Chapter 72 Listen to advice

Qin Yanci took over: "I don't really want to drink."

“It’s a rare visit, how can we not have some drinks?” Li Junlu, to show his grandeur, hinted Song Hanmei to bring some wine to set the table: “Go and open a bottle first, if it’s not enough, then open another.”

Song Hanmei was so angry that her teeth were itching, her little hooves were clumsy, and her elbows were turned outward.

What if I had firmly disagreed to take her back?

Li Yuwei had a clear look on her face when she saw this. She must have said that the bartender couldn't keep the bartender.

 Qin Yanci, who has two people living in his body, is both stingy.

After the two got married in their last life, he didn't spend a penny on her.

 At the time of divorce, there is no property in the name for distribution, and after ten years of youth, one can change his life and leave the house.

 Another two years later, she heard that Qin Yanci had jumped into the river, and she never heard any news about him after that.

 Perhaps he is really dead.

  It is also deserved.

 The food is served.

Because Li Junlu was reluctant to drink Moutai, he delayed raising his glass.

 Qin Yanci didn't care either.

 He would rather eat the food cooked by Si Si than the spicy and throat-piercing wine.

Home-made tofu is smooth and tender, braised fish segments are fragrant and delicious, and even the stir-fried vegetables have a hint of sweetness.

 It is not something you have the opportunity to eat every day.

  After a meal.

Ying Sisi sent Qin Yanyan to leave.

 Walking to the side of the road, he said: "Si Si, don't send me off, it's cold outside."

Ying Sisi: "If the weather is good tomorrow, I will bring you food."

 “Wait for me to come to you.”

“Okay.” Ying Sisi thought to herself, am I too proactive and too clingy? "Then I'll go back." She was about to turn around when her hand was held.

 “Be careful while you are getting married.” Qin Yanci warned.

Her aunt and Li Yuwei make people feel uncomfortable just seeing them.

His sixth sense has always been accurate, and the two of them definitely didn't hold it in well.

Ying Sisi listened and said: "Okay." Qin Yanci said a few more words before leaving.

Ying Sisi watched him get into the car until the car disappeared, then turned around and returned.

Passing the entrance of the alley, I met a neighbor’s lady, carrying a vegetable basket with a few cabbage leaves hanging out from the side of the basket.

Ying Sisi said hello: "Hello, aunt, I'm shopping for groceries."

“What kind of vegetables should I buy? It snowed heavily, the roads were closed, transport trucks couldn’t come in, and the supply of vegetables in the vegetable market was cut off. I had to buy this from an acquaintance through hard work.”

Ying Sisi's thoughts changed: "The supply is cut off? Isn't the food worth dying for?"

“No, cabbage usually costs one cent per catty, but now it sells for five cents per catty and people are still snatching it. Whoever says cabbage is cheap in the future will be my fault. Do you have any vegetables at home?”

"Yes, but not much." Years ago, Ying Sisi bought 300 kilograms in one go in order to steal the money Song Hanmei gave her to buy vegetables. She managed to get the boss to give her a bargain. She saved 30 cents for that order. When I took him home, I was scolded by Song Hanmei. I didn't expect that the price would increase after the new year.

It's a pity that ordinary people can't do business openly, otherwise she can make some money from the leftovers at home.

 She will ask around later. If the market is good, she will go to the countryside to collect some secretly and bring them to the city to sell.

 After separating from the neighbor's aunt, Ying Sisi returned home.

As soon as he entered the door, he was scolded by Song Hanmei: "Maotai, Maotai costs eight yuan a bottle. Your father planned to use it as a gift, so you made it."

"I made it? Didn't you open it? A Ci said, if you don't drink, dad got out of the way. You blame dad." Ying Sisi pointed the finger at Li Junlu.

This cowardly man.

Every time she and Song Hanmei had a head-on conflict, he seemed invisible.

"If you don't mention it, how can I let your aunt open it? When you just gave Qin Yan a farewell, did you ask him why he called me uncle?" Li Junlu responded by throwing the blame on Si Si's head and changing the subject, trying to distract Ying Si Si and Ying Si Si. Song Hanmei's attention.

 “I didn’t ask.” Ying Sisi still had doubts.

 He had clearly called her wife before, but now he called her Si Si.

People are also a lot strange.

 At first he didn't like to laugh much.

Especially when speaking, he is a little serious.

 It seems like a different person now.

 She even wondered whether Qin Yanci had a twin brother.

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 (End of this chapter)

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