Fog Survival

Chapter 1254 Lord of Elements

It was widely reported at the time, attracting everyone's attention.

After he was born, he conducted in-depth research on his physique and immediately reported the news to Qi Yuan.

Because this child has a whole set of elements in his body, gold, wood, water, earth, wind, thunder, dark, light, and ice!

And the affinity of these elements is as high as 120%.

After knowing this situation, Qi Yuan immediately went to check it out, and used the power of the king level to conduct a comprehensive test on this child.

Then the results of his test were more accurate than those of others, and he even found some situations that others did not find.

This child is really special to the extreme!

First of all, his attributes. Normal people do not have so many attributes, a whole set of natural attributes!

What's more peculiar is that there are no strange attributes such as spirit, flesh, blood, bones, etc., but all natural element attributes.

Secondly, his attribute affinity, the affinity of each attribute is 120%

For ordinary children, it is normal for all attributes to add up to 100%.

But he adds up to 1200%!

This means that he has a strong understanding and control of all these attributes, and he will have unique conditions for learning spiritual patterns or witchcraft in the future.

Even, his future will definitely break through the extraordinary, there are almost no restrictions, and the road ahead will be smooth.

All roads lead to Rome, but he himself is the Roman emperor!

Finally, Qi Yuan discovered a problem that others have not discovered, that is, the purity of his body!

Everyone else, including Qi Yuan, and other kings, have more or less impurities in their bodies when they are born.

Specifically, when detecting attribute affinity, there will be 0.0001% of various other attributes, because this is a component of the body, there must be a lot, and everyone agrees with this statement.

But Qi Yuan found that this child... has no impurities.

Except for the elements of his own body, no other attributes can be detected in his body.

This means that all of his flesh, skin, bones, meridians, organs, and even hair and nails are made up of his elements.

This is a natural elemental!

And his future is as expected, smooth and unimpeded. He reached the peak of the perfect level at the age of 10 and directly participated in the [Global Interstellar Elite Competition] at that time!

He is the first person to win the perfect level champion of the [Global Interstellar Elite Competition] at the age of 10.

But all this is just the beginning of his legendary life. His strength is not only in his talent, but also in his understanding of his own strength and his terrifying thinking ability!

Originally, everyone thought that he would most likely break through the extraordinary in a short time.

But he did not, did not cling to his talent and the title of prodigy, but really settled down.

And showing a maturity that shouldn't be there at this age, he left the city that everyone was paying attention to, away from all the noise and praise, approached every corner of the mother planet, and felt the rhythm of the earth!

He walked for a full five years, using these five years to settle himself and walk out of his own way!

Qi Yuan called it enlightenment, which is what many strong people lack, especially young strong people, because of their own strong talents, so they lack the real understanding of their own path.

However, many people who have lived for hundreds of years have never done things, but a child is actually practicing them.

And it only took five years to realize his own way!

Or, he walked out of the road with all his attributes, and integrated them to achieve extraordinary achievements.

And at the moment of breakthrough, he directly reached the peak of the extraordinary level!

That year, he was five years old!

From then on, he never appeared on the mother planet again, but his legend has never stopped.

After many years, he has now successfully broken through the king level and become one of the strongest people on this planet.

Everyone knows what kind of path he is on, what kind of strength he has, and even what authority he controls, no one knows.

When he was still young, some people were sure that he could not become a king!

Because he has a whole set of attributes, and there is no order of priority among these attributes.

So when he finally chooses authority, he must not directly choose an authority, after all, Qi Yuan is definitely not so generous.

Then the final choice is likely to choose an authority, so how can the "Elemental" with only one attribute be called the Elemental?

However, the thoughts of mortals will eventually be bound, unable to break away from the original track and walk out of a new path.

What everyone thought trapped him actually did not bring any impact.

Even strictly speaking, the difficulties in the eyes of others are just a small threshold in the eyes of Cai, and can even help him to find a special way and become stronger.

Only a few people know that as an element, he did not occupy the authority of the mother planet, but used a method similar to "divine energy" to break through.

In his body, there are 10 items of king quality, representing his 10 attributes.

These 10 king items were scattered in various parts of his body when he just broke through the king level. When he needed to use a certain energy, his body would transform into that energy.

But as his strength increased and he continued to explore the future, everything changed.

Because these king-level items with these attributes finally slowly merged and merged into a pearl in his heart.

A perfect pearl with various energy flows, which can freely use these attributes and make these attributes cooperate and interweave, and finally burst out with terrifying power!

This is the path he finally took!

A path that is different from anyone else, extremely powerful, and extremely special!

In the eyes of the older generation, he is not only a rising star, but also a strong man whose strength is so strong that even they can't figure it out. He is such a mysterious and legendary figure.

At the same time, he is now called the "Lord of Elements"!

When a person of this level appears, it means that Qi Yuan begins to control the overall situation and prepares to launch an attack.

Since Soul Ancestor already has a rough idea of ​​the opponent's strength, there is no need for him to shrink back. He should fight with real swords and guns to see who will go on.

The battle on the scene is still going on!

The five-point war has given the seemingly weaker party an absolute advantage.

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