Fog Survival

Chapter 1326 Weird Environment

Just taking a brief look at the configuration of the people present, Qi Yuan had a rough guess about the situation, and couldn't help but ask: "Is it related to the spiritual type?"

Wei Xi nodded and said: "This place is indeed a bit strange. When a space train passed through this universe, its direct space ability failed, and it was stuck here and could not get out. It stayed in it for more than 30 days, and was finally completely destroyed. Stay here."

"If a space battleship passes through this place, all its instruments will malfunction, and then it will lose contact with the headquarters, and it will also die here completely."

"At first, it was only possible for some people, but since this time, as we have fully entered the interstellar era, the number of space trains and space battleships has increased, and the coverage area has become wider and wider. Several accidents have occurred 깊, so we came here specifically to check.”

Qi Yuan nodded, having a rough understanding of the situation.

In today's era, the thing that can cause the space train to malfunction should be 꿁껣 and 꿁.

Because the space train is not just a train, but a powerful prop that uses powerful space capabilities to travel through the universe.

However, in this area, it is indeed very strange that the space train can be pulled directly out of the space teleportation and then stay here forever.

Qi Yuan also asked the old man of space: "Have you checked the surrounding space? Is there anything abnormal?"

"There are indeed some problems. This is an extremely rare weak space state. The space energy is thin and completely in a state of subsidence, so space transmission cannot be carried out internally."

Qi Yuan was stunned and immediately knew that things were troublesome. No wonder so many powerful people came.

Weak space state and space energy deposition, this is the latest space theory.

It involves complex principles. Qi Yuan himself doesn't understand it very well, but he knows that there is a limitation in this special environment: that is, people outside the weak space cannot be teleported into the weak space, and people inside the weak space cannot be teleported into the weak space. Unable to send it out!

All in all, space ability has no effect on weak space.

This at least shows that if an unexpected situation occurs internally, it will not be transmitted at all.

This is the reason why space trains and many battleships have the ability to transmit space, but they are still trapped in them.

Next, the space elder gave an introduction to this area.

"덿zai, when I was exploring this space, I found that the energy inside was extremely terrifying. It should condense some kind of attribute power, and even directly repel the space ability."

"Is it spiritual energy?"

“It kind of looks like it, but it doesn’t feel like it quite!”

This answer obviously did not satisfy Qi Yuan, so he asked without looking at Wei Xi and Zhou Yuheng: "As kings, can't you feel it?"

The two of them were a little embarrassed, scratching their heads, and said helplessly: "I really can't see it, but I think it is still somewhat different from the spiritual attribute, and it is not the same as the soul."

At this moment, Qi Yuan was speechless. The abnormal space was similar to spirit and soul, but not spirit and soul. Even he found it strange.

But he immediately understood that there was not only pure authority in the universe.

껩There are some king-level resources that have aggregated or undergone mutations, causing unknown changes, thus deviating from their original appearance.

In fact, authority is just a man-made name, and there is no such thing as authority in the universe.

In the vast universe, there are only all kinds of elements and energies. They have different shapes and different functions. In many places, there is not just one kind of energy aggregation, but they are extremely colorful and rich in types.

In many cases now, authority cannot be directly extracted from items that are of extremely high quality or possess special abilities.

In fact, once their original structure is destroyed, they will lose many of their magical effects.

As far as Qi Yuan is concerned, authority is just a system that belongs to the home planet, but its universality is not high.

There will be some items in the universe that are more special, more precious and strange than power, and perhaps this is what exists before us.

He could truly feel that the quality of the area in front of him did not actually reach the king level, and was still within the king level range.

However, it can make a group of kings helpless, which is enough to show that it is special.

Qi Yuan walked forward and silently measured the energy in it. He felt that the starry sky in front of him didn't seem to have anything special. At a glance, it was also dark.

It's just that in the perception of power, there is sometimes a sense of emptiness and depression, and a little bit of emptiness, which is always very special.

At this time, Wei Xi suddenly said: "덿zai, I feel that this energy... seems like the aggregation of several kinds of authority, but it is higher than these kinds of authority!"

Qi Yuan turned his eyes and asked: "What kind of authority do you think it is?"

Wei Xi thought for a moment and said, "It feels like it has spirit and soul, and also has some... dream attributes?"

Qi Yuan nodded slightly, but then slowly shook his head.

Wei Xi feels the three attributes of 누놅, and he also feels 누깊.

As for the so-called "dream attribute", this is actually an extremely rare and relatively high-end special energy.

Transformed into the spirit and soul, but not completely the spirit and soul, it is always extremely special and very rare.

In the entire mother planet, there is only one "Dream Attribute" authority, which was obtained in the Xuan Continent. However, no one has cultivated this attribute, so no one currently carries this authority.

However, in addition to these three attributes, Qi Yuan also discovered more different attributes by virtue of his transcendence of king-level perception.

"In addition to space, spirit and dreams, there should be..." Qi Yuan slowly closed his eyes and said silently: "There is also space, light and heat, fate, darkness, wind, metal, wood, water, Fire, earth..."

The more he spoke, the deeper Qi Yuan frowned, and finally he opened his eyes in surprise.

Because he suddenly discovered that the internal energy seemed extremely complex, and there was also a feeling of emptiness that made it impossible to figure out.

These various energies are sometimes abundant and sometimes appear, and are always looming, making it difficult for people to see clearly.

But Qi Yuan's words aroused Zhou Yuheng's curiosity and asked: "덿zai, didn't the old man of Cai Space say that this is a weak space? Why can I still feel the space energy inside?"

This question does not need to be answered by Qi Yuan. The old man from Space said directly: "The formation of weak space is diverse. There is a possibility that there is no space energy at all inside. But there is another situation, that is, this area is weakened. Surrounded by space, but there is still space energy inside, it is possible."

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