Fleet Commander
Vol 2 Chapter 2339: Different ideas
You must know that this time, Hu De’s eldest sister’s head is not a nominal eldest sister’s head. Basically, it can be said that Hu De’s wife replaced the Queen as the eldest sister in the absolute sense of the Elizabethan society. This time, the Queen has paid a lot. It can be seen that after this incident, Reputation has greatly improved its attitude towards the Queen. This is why Reputation will follow the Queen to find the Four Sisters of United Forces. This time, the Four Sisters of United Forces are the main opposition. opinion.
In the process of opposition this time, there was no problem with the tall fat man. Veneto, Gangut, Canarias and Argentina are temporarily members of the Elizabethan Society and will not express their opinions on this matter. No problem, the Glory Ship, Royal Oak and Howe are all normal British ships. The British ships have nothing to say to Hood. It’s no problem that Miss Dignity follows these three British ships. This time, Colorado. There are no particularly big opinions.
In fact, at first, Colorado thought of the same as the Four Sisters of the United Forces, but Colorado was quickly persuaded by the four British ship maidens of the tall fat man. The main reason for the four British ship maidens to persuade Colorado is that we must take advantage of the current situation. The problem is easy to solve and quickly solve it, otherwise there will be big problems in the future, because opposing the Queen's reputation is only the beginning and definitely not the end.
If you don’t adjust this way, then the prestige will definitely not be able to compete with the Queen. After all, Elizabeth will be the prestige established by the Queen. It is impossible to compete with the Queen. But this is particularly problematic. My own world experience will not oppose Lord Queen, but these three British SSS-class historical battleships are not the end point. At that time, the newly emerging SSS-class historical battleship will be served with Lord Queen. It is unlikely that the Queen will not think about her. Whether her sister is King George V or the Prince of Wales, once she becomes an SSS-class historical battleship, she is definitely a glorious lady who refuses to obey the Queen, nor does she feel that her sister's anger will obey the Queen.
After such persuasion in Colorado, it became clear why the Queen made such a big concession this time, because the Queen wanted to unify the world of British ships, but the appearance of Malaya and prestige made her realize that she was impossible. Completely serve the public, so in order to prevent the British ship mother from splitting like the German ship mother, it is necessary to withdraw from a powerful ship mother who can serve the public. The current situation is easy to solve. After all, the reputation can be said to be a polished commander. Such adjustments can be made with concessions.
Naturally, the Queen did not give in vain. After such a concession, the main body of the Elizabethan Society is still the commanders and the ship maidens. This makes the ship maiden Hood actually the eldest sister in name. Although the Queen is not the eldest sister, her status is still Very importantly, there will not be any major changes in this future. It can be said that the Queen and the Hood have always controlled the Elizabeth Society, because Hood’s experience in this world makes Hood also not. Too much opposition to Lord Queen, it can be said that this is basically what the Lord Queen should give to Ship Niang Hood some power.
In fact, such a change of prestige is also clear, but prestige has its own ideas, because after a long time, the authority of Hood will be fully established, because there are many British ship maidens who disagree with the Queen. These British ships Niang will definitely be convinced by Hu De Niang. Later, after Hu De Niang becomes the SSS-class historical battleship, he will also deal with those Austro-Hungarian Imperial Niangs and Colorado, so that Hu De Niang will become a real big sister.
Prestige actually feels that she doesn’t care about it, but if this problem is not resolved, it will be a big problem for the British ship mother, because the dominant British ship mother will definitely collapse in the future, because with the development of the ship mother, it will change. The current Lord Queen It’s not good to say that the British navy can be selfless for the Elizabethan meeting, but it’s not good to say whether it will be so altruistic in the future. In order to avoid such a situation, the Queen must be changed. The issue of the status of Hu De’s navy is the reputation. It's not a problem, because Hu De's wife has her **** subordinate enough to fight against the Queen in the future.
Ship Niang Hood’s current thinking is a bit embarrassing, but as the Queen expected, Ship Niang Ho is very unsuitable to the current change of identity, so that now Elizabeth will actually control the Queen, but only somewhat. Important notices will go to Ship Niang Ho, but the prestige is that Niang Ho's hard-core younger brother is the Queen never expected.
According to the Queen’s idea, prestige will definitely transform his own **** subordinates, but what she never expected is that prestige is basically based on the interests of Hu De’s wife. Prestige is equivalent to replacing Hu. The German ship mother handles things, because the Hod ship mother needs to improve her strength and needs to stabilize her commander's status, so the Hod ship mother is not always in the Elizabethan headquarters, and her reputation is like the steward of the ship mother ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~Because the Hood ship mother also has many subordinate commanders, and the Hood ship mother has been built for so many years, there are many subordinate commanders. After all, the first commander of the Hood ship mother is the current commander of Tirpitz. Officer's younger brother.
The prestige is now like the ship’s steward of the Hood taking care of these commanders for her when she is away. Of course, the ship also arranges for the prestige to go to the two islands for exercises, but the reputation is not. I want to go to the two islands so much because I exercise reputation on those two islands. I think reputation is more reliable to participate in battle with sea monsters in the future. I always get hit on those two islands, and the reputation is long. Some can't stand it.
The performance of the prestige made the Queen especially surprised, because although she respected the Hood, she really did not recognize the Hood as the prestige, but seeing this situation, the queen was a little worried, because she has such a reputation. As long as she wants to get rid of Queen’s indirect control, it’s very easy for the supporting Queen Hood. For this Queen, she feels a little bit acidic, because in this world, the contribution to the British Navy is really far from the Queen. My lord, but due to historical issues, the Queen Hood was particularly convincing and she couldn’t. This made the Queen feel very unbalanced and acidic. However, under the reassurance of Hood, her unbalanced mentality quickly soon After all, Hu De's ship mother is naturally not an ordinary ship's mother, although her mentality has not changed yet, it is not simple.
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