Fog Survival

Chapter 1504 Death High School

However, apart from communication, there is no difference in other aspects. We still need to work and live. There are still supermarkets on the streets, selling various living facilities. After several months of suspension of classes, schools are open as usual.

Except for the crowded city, there seems to be no big change.

But everyone knows that the world has changed!

Everything is no longer what it used to be. This is an era of the supernatural. The ghost legends are no longer myths, but real in this world.

Fear is spreading in many people's hearts, and they live in fear every day, which has reduced the overall work efficiency a lot, and social fluctuations are very obvious.

In particular, the operation of the entire country has been greatly affected, but in this era where it is difficult to survive, the losses in the economy and other aspects are not worth mentioning.

However, such a change is not completely without benefits.

The most obvious benefit is that the authorities can recruit people for the Supernatural Power Investigation Bureau without restraint, and select people who have experienced supernatural things or have a high affinity for supernatural things across the country.

At the first time, they sent people to measure the affinity of supernatural power for everyone, in order to determine everyone's talent and soul strength.

In fact, there are a lot of people whose souls are naturally strong, born to control supernatural things, and can become powerful captain-level figures.

Such existences have been discovered a lot in a short period of time, which greatly compensates for the losses of the Supernatural Power Investigation Department.

When Qi Yuan saw this, he roughly understood that the supernatural revival was about to officially begin.

Previously, the supernatural revival referred to the revival of supernatural events.

But at this moment, the revival of the supernatural means that human beings will officially enter the era of supernatural revival, begin to recognize and learn supernatural powers, and develop their own civilization and continuously improve their strength.

Previously, everything was hidden, but now everything is on the surface.

Next, either this civilization will die completely under the oppression of the supernatural, or it will trace back to eternity in despair and become a new and powerful civilization.

The national officials naturally understand this. Compared with the supernatural, the strength of the Supernatural Power Investigation Bureau is too weak.

Just like the previous snatching of the communication supernatural, when the captain of the Supernatural Power Investigation Bureau faced the former captain, he had almost no resistance and was ravaged from beginning to end.

This is enough to show that there is a problem with their training, and their strength is too weak to cope with these difficulties.

Therefore, the official is still using various measures to train more talents to deal with supernatural events.


Superior officials of the Supernatural Power Investigation Bureau.

Many plans were placed on the table, and many of them frowned and looked at them for a long time without coming back to their senses.

"This plan is too inhumane, I don't agree to do this."

"This is not about whether you agree to solve the problem or not, this is the plan, the solution to the problem!"

"If we really do this, what is the difference between us and the supernatural?!"

"This is no longer the past era, you should wake up!"


Many people are discussing some plans to cultivate supernatural powers, which are completely merciless. It is necessary to see the essence of death in death and unleash full potential.

The first plan is [Death High School].

This method imitates the supernatural "Cursed School" and cultivates some extremely capable students through various tasks from simple to difficult, and finally cultivates the captain.

Death High School will collect a group of talented children to study in it, but will not teach too much knowledge, mainly to let them complete inhumane tasks.

This plan has been criticized and resisted by many people, but in the end it was established despite all difficulties.

Many people believe that the expansion of the cursed school to such an extent has a lot to do with its internal training methods. If humans can copy and imitate it, it may bring a lot of benefits.

The first plan is to "raise ghosts".

By artificially cultivating some special spirits, and then using some spirit props to control them, so as to control this spirit.

This was actually an experiment started a long time ago, and it has achieved considerable results. Many captain-level figures have relatively weak spirits.

Generally speaking, some powerful supernatural props are used to suppress these supernaturals, store them in the human body, and then release and control the supernatural power when they are needed.

This is the only way that humans can think of to fight against supernaturals so far, and it is the path taken by all captains.

However, in Qi Yuan's eyes, this method is extremely inferior, the possibility of success is very low, and even if they finally control the supernatural power, it is not their own power after all.

Therefore, it is destined to be a wrong path.

In fact, when seeing this, Qi Yuan's heart was a little depressed. The desperate situation of supernatural revival is indeed very challenging for ordinary humans. It seems difficult to find a path that truly belongs to them.

On the one hand, it is difficult for humans to develop a direct method of cultivating souls, because the soul energy on the entire planet is mutated. If they absorb too much soul energy, they will most likely become supernatural in the end.

On the other hand, they cannot directly control the supernatural power as human beings, which will cause them to be invaded and eventually become part of the supernatural.

For the 003 civilization, the supernatural is the only supernatural power they can access, but once they become supernatural, their human nature will disappear, so where is their way...?

They are constantly exploring and searching, using various methods to find a path suitable for their development.

In addition to "Death College" and "Ghost Raising", we have also opened many ordinary human academies to tell them some basic knowledge about the supernatural, so as to provide some simple solutions to the supernatural.

But this knowledge is very shallow and relatively rigid, and has no effect at all when facing some special situations, but it can bring hope to many people after all.

In a short period of time, humans and the supernatural barely maintained a balance, and various experiments in human society were ongoing.

Death High School, for the most secretive plan, collected a large number of talented children to enter it and experience various terrifying tasks.

However, the more he read, the more headache Qi Yuan felt, because he found that humans seemed to have taken the wrong path.

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