Fog Survival

Chapter 1243 Lasts for half a year

More than 18,000 warships!

This means not only 18,000 ships, but also 18,000 main battleships, followed by various frigates, cruisers, and small fleets, with a total number of more than 100,000.

A battle fleet can cover a large area.

Then 18,000 fleets will be a huge number, which is really boundless, covering a large area, and the layers are shocking.

The commander on the opposite side suddenly crashed after seeing this scene, and was stunned on the spot.

They thought that they were bold enough and were pushing the war situation forward to a great extent, wanting to scare their enemies into retreating.

Still didn't expect that the other side was bolder and more courageous than them.

And they were actually equally powerful to the point of being unimaginable.

In the enemy's rear, a golden-armored figure on a giant warship of tens of thousands of meters could not help but take a breath when he saw the warships coming from the front.

In the end, he could only silently give an order: "The whole army retreats! Wait for support from the rear!"

Under the absolute suppression of numbers, there is no need to resist, and the only thing to do is to leave the battlefield.

They also know that the front battlefield must not collapse, because the size of the individual can only do a small amount of things after all.

If it is a super-large-scale battle, then there is naturally a super-large-scale battle operation mode, which cannot be changed by one or two people.

Since the mother planet civilization has already played its cards, there is no reason for them to hold back.

More than 18,000 fleets are indeed very terrifying, but it does not mean that they have no room for resistance at all.

After all, things like warships are not particularly precious for a civilization that has developed to a certain level and has a huge energy source.

Fleets began to emerge from the space cracks in the rear, also in a similar style.

The ancient and majestic appearance, exquisite and complex patterns, colorful and powerful light shields, and different symbols on the ships.

This time, the number is no longer a small fight, if it is really serious.

It took a whole week just for the transmission time. A large number of warships were transmitted over and spread across the universe in front, forming a huge fleet.

The man in golden armor was in control and began to confront the army of the mother planet civilization.

Zhou Zhenshan roughly checked the number of the other party's fleet, and his face turned ugly in an instant.

More than 20,000 fleets!

Tit for tat, no weakness, a larger fleet number, and the overall quality of the ships, not weaker than the mother planet, even stronger.

It can be clearly seen that the warships of the mother planet civilization are not of high quality, but their output is very fierce and the attack is continuous.

Although the opponent's warships are of higher quality and have more burst damage in a short period of time, the opponent's consumption seems to be not small, and they cannot fight for a long time.

It is very likely that the opponent cannot produce weapons on the abortion line, but uses technology similar to spiritual patterns.

This allows both sides to fight back and forth, and rely on their respective advantages to make the battle situation stalemate.

First, the mother planet fleet pressed forward and used terrifying weapons to carry out a covering attack.

But the opponent will soon attack, and the sky will be full of flames, golden swords, boulders, thunder, winds, and floods will attack crazily. The terrifying and unparalleled power will crush a large fleet, and the momentum is as huge as the end of the world.

With such a powerful attack, the mother planet's civilization's offensive will be interrupted directly and forced to retreat.

But such an attack will not last for a long time. Most of the time, after a few hours, they will begin to converge their offensive and accumulate energy again.

At this time, it is time for the mother planet to continue to launch weapons and cover them with current weapons again, and continue to attack them.

At the same time, in order to deal with the behemoth "Galaxy Ship", the other side also took out its own killer.

A giant ship with a size of more than 100,000 kilometers, like a small continent, appeared on the battlefield.

However, the two sides are very tacit. Whether it is this "giant ship" or the mother planet's "Galaxy Ship", it is only used as a logistical supply and does not directly participate in the war.

Everyone knows that this level of strategic existence is not suitable for consumption. They would rather consume tens of thousands of ordinary warships than lose strategic resources.

In addition to the front line being like a meat grinder, with a large number of lives involved, logistics also began to supply frantically.

The Galaxy Ship continued to consume energy, and more warships were produced internally to continuously supply the losses on the front line.

This war was also maintained in this way.

It would take a lot of time to annihilate tens of thousands of fleets, and it would definitely not be possible to win or lose in a short time.

This lasted for a full six months.

The war was like a terrifying gear, constantly crushing the lives of the two civilizations, involving countless fresh lives, and truly showing its cruelty.

But no one chose to retreat, and they really killed blood and began to attack more fiercely.

At the same time, there are also various small actions in the rear.

The mother planet needs to continue to explore, understand the opponent's strength and basic salary, or do something in the opponent's rear.

Therefore, some secret teams are also constantly sent out.

For example, the Xiantian Soul Clan and the Ghost Department have secret tasks to perform.

The other side is the same, trying to bypass the main battlefield, find the real base camp of the mother planet civilization, and implement the decapitation plan.

The war has become more comprehensive, more complicated, and more difficult to stop.

Such continuous wars have put great pressure on Qi Yuan.

On the one hand, the war is stressful. The front line is like minced meat. Countless soldiers died and warships collapsed. These losses need to be borne by the mother planet civilization.

On the other hand, the public opinion within the civilization has also made it overwhelmed.

Of course, the national self-confidence developed over the years has also been truly revealed at this moment. Not many people are afraid of death, but more are ready to move.

The vast majority of people do not blame the war for starting, but blame Qi Yuan for not taking full action to expand the war situation. It is best to fully devour the opponent and become the nourishment of their own civilization.

Qi Yuan also shook his head helplessly. It is good to be confident, but blind confidence is not advisable.

The strength and background shown by the other party at present have already stayed in the galaxy-level civilization for a long time. The combat capability and technical level in all aspects are very high.

There are tens of thousands of warships, which means tens of thousands of extraordinary peak warriors. The other party took them out directly, which shows how strong the strength is.

Even Qi Yuan was a little unsure. What kind of trump card does the other party have and what kind of strength does he have?

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