Fog Survival

Chapter 1396 Storm Creatures

As a civilization that combines technology and transcendence, Lingfu Civilization naturally has weak technological capabilities. When the warships of the mother planet civilization fought fiercely, the terrifying rays illuminated the universe.

The "Leyton" battleship group, the second super-warship after the Galaxy Battleship, is larger than the Galaxy. It stores five powers as energy and carries three exhausted star cores, which can deal with most wars in the universe.

At the same time, it is equipped with the most advanced technology, including a large group of thunder-wing drones, thunder-line guidance technology, and cosmic storm technology, which are all its unique capabilities.

At the same time, the commander-in-chief is a student who graduated from the Strategic College of the United College. He has experienced more than a hundred years of training and finally stepped into the position of commander-in-chief step by step. He has served for more than 80 years.

Such a person is far from being comparable to the likes of Bei Zhouting. As for the control of the battle situation and the arrangement of the overall situation, the commander-in-chief of the Leyton Battleship has very rich experience.

At the beginning of the battle, they showed extremely terrifying wisdom and experience. They clearly knew their own advantages and the enemy's weaknesses, and through precise positioning, they instantly disintegrated the enemy's offensive.

The fleet of warships stretching over tens of thousands of kilometers collided at the first time. The huge number and terrifying battle made the universe roar with the roar of artillery fire!

It was a real cosmic war. Warships were constantly destroyed and trump cards were frequently played!

The Lingfu civilization has a very high comprehensive level of magic technology. It has both the long-term combat capability of technological weapons and the short-term burst capability of extraordinary warfare. There are almost no obvious weaknesses.

The "Leighton Headquarters" is also simple, with the same size as the opponent, and has unique technology, which can completely fight against the upper and lower winds.

A war of this level can definitely be ended in a short time. If it is allowed to continue like this, the battle between these two warships alone can last for several years.

The commander-in-chief of the Leighton battleship also tried to find an opportunity in the stable situation, trying to win in a stable situation, and looking for an opportunity to destroy the opponent.

A cold and steady voice came: "The right wing has fallen into a stalemate and began to use the cosmic storm technology to try to destroy the balance of the opponent's front line."

The commander of the division on the front battlefield, without any hesitation, directly activated the strategic-level weapon, the eye of the storm!

The terrifying interstellar storm boiled in the air. This is a pure element accumulation weapon. The bottle can continuously absorb the storm in the universe, and finally form a storm giant to deal a devastating blow to the battleship.

The strength of this storm giant can barely reach the king level. Although it is not very strong, its action is indeed unique.

Because this is a creature formed entirely by the storm, so even if the opponent sends a king-level creature to deal with it, it is actually unable to effectively attack the storm.

At the same time, this is also a super-large strategic unit specifically for mechanical warships.

If it is an ordinary king-level creature, even if it has the strength of the middle or even late king-level creatures, it is difficult to quickly destroy a large warship.

After all, the size of most king-level creatures is still relatively normal. Compared with warships, they are like ants. Although they can easily destroy a warship, it is actually a bit difficult for them to create waves in a fleet of warships that stretch for tens of thousands of miles.

After all, it takes time to run from one warship to another.

However, this storm creature is completely different!

It is so large in size, extremely fast, and has no entity. It will not be destroyed by artillery rays, but will only consume the storm energy in the body.

So once this creature appeared, it immediately caused a storm on the battlefield. Just by walking on the battlefield, a large number of warships were overturned.

Facing a huge warship, just a casual step could put the warship in the storm and crush it into pieces by the powerful force.

In just a few breaths, the storm creature destroyed a large area of ​​warships and cleared a large number of holes.

Behind it, the right wing army followed closely, quickly expanding the advantage of the battle situation, and using the suppression of the storm creatures to deal a fatal blow to the enemy's warships.

As the commander-in-chief, the rear immediately issued an order and began to outflank the enemy from the right wing, trying to affect the victory of the right wing battle situation to the overall battle situation.

However, the commander-in-chief of the Lingfu civilization was also a vegetarian, showing terrifying resilience and even bloodiness.

He didn't care about the situation on the right wing at all, letting the situation deteriorate, and directly launched his own attack on the left wing.

It is also a unique technology. The man uses the star magic to attack with small star rays, directly penetrating the entire left wing front, and also establishing an absolute advantage.

The two sides fought head-on, without any defensive posture, and went all out to attack, just to break the deadlock as soon as possible.

In response, the Leighton battleship took action again, releasing a storm creature on the left wing and two in the central battle zone, directly rushing into the battlefield.

The purpose is very simple. The opponent's rays are indeed powerful, but they are just launching attacks on a line, and the consumption is also very large.

Such attacks, although the burst is much stronger than storm creatures, the damage to the warships is relatively small. As long as the warships are slightly dispersed, they can be effectively sanctioned.

However, the storm creatures are completely different. They chase the warships and fight without giving in. Once they appear on the battlefield, the opponent has no good way to sanction them.

For this situation, the commander of the Lingfu civilization was also numbed, and directly made a wrong decision, using small stellar rays to attack the storm creatures.

This strategic deployment is actually very unprofitable in any aspect.

First of all, there is the energy problem. The energy of storm creatures is relatively cheap, so the manufacturing cost is not high, and it only needs accumulation, but stellar rays are different, and the energy consumed is still very huge.

Moreover, this kind of small stellar ray should have a huge effect when used to deal with king-level strongmen.

But for storm creatures, the impact is actually not very big.

It is not that it cannot be destroyed, but the moment it is destroyed, the storm creatures will explode directly on the spot, and the terrifying cosmic storm will instantly affect tens of thousands of kilometers.

Originally, the storm creatures still needed to run constantly in the universe and rush to various war zones to fight, but they were bombarded by this cannon, using a method similar to self-destruction to directly clear a large number of opponent warships.

In the back, the commander of the Layton battleship was also stunned. The other party was too polite to do such a good thing.

In fact, the Layton battleship also has similar means. It also relies on powerful attacks to produce chemical reactions in the storm, which instantly explodes on the spot, thus affecting a large area.

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