Fog Survival

Chapter 1130 Fellow villager?

The other stone tablet records how to improve the strength of the beast.

There are many professional terms in it, which should be the names of various materials. Due to the immaturity of translation technology, it is impossible to understand what materials they are.

However, there are also some technologies that are valuable introductions to obtaining stronger strength and exerting powerful skills through cooperation with the beast, which are worthwhile.

Qi Yuan took all of them back to the mother planet without leaving any.

At the same time, a large-scale exploration and excavation was carried out on this planet. This time it was more detailed, and almost no soil with possible relics was missed.

In the end, several huge relics, or burial places, were indeed found, from which many bones were found, as well as some unknown knowledge, and Qi Yuan collected them all.

A large number of stone tablets were translated, and the information in them was confirmed, which also made the entire beast control technology more perfect.

Even without much research and development, it is already an extremely perfect technology that can be used directly.

And what's more terrifying is that this is a super-level skill that can directly lead to the super-level.

This also makes Qi Yuan more and more curious and puzzled about the identity of this civilization.

If this is a civilization that has grown up, it would be incredible to create a super-level technology from scratch without the help of the Misty Continent.

Qi Yuan deeply knows how difficult it is to develop a technology.

Just from the only perfect level, if you want to break through to the super-level, you need to spend a lot of thought and energy.

A civilization that can create a new technology from scratch must have very terrible strength. At least in terms of research, it has absolute talent.

But what is more puzzling is that when this beast control technology is not perfect, what do they rely on to gain a foothold? To maintain the development and survival of civilization?

Could it be that they live in an absolutely safe environment without any enemies?

This is also an almost impossible thing. Even if there is no threat from other civilizations, they will inevitably encounter disasters from wild beasts and natural environments.

Generally speaking, the soil that can breed super-level life must also have the natural power to destroy super-level life.

Therefore, the natural environment of this planet must have been very harsh. How could they survive here?

Qi Yuan felt more and more that the existence of this civilization seemed very strange.

"Could it be... this is also a level nine civilization?"

Qi Yuan couldn't help but have some guesses in his heart. Perhaps this buried civilization in front of him was also a civilization that walked from a foggy continent and came to the universe to seek survival.

If this beast control technology came from the foggy continent, then everything can be explained.

Moreover, there is another big evidence, that is, the distance between this planet and the foggy continent is too close.

In the universe, the distance is calculated in light years. Qi Yuan had prepared for not encountering civilization for tens of hundreds of years, but he did not expect to find this planet in just a few years.

Under normal circumstances, how can a planet with civilization be found so easily?

So there is a high probability that this civilization also came from the foggy world before, but it did not choose to wander around, but found a nearby galaxy and settled down here peacefully.

To a certain extent, making such a choice is also related to its weak strength.

From the size of this planet, it can be guessed that they do not have much authority, and there are probably only five or six authorities.

This is indeed a very coincidental thing. I found five or six special deeds, and it happened to be the five basic special deeds I needed.

After breaking through to the eighth-level shelter, after all, I only need to accumulate five super-level peak strongmen.

What's more coincidental is that their technology is originally beast control, and their strength is the same as that of beasts, so it is easier to reach the super-level peak.

It will not take long for them to successfully transcend.

Although there is no evidence for these speculations, Qi Yuan has determined the source of this civilization in his heart.

"I really didn't expect that I could meet my fellow countrymen after only a few years." Qi Yuan smiled and sighed.

However, there are some doubts in my heart. What is the reason for the complete extinction of this civilization from the Misty Continent?

If the extinction of Earth civilization comes from the weakness of the foundation, there is no spiritual energy or super-energy, the individual life span is short, and the life level cannot jump, so the longest life span of civilization is only five or six thousand years.

The extinction of the civilization on the Misty Continent is because the living environment is too harsh, and it always needs to face the pressure of nature and wild beasts.

Even if they break through to the eighth-level shelter, the war between civilizations is very severe, and it is very rare for a civilization to really leave the Misty Continent.

However, the dangers faced by the first two civilizations do not need to be faced by this civilization, or it can be said that they have already overcome them.

They have left the Misty Continent at the fastest speed, and found a relatively safe galaxy to survive. They have strong technology as support, and they are also dominant in the planet, and they have not encountered the harsh environment in the universe...

Unfortunately, they still went to death.

Perhaps there are still many dangers that have never been seen, and some unknown means destroyed this civilization.

However, it is more likely that some internal factors will lead to this disaster.

It can be seen that the remains of these civilizations were specially built, with a large number of people of the same race gathered together, and there was time to leave a legacy.

This can show that before they completely perished, they should have experienced a war, survived for a period of time in the war, and finally slowly perished.

These pasts are too far away, Qi Yuan can only rely on his own guesses to roughly understand the situation, and cannot really restore what happened at that time.

However, the existence of this civilization also reminded Qi Yuan.

I must fly there for a while, and then find a suitable area to settle down.

Otherwise, if it is too close to the Misty Continent, maybe other civilizations will transcend in the future and discover the existence of the mother planet.

If it is a weak civilization, it’s fine, but if it is a mysterious civilization, it will be a big trouble.

Besides, which one can transcend and become a ninth-level shelter is not an absolutely powerful civilization?

In order to be on the safe side, Qi Yuan still thinks it’s better to stay away.

In the past, I might have thought that the universe itself might be more dangerous, and I didn't know what unknown existences existed.

But now, the foggy continent is the real danger. As for the entire universe, the probability of encountering life is extremely low, let alone powerful civilizations.

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