suitable for survival. He doesn't want to move to another place.

Afterwards, the young man looked around at the top of the mountain and found that there were vast mountains everywhere. People were extremely small in it. The tall trees blocked his sight, so that he didn't see it very clearly.

However, when you go over the top of the mountain to the other side of the peak, you will find that there is plenty of food here, and there are many fruit trees with abundant fruits.

At least in terms of wild fruits, you don’t need to worry too much, and there is a high probability that you can’t eat them all.

And in the following exploration process, you will have the most reward this time-discovering a camp of other survivors!

On the opposite hillside, you will find a small camp surrounded by stones, and you can see people walking in it, which is obviously a survivor.

It also brings you a great surprise. This is the first survivor you have found so far.

It’s just that whether you should contact or not has become your most hesitant thing now.

If you contact, does the other party have friendly thoughts? If there is a conflict between the two sides, will there be a dispute?

But if you don’t contact, there is another survivor living so close to you, and you can’t seem to be completely relieved.

Finally, 놛 chose to return to his camp temporarily.

On the first day, 놛 took some food, then took the axe, and went directly over the mountain to the other side.

놛 needed to take a closer look to see who the other party was and what his personality was like? Was there any possibility of a conflict? Was it suitable to contact and become friends?

The camps of both parties were far apart, and they had to cross mountains and ridges. It was not an easy journey. 놛 started from the morning before dawn and walked until two or three o'clock in the afternoon. This time, 놛 barely approached the other party's camp.

From a distance, 놛 saw a young man of the same age, carrying a bow and an axe, and moving carefully in the forest.

When he saw the bow, the young man immediately became nervous, but after a careful inspection, he found that the bow in this person's hand was not a system bow, but a kind of bow made by himself with bamboo.

In fact, most people would not choose the arrow. After all, if you choose the arrow, you have to choose the arrow. It is not worth it to waste two places at once.

However, the young man still raised his vigilance. After all, this person has the arrow and can attack from a distance, which is very dangerous for him.

However, it didn't take long for the inspection to happen. The young man was surprised and wondered if his luck was too good.

The young man holding the arrow on the opposite side, in order to chase a squirrel, slipped and fell down the hillside and fell into the ground.

Then, there was no movement for a long time.

The young man was stunned for a long time, touched his nose helplessly, approached carefully, and hit his body with a stone.

After confirming that the young man holding the arrow was completely unconscious, he approached and found that blood was flowing from his forehead. Obviously, he was seriously injured when he fell down.

놛 shook his head helplessly. After a long period of thinking and struggling, he did not choose to kill.

The most basic conscience and rationality still controlled 놛's behavior. 놛 could have chopped down the axe and taken everything this man had for himself to make his life richer.

However, conscience made 놛 choose to save 놛. 놛 collected the young man's arrows and axe, then carried the young man on his back and came all the way to the young man's camp.

This is a camp mainly built with stones. In the middle is a very simple cabin, which is not as good as 놛's own.

However, around the shelter, a wall was built with thicker stones, which looks very strong and durable, and can effectively prevent the invasion of wild beasts.

At the same time, in the garden, you can see that there are many plants planted here, and the variety is very rich, which makes the young man jealous.

Because you can see that there are wild ginger and shallots here. This kind of plant that can be used as seasoning is definitely what you dream of.

The yard was cleaned very clean and tidy, and the construction was also very complete. Obviously, this is also a very wealthy survivor.

The young man carried the person into the cabin on his back. You also saw the resources stored in the cabin. There was a whole basket of cassava, which made you stare.

What is the starch in your rhizome? There is really a lot of starch in cassava, which made you swallow your saliva.

Then, you were not polite at all. You just searched here, took a few cassavas, roasted them on the fire, and planned to eat them first.

You ran all the way here, which can be regarded as saving this person's life. It should not be too much to eat something.

It was almost night time, and after eating and drinking, he sat casually on the wooden bed...

At this time, the fainted young man gradually woke up from his coma. When he saw the person sitting beside the bed, he did not panic as expected. He was just surprised for a moment and then calmed down his breathing.

"You... brought me back."

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