Fog Survival

Chapter 1552 Food Storage

The whole process is very small. Every part of a prey's body has an extraordinary meaning, allowing it to better survive in this wilderness.

The first thing is blood. He needs to bleed the wild rabbit first and store all the blood in bamboo tubes.

Because there is salt in his blood, he has never had a way to replenish salt since he came here. As a result, he often feels physically exhausted and lacks energy. This is a sign of lack of salt.

Therefore, although he is very reluctant to drink blood, it is very necessary to drink some, but it needs to be boiled as much as possible to avoid parasite infection.

Next is fur. As the weather gets colder and colder, it is necessary to add some warm items for yourself, and beast fur is a very good choice.

The entire hare skin was cut open from the belly and peeled off. It looked extremely complete and required some processing before it could be made into a warm item.

After that, it was the flesh and blood of the hare, but when decomposing the flesh and blood, the young man discovered another very valuable resource.

That's fat!

This hare is definitely not small, and it is plump. It is obviously preparing for the birth, so after cutting open the belly, you can see a lot of fat, which is thickly accumulated around the belly.

The young man took it all out. The fat meat was still very useful. The easiest way was to add fat.

However, it can also be used in other places. For example, it can be made into candles and placed in shelters for lighting.

You can also boil it into fat and add some when cooking later, which will taste better.

Judging from the current situation, he will definitely not be so luxurious as to turn the fat into candles. Now having enough food is the most important thing, so he plans to keep the fat and boil it into oil if possible.

The last thing is the meat. There is not a small amount of meat left. After cutting it uniformly, it is all put into bamboo tubes, eight of them.

This time, he returned home with almost a full load. Blood, fur, fat, and meat were all rare resources. Looking at the fat and tender meat, the young man's eyes stared blankly like a wild beast.

The first thing I did when I got back to the camp was to take out a few bamboo tubes and start cooking food.

Originally, he planned to stew a few pieces of hare meat directly in a bamboo tube, but after hesitating for a moment, he felt that it was too luxurious to eat like this, so he changed the method.

He only took out a piece of meat the size of a table tennis ball, just over 100 grams, and chopped it into minced meat with an axe.

Later, take out another bamboo tube of starch, add water to it, and stir it to form a paste.

Finally, use a bamboo tube, boil a bamboo tube of pure water, cut the starch paste into small pieces and put it into the water. It has become a common gnocchi.

Then put this small piece of rabbit meat directly into it and cook it into a thicker consistency, similar to porridge and noodle soup, and serve it as today's dinner.

Although it is very, very simple, but for people who have never eaten meat, it is delicious. When the meat enters the mouth and the umami taste explodes on the taste buds, the young man can't help but squint his eyes. .

However, after taking a few bites, I found that eating it just like this seemed a bit boring, so I added some additional pods to it as a vegetable garnish, which made it taste better.

In addition, half of the bamboo tube was boiled with blood. This must be replenished. If there is no salt for a long time, the body will definitely be unable to bear it.

This meal was the best meal he had eaten since he came to this game world. He felt a lot more energetic, his mood became a lot more cheerful, and his overall state improved.

After eating and drinking enough, he began to think about how to store food and deal with the remaining ingredients.

It's best to drink the blood as soon as possible, but since the weather is relatively cold now, it should be able to survive for a few days.

The fur can be left outside to dry in the sun when the time comes, and can be made into gloves or hats after processing.

As for the meat, although it will not spoil in a short period of time, for safety reasons, this year we chose to dry it, that is, smoke it.

Inside the shelter, there is a fireplace, which is integrated for heating and cooking.

Cut the rabbit meat into finger-sized pieces, hang them in the chimney of the fireplace, and dry them with smoke to preserve them for a long time.

Catching prey for the first time is absolutely extraordinary.

This means that there is an extra meat item in his diet, which greatly improves his satiety and satisfaction.

It also means that the trap can indeed capture prey, which increases his ability to seek 눃놅信뀞 in this area!

Noodles and rabbit soup have also become the pillar that supported him to survive in this strange and dangerous world for a long time.

In the next few days, his main task is to collect food.

The only difference is that in the past, he almost focused most of his thoughts on wild fruits, pods and roots, and paid little attention to traps.

But now, he will deliberately set aside a part of his time to study the layout and production of traps.

He has recently discovered that animals such as squirrels and rabbits can often be seen around him.

It should be that the weather is getting colder and the cold wave is about to come, so these little animals have begun to go out to look for food, hoarding the last batch of food in preparation for the holiday.

Therefore, at this time, the number of wild animals is the largest, and they are also the most fat.

The young man set up 20 to 30 traps around him, and in order to catch large prey like wolves, he took the time to dig a big pit, put bamboo thorns at the bottom of the pit, and covered the hole with hay.

If an animal like a wolf falls into it, it will be pierced by the thorns immediately and cannot climb out.

After doing this, he began to wait for the prey to take the bait, and checked the trap every day.

As his skills became more and more sophisticated, he did start to gain some results.

For example, on the 30th day, he had two gains in one day.

First, the trap caught a one-pound rat, which was definitely a big gain.

Later, in the large bamboo thorn trap, he caught an extremely fat rabbit, and this rabbit was even bigger than the previous one. It accidentally entered the bamboo trap and had a big hole in its belly.

When the young man came over, the stomach was still bleeding, and it was obvious that the dead had just died, so he immediately went down to fish it out and brought it back to the camp for processing.

These two harvests made his food storage much richer. He did not plan to eat too much, so he dried all the meat into smoked and dried meat strips and stored them in the room.

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