Fog Survival

Chapter 1539: Yunteng Immortal Soldiers

Originally, Gao Changxian's strength was already top-notch, and his martial soul was also extremely powerful. With the process of the first use, the quality and level needed to be further improved, reaching a higher level.

This was the first time in the entire civilization that a martial soul was promoted, which surprised the Jin State and made it a top secret.

They found that martial souls after the first level had more powerful power.

At the beginning, the power of martial souls was more "soul condensation", which could condense the power of the army, so that the martial souls themselves had terrifying combat power and manifested a huge body to fight.

And the martial souls after the first level, in addition to having a more powerful "soul condensation" power, also have another power called "soul attachment", which can form a huge force field, covering all soldiers, and forming a small martial soul on the soldiers.

This little martial soul can increase morale, improve defense, and temporarily improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers. Long-term use will also enhance the potential of soldiers.

Then, if you use it to condense the soul at this time, the power will be greatly improved.

For such an army, the strength of other martial souls after condensing the soul is about 5, but if you use Gao Changxian's martial soul to condense the soul, the strength is very likely to be 15.

This huge difference means that the road of martial soul has reached a new height and has taken a new path again.

If it is the previous 001 civilization, it is the one with the lowest potential among all civilizations because their upper limit is very limited.

However, with the emergence of Wushen Tomb and Wenhan Pavilion, a thorough change has occurred.

The power of martial souls may not be truly revealed in the war within the civilization. After all, everyone has martial souls, and the difference in strength is not very large, and there are means to restrict each other.

However, if it is a war with other civilizations, you will find that this method is extremely troublesome.

Because the martial soul is not a physical body, it is a combination of a physical body and a spiritual body, but it can absorb spiritual energy and the power consumed by the war. It is an extremely special existence.

Physical attacks do not cause much damage to the martial soul, and even the shells of technological civilization cannot harm this special existence.

Only energy with a very high degree of concentration can cause damage to the martial soul.

Originally, Qi Yuan thought that the martial soul would be restricted by the spirit, but if the martial soul can be improved, as the quality becomes higher and higher, it is hard to say who will be restricted by whom.

The extremely strong and fierce military god martial soul has a strong suppression on the spirit, and it may even have the upper hand.

The comprehensive strength of the first-level martial soul is already extremely strong, and it is enough to burst out with terrifying combat power against some ordinary civilizations. At this time, the potential of 001 civilization is truly erupted.

Moreover, in the past few decades of development, technology has also undergone great changes, especially in terms of military weapons.

This is also thanks to the development of martial souls. Because martial souls can exist for a long time, they can train troops that meet the characteristics of martial souls.

For example, Gao Changxian specially trained a special army before, called the Xianwu Legion, which has extremely obvious characteristics. They wear silver armor, ride silver-scaled white lions, hold silver swords and golden shields, and have a longbow. It is a semi-heavy armor legion with very strong comprehensive combat power. They galloped on the battlefield that year and established a great reputation.

Originally, after Gao Changxian's death, this kind of legion should have disappeared directly. After all, without its own commander, the strength of this legion will be greatly reduced.

However, as long as Gao Changxian's martial soul is still there, this legion can continue to exist, and the soldiers in the legion are more likely to be accepted by Gao Changxian's martial soul, and the martial soul will always protect this legion and improve the strength of the legion.

As the martial spirit reaches a new height, the strength of the legion is further improved, and some weapons are specially replaced with higher quality weapons to further improve the strength of the entire legion.

These are real benefits. For example, the bows and arrows they use are replaced with more powerful "Changhan Bows". Gao Changxian is a strong man who is good at using bows and arrows, and they are also made according to his bows in the past.

After the Xianwu Legion wears this kind of bows and arrows, they will also be protected by the martial spirit, thus having stronger strength.

Even the mounts have undergone great changes. Animals such as silver-scaled white lions have been influenced by the martial spirit for a long time, adding a touch of sacredness, and they have a better understanding with the soldiers.

However, the number of such precious animals is actually not large. Even in the entire Jin State, there are only tens of thousands of them. It is already very difficult to barely select a few to go to the battlefield.

Therefore, this also greatly affected the expansion of the Xianwu Corps. However, after research, the Armament Department used steel and precious wood to build a mechanical mount, which looked similar to the silver-scaled white lion, but the overall appearance was mechanical.

This greatly improved the strength of the entire Xianwu Corps. The stronger the strength of the Corps, the stronger the feedback to the martial spirit.

In addition to the Xianwu Corps, there are many other corps that have galloped on the battlefield and made a great reputation, such as the "Black Gold Heavy Armor", "Red Ghost Army", "Green Armor Teng Army", "Black Armor God Shooter Guard", etc. They all correspond to their own martial spirits and have extremely powerful strength.

At this moment, Qi Yuan understood that the 001 civilization had truly developed and had the potential to become a high-level martial arts dynasty.

And now it seems that their development potential is very high, and there is a chance to reach a higher level.

Therefore, Qi Yuan did not go to develop other civilizations, but stayed to quietly check the development of 001 civilization.

In the 30th year after the appearance of Wushen Tomb and Wenhan Pavilion, another extremely powerful country, Yunguo, appeared a more peculiar and powerful type of soldiers, and what is more frightening is that it is a flying type of soldiers.

It is called "Yunteng Immortal Soldiers"!

It is enough to use the name of immortal soldiers to show how confident they are, and it is enough to show how powerful this army is.

This army is equipped with a mount called "White Feather Cloud Eagle", which can gallop in the sky to fight, and the entire army is also equipped with a large transport weapon called "Tianhai Yunfan", which is a large air transport ship with extremely strong combat power in the air.

At the same time, this army is also equipped with two weapons, "Falling Thunder Lead" and "Sky Thunder Needle".

The Thunderbolt is a small ball-like weapon with lavender lines on it. When thrown into the sky, it will form a lightning bolt to attack.

The Sky Thunder Needle is a special physical attack that can be used in conjunction with the Thunderbolt to carry out targeted attacks, creating a more powerful force.

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