Fog Survival

Chapter 1132 Colorful Space Energy

The dreamy colorful light gathered around, like the northern aurora, drifting in this desolate universe, full of intoxicating brilliance, making people intoxicated.

However, those who truly understand the existence of space power can't help but break out in a cold sweat when they see this scene, and they dare not move at all.

The invisible and intangible space energy, when it is dense to a certain degree, actually forms a situation similar to the aurora, and it shows color, which can be seen by the naked eye.

And what's more terrifying is that when they entered the space crack, they were not directly teleported to another area, but wandered in this space crack.

It is enough to see how huge this space crack is, which is far beyond human imagination and is a terrifying power.

On the other hand, it can also show that the distance of this teleportation is absolutely far beyond any previous teleportation, and even light years are used as the unit of measurement.

Looking at this gorgeous space energy, Qi Yuan couldn't help but look around and found that this situation was everywhere, as if he was in a brand new world.

It seems beautiful and gentle, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. If there is no protective layer in the form of space authority covering the periphery, the space energy alone is enough to tear off the surface of the planet.

It can be said that any planet without space authority will be torn into pieces in an instant when entering this environment, and there is no possibility of survival.

It is a blessing in disguise that the mother planet can be teleported under such circumstances.

At this moment, Lu Xingchuan suddenly came back to his senses and said to Qi Yuan: "Old man, the space energy here is extremely rich, and it has even reached the level of law. You can try to absorb the energy here and strengthen the power of authority!"

These words completely awakened Qi Yuan.

Yes, the space energy here has surpassed the extraordinary level, and is even comparable to the energy quality of the authority itself. If it is compressed, it can even directly create authority!

With his eyes lit up, Qi Yuan immediately called the Space Dao Puppet to let it personally check the current situation and find an opportunity to absorb the space energy.

The Space Dao Puppet looked at the scene in front of him, revealing a sexually eager expression, and couldn't help but step forward a few steps, and exclaimed in disbelief: "What a terrifying space energy, where is this place?"

Even with the vision of the Space Dao Puppet, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Space, this is a space crack in the universe, extremely dangerous and terrifying, but it is also full of extremely rich space energy. Do you try to absorb it?" Qi Yuan also explained briefly.

The Space Dao puppet looked around and after a careful inspection, he nodded and said, "It should be fine. The quality of the quantity is very high. After I absorb it, I will probably break through."

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but smile excitedly.

The Space Dao puppet breaks through, that's a king-level existence!

I didn't expect that in such a short time, the second king-level strongman will appear in the civilization. This speed is really amazing.

According to the original plan, it would take at least 50 years for the 32 Dao puppets to completely absorb the power of their own authority and reach the king level!

But this crisis and opportunity from the universe accelerated the speed of the Space Dao puppet's breakthrough.

Kong Jin asked with some concern: "Sir Space Daogui, if you want to absorb the space energy outside, will it be too dangerous and cause harm to you?"

The Space Daogui's eyes flickered slightly, waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I won't go at all, just use the space protection layer to absorb the energy directly."


The Space Daogui took a step forward and glanced at Qi Yuan, as if asking for his opinion.

Qi Yuan nodded slightly.

Then, he clearly felt that the space protection layer covering the outer layer of the planet had been completely controlled by the Space Daogui in front of him.

In this situation, the control of the space protection layer is almost equivalent to the control of the lifeline.

However, Qi Yuan was still relatively relieved.

In the entire mother planet now, anyone can betray, but the Daogui is the only one who cannot betray.

Because they themselves were born from this world, they are the authority and laws of this world, completely submissive to Qi Yuan, the master, the most loyal life in this world, and shouldering the mission of protection.

After the space Taoist puppet took control of the space protection layer, the entire protection layer glowed slightly, and a suction force was born, slowly absorbing energy from the surrounding space.

The speed of this absorption is very slow, and it dare not cause any fluctuations, but the entire mother planet is too huge, even if each area absorbs a lot of energy, the total is already very huge.

At first, everyone was still worried, fearing that because of this behavior of absorbing energy, the space protection layer would have accidents, or cause space energy fluctuations, thus causing irreversible dangers.

But soon, they found that this behavior not only did not bring danger, but made them safer.

Because the space Taoist puppet absorbs energy, the power of the space authority increases, which further enhances the strength of the space protection layer.

Even in the process of absorption, the energy in the space protection layer is closer to the space energy in this space crack, almost merging into one, making it less vulnerable to attack.

As time goes by, the energy on the space Taoist puppet is constantly increasing, and the aura is getting closer and closer to the king level.

For beings like them, the path of breakthrough is different from that of humans. They do not need to target the genetic level. They only need strong and pure energy to break through to a higher realm.

Because their life level is far higher than that of humans, and they are qualified to break through to the king level.

In the process of absorbing energy, the space puppet itself is also undergoing changes.

In the initial process of making puppets, although extraordinary materials were used, the quality was terrifying, but it was still not good enough for the king-level puppets.

So in this process of improvement, every part of the puppet, every joint and structure made of it, and even every material, are undergoing unknowable changes.

This change is a very deep change, which drives the materials and structures to become more suitable for the laws of space energy, and the puppets made by them are gradually becoming natural.

After a long time, the Space Dao Puppet was also covered with a layer of colorful light.

There was even a space protection layer. With the continuous absorption of energy, the strength increased by more than 10 times, and it was also rendered with a layer of colorful light, which was extremely mysterious.

Day 5.

Qi Yuan, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the Space Dao Puppet with surprise.

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