Fog Survival

Chapter 1524 Virus Spreads

Moreover, her own anti-viral ability is relatively strong, which is enough to resist viral invasion to a certain extent.

Qi Yuan can be sure that if she does not directly ingest the virus and its rich liquid, but is infected by absorbing the air, there is a high probability that the potential in her body will be stimulated. I want to have stronger strength and fulfill my destiny. plan.

It's a pity that she absorbed too much virus, and her body couldn't resist it, so she still turned into half human and half ghost.

It's just that even if you become a zombie, the changes in your body will be different from other zombies.

A large amount of dark green liquid in the body has experienced the first round of infection and is distributed in every corner of the body, in every organ and blood vessel.

But her body still seemed to be running slowly, undergoing some unforeseen changes. The virus was constantly moving, changing, flowing and gathering in her body.

Until finally, a large amount of dark green liquid slowly gathered on the head, and after being refined again and again, it slowly turned into a piece of white crystal.

At this time, her body became more and more dry, as if all the energy in her body had been squeezed out, and her muscles tightly wrapped the bones in her body, showing a skinny appearance.

But in this appearance, her physical fitness has rapidly improved, reaching an extremely high level, and her strength has rapidly improved, making her even more powerful than the original zombie.

Because her body muscles are extremely tough, she can jump several meters high with just one jump, and her body energy seems to be inexhaustible.

"Is this... the first round of evolution completed?"

Qi Yuan murmured to himself, 뀞꿗 couldn't help but feel a little more worried. Humans have not yet been exposed to this kind of power, and evolvers have not yet appeared. Zombies actually exist and have completed the first round of evolution. This progress is really fast. ah.

If zombies are allowed to develop like this and their progress far exceeds that of humans, then humans will hardly have much hope.

According to Qi Yuan's current thinking, it is best to kill the overly powerful zombie in front of him directly, so as to maintain the balance between humans and zombies and ensure the smooth development of the world.

However, thinking that this time the plan was supposed to be the end of the world, Qi Yuan thought about it for a moment and finally did not take action.

All development has its own destiny. Whether it is success or failure, it has already been arranged and cannot be changed.

Qi Yuan sighed, still hiding in the secret space around him, silently observing the development of this world.

The virus infection on the plane is, after all, part of the entire World Cup infection. Although it has caused a relatively bad impact in one place, it is difficult to affect the overall situation in a short period of time.

Now across the entire planet, viruses floating in the air have gradually begun to be absorbed by humans, and some inexplicable changes are also occurring.

First of all, in some areas where humans gather, a large number of people began to have fevers and colds, and light red nasal discharge.

For a time, the entire human society was in panic! It's just that people don't think it's a zombie. After all, all information about zombies has been blocked by the authorities, and only a few people know about it.

All human beings just thought that this was an extremely terrifying infectious disease, so they were extremely afraid and almost hid at home, which had a huge impact on the entire society.

Everyone has bought a lot of food and plans to hide at home and wait until the epidemic is over before going out.

However, the reason why people do not show symptoms of the disease is just because they have higher resistance, not because they have not absorbed the virus, so whether they go out or not, the result will be the same.

However, the choice to hide at home is undoubtedly a very wise one!

Because not everyone will become a zombie!

After being infected with the virus, one of the following situations may occur!

One is to directly become a zombie, lose your mind, and become a monster that only knows how to eat!

The second type of people have average receptivity to viruses and are stimulated by the virus, but the stimulation is not enough, so in the end they just catch a cold and neither evolve nor become zombies.

But this kind of people can actually stimulate their own power to a certain extent through acquired practice.

The first kind of people have better ability to absorb viruses and have strong physical fitness. They can perfectly absorb viruses and stimulate their body's latent potential, and eventually become evolvers.

However, everything has not begun yet. Human society is fighting this disaster as if it were a large-scale infectious disease.

At first, the symptoms after infection were not particularly serious. At most, they were fever, cough, and bloody red nasal discharge.

But in fact, the most important problem as to why the nasal mucus is mixed with a little bloodshot is because various organs in our body have begun to be attacked by the virus and have suffered some damage.

However, these damages are very weak and not very obvious. Moreover, there are slight damages in every part of all organs, making it difficult for doctors to detect.

Even if there is a slight phenomenon of organ failure, we can only think that it is the body itself.

But then, the first group of people exposed to the virus began to experience some more serious phenomena, that is, body ulcers, a large number of sores on the skin, black and green pus flowing out continuously, and the body became weaker and weaker.

Although the country wants to block this horrific phenomenon, it is completely impossible to block the news, and the entire human society has fallen into panic.

Ordinary people feel that it is useless to stay in the city, so many of them hide in the countryside to avoid being infected by infectious diseases.

Some high-ranking officials or big entrepreneurs who fly to some unknown places through secret channels take precautions at the first time.

They start to build highly secure shelters in some uninhabited areas, where they can live for many years and have complete food planting, energy circulation, air circulation and other facilities.

And live in them for a short time to try to avoid this disaster.

There is no doubt that these practices are actually very correct.

Whether hiding in the countryside or building a shelter, it can give people a better living environment in this war and avoid encountering zombies in the early stage.

As long as you can save your life in the early chaos and keep the fire of life, then everything will be hopeful.

But in the city, panic is still spreading, and on the 7th day of the virus spreading, the first infected zombie finally appeared!

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