Fog Survival

Chapter 152 Wonders

Not understanding the reason, everyone stopped worrying.

You must know that although Qi Yuan's skills are indeed not good, he can still hit the target.

This made Zhong Maiyun a little uneasy and kept it in mind.

Protective measures! Gotta do it right!

The shelter below is peaceful and peaceful, but the lives of survivors outside are like purgatory.

The situation of all survivors has become increasingly dangerous.

In a level four shelter, Zhang Zhongyue sat in the front seat with a heavy face, his eyes were calm and peaceful, but his expression was slightly tired.

On the side, another man in his 50s was sitting upright and talking.

"The total number of survivors has fallen below 2 billion, and the number is still falling. It is expected to fall below 1.8 billion within five years."

"The high temperature above 40℃ has lasted for 14 days. According to the survey, there is no sign of rainfall anywhere. Huang Lao predicts that the high temperature will continue."

"Under this sustained high temperature, survivors in level 6 shelters can hardly survive and have already begun to die on a large scale."

"Almost all those who survived used enslavement scrolls and were transferred to other fourth-level shelters."

At this point, Zhang Zhongyue suddenly interrupted and asked: "Have you ever estimated how many level four shelters there are?"

"We have already estimated it. If we add more, it is estimated to have reached more than 100 million."

Hearing this number, Zhang Zhongyue breathed a rare sigh of relief.

Each level-4 shelter has a basement area of ​​100 meters. If it can accommodate 19 survivors from level-4 shelters, the disaster will be temporarily averted.

At least theoretically speaking, there is a high probability that most people will survive, and it will not be completely hopeless.

No matter what form it is, what kind of relationship it is, if you want to survive... there is hope.

"Go on."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang! During these times, the number of survivors we have received has reached a new high. The total has exceeded 11,352 people, which has exceeded our capacity."

Zhang Zhongyue frowned: "The cave at the bottom of the cave is full?"

"There are already more than 8,000 people. They are almost full. And this is not the most serious thing. The main reason is..."

"Is there a food problem?" Zhang Zhongyue knew this very well and said calmly.

The man nodded and replied: "Yes, although we have dozens of level four shelters and a large amount of food stored in front of us, if there are too many people, the consumption will be too great."

"And under high temperature conditions, the food consumed cannot be replenished, and we have already begun to make ends meet."

Zhang Zhongyue asked: "Are the gray mushrooms in the cave at the bottom of the cave still grown? How is the yield?"

"It's still being planted." The man nodded and said: "The environment in the cave below is very suitable for growing gray mushrooms, and the yield is very impressive. But... it is far from enough to feed more than 10,000 people."


Zhang Zhongyue let out a long breath, patted the man on the shoulder, and said in a heavy voice: "Don't worry, hold on! After the high temperature disaster, we will start planting crops on a large area. As for now... I will think of a solution. !”

"Old Zhang..." The man hesitated, and then said: "Should we contact more people and let more fourth-level shelters join us? They cannot reach the fifth-level shelters just by relying on their personal strength. , might as well..."

Zhang Zhongyue didn't let him finish, he waved his hand and interrupted: "Don't look at other survivors with your eyes. There will always be someone who stands up..."

Zhang Zhongyue paused, his eyes sank slightly, and after a long time, he said: "For example, the more than 30 level four shelters in our hands are all our own. As for other survivors, they all have their own Let them develop freely and don’t interfere too much.”

Similar scenes also appear in many level four shelters.

Some people, like Zhang Zhongyue, try to retain some survivors and obtain some labor at the same time.

껩Some people simply want to obtain slaves and satisfy their own desires.

But more people seeking survival still choose to be alone.

Labor is important, but the cost of food, shelter, slave scrolls, and possible hidden dangers are all issues that need to be considered.

What's more, many survivors barely manage to preserve their own lives and have no time to care about others.

For example, the overall situation of all the survivors is: a few people have begun to gather together, most of them are five survivors holding together for warmth, and a very small number of them are surviving alone.

In an endless vast primeval forest.

An area was shrouded in icy blue fog, and the strong sunlight could hardly shine into the blue fog.

In the central area of ​​​​the icy blue fog, there is an icy blue lake, and next to the lake, there are more than a dozen shelters arranged in an orderly manner.

In the shelter, a middle-aged man in his forties was shaving with a sharp dagger and an expressionless face.

Next to him, a woman about 30 years old was talking.

"According to calculations, our maximum capacity is 3,000 survivors, but the most appropriate number is less than 260 people."

"With this number of people, we can barely maintain a balance of food expenses. At that time, it is the number that the fog swamp area can accommodate."

"If it's too much..."

The man wiped off the stubble on the dagger, shook his hand aside, then took out a delicate handkerchief and wiped off the foam on his chin.

After confirming that the wiping was done properly, he slowly opened the door and said: "Accept a group of people, not too many, less than 200."

There is a strange shelter in a huge tree that is more than ten meters thick and hundreds of meters high.

This shelter is a special shelter transformed using the "Shelter Transformation Scroll".

It is a tree house built with the trunk of a 꾫 tree as the living space.

In order not to harm the tree too much, the space on each floor is 20 square meters.

However, this shelter has more than 30 floors, and the highest point has reached more than 70 meters.

This is definitely the only tall building in the fog survival world.

A 25-year-old young man with unshaven beard, two dark circles under his eyes, and hair like a bird's nest.

He was also wearing a colorful shirt, a pair of large pants, and a pair of flip-flops made of bark.

His location was at the highest point of the tree house.

It stands to reason that in this high temperature environment, it should be very hot at a height of more than 70 meters.

But inside the room, the temperature is maintained at around 20℃.

This is due to the function of the 꾫tree. The overall breathing of the 꾫tree regulates the temperature inside the tree house, which is enough to keep it at around 20℃ for many years.

In a room with more than ten floors.

The tenth floor at the end is his living area, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, bathroom, living room, game room...etc.

There are ten floors in the middle and six floors to grow various foods, including crops, fruits and vegetables.

On the lower level, there are many birds with handsome figures and bright feathers.

Among them is a bird with the most colorful hair, which occupies the first floor of the tree house alone.

And the aura flowing around it is excellent!

On the bottom ten floors, there are many survivors of both men and women living.

Each tree house has lower bunks, which can provide enough living space for 8 people.

There are a total of 7 floors full of people, and the remaining floors are toilets, kitchens, and bathrooms.

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