Fog Survival

Chapter 1476 Cutting off the return channel

He immediately cut off all the space channels for people to return to the planet.

This means that they are completely left on the mother planet, in the game world created by Qi Yuan for them, and can no longer return to their own planet.

For them, they only need to click the button to exit the game to return to their home immediately.

In fact, they are hundreds of light years away from their home!

As for the part of the people left on the planet, Qi Yuan did not waste them. He forced them to be unconscious and then threw them into the game together.

So far, there is no one left on the entire planet. There are only tall buildings and seemingly prosperous cities and streets.

However, after today, these cities will fall into silence and be swallowed up by the ecology of this world.

And the game world has become a reality!

The first game invasion has officially taken place!

And the players in the game soon noticed the abnormality.

Among billions of people, there will always be a few who try to leave the game. At this time, they will find that the "Exit Game" button, which used to be able to leave the game with just one click, has no effect this time.

At first, many people were just a little surprised, because there were some loopholes after the whole server was updated, so they didn't care much.

Of course, they tried to contact the game customer service, who was the dream builder.

But there was only one answer: there was no problem with the game program. If you can't leave, try again after a while.

After getting the answer, many people were not too anxious. Anyway, they stayed in the game for a long time, and it didn't matter if they stayed a little longer.

However, another situation was soon exposed, which immediately attracted the attention of many people, and even scared them out of their wits.

Some players said that they didn't join the game at all, but stayed in the real world all the time. But suddenly they fell into a coma and then entered the game.

At first, no one believed it, and just thought it was a gimmick.

But later, it was discovered that the part of people who entered the game after being unconscious seemed to be really supposed to appear here!

Why can't some people enter the game? Of course, it's because they have important jobs in the real world.

For example, students, babies, extremely important jobs, etc.

But many people found that these people who should have entered the game entered the game at the same time.

Soon, some people were screened and finally came to a conclusion that made everyone's hair stand on end:

All humans seem to have entered the game world, and there is no human on the planet where they live...

No matter how careless they are, everyone found something unusual. After all, the game is a game after all, how can it be possible? All people enter the game?

Moreover, more and more people tried to leave the game, but in the end, it didn't work.

For a while, almost everyone was in a panic, and the top leaders of various countries noticed that it was normal. Everyone tried to leave the game, but the result was the same.

Panic spread throughout the game world, and everyone put aside what was happening in the game and began to discuss why they could not leave.

This panic lasted for a day and a night, and finally changed on the second day.

Because... the exit game button disappeared completely.

At the same time, a new announcement appeared in front of everyone.

[Fully enter the game era

1. From today, you will not be able to exit the game,

2. You will feel pain in the game, and you will be resurrected after death, everything is the same as in the real world.

3. A full-scale war between players and NPCs will start in one year, and a national war will start after the year. Please be prepared, players.

4. There will be more dungeons, activities, and historical civil officials and generals in the future. 】

A few simple announcements directly burned the CPU of all types of games.

No need to care about other content, just the first and second announcements made everyone stunned.

What does this mean? From now on, you can no longer leave the game world?

Moreover, you can feel pain in the game and resurrect after death. Does this mean that this is no longer a game world, but a real world?

The entire game world seems to be shrouded in a haze, and everyone has a bad premonition, and panic is spreading in their hearts.

In this situation, the original national government officials finally stood up and tried to maintain stability and order in the game world.

But facing the current situation, they don’t have a good way.

In the real world, they have top weapons such as guns and cannons, and can make laws to restrain everyone. But in the game world, they are just a small city, and some players are even stronger than them. How can they manage the world?

However, in the current situation, there are still many people who are willing to listen to the official government, and there are many powerful players who are willing to cooperate. After all, what is happening now is not a small matter, but a matter of life and death for mankind.

The official has assembled a group of top scientists to explore this game world and try to find a solution.

But after only a few days of exploration, they found a serious problem, that is, this world is not a game world at all, but there is no difference from the real world.

There are stable sun, moon, stars, complex rivers and seas, and everything that a real world should have.

The only thing that is the same as the real world is the game system, as well as the various game props, copies, and NPCs that appear here.

But apart from these, it can be seen from other aspects that this is a game world, which is simply unbelievable.

The countries in the 13 regions have tried to contact each other, but they found that when they were in the game world, they seemed to become extremely insignificant and could not contact each other at all.

Is it really necessary to have an NPC decisive battle within a year as stated in the announcement, and then start a national war after a year?

They just think this world is extremely absurd.

Qi Yuan actually saw all the panic and fear in his eyes. This is a process they must go through, just like all the human beings on Earth came to the Misty Continent.

When they came on the first day, everyone was also afraid and panicked. They spent the first night in cold and fear, and explored this completely unfamiliar world, seeking hope to survive.

At this moment, 001 civilization is also facing the same situation, but in comparison, the situation they are facing is much better than that of the Misty Continent.

When they crossed the Misty Continent, they had no knowledge of the Misty Continent, and they were extremely short of various basic living supplies. If they were not careful, they would die completely. Both the danger and the difficulty were extremely high.

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