Chapter 34: Playing cards against common sense

Song Hanmei didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

She thought about it all night yesterday and made up her mind to make Ying Sisi the daughter-in-law of Feng Erliuzi. This would not only eliminate the idea of ​​her own daughter, but also deal with Ying Sisi, killing two birds with one stone.

When I returned to my parents’ home to look for Feng Erliuzi, I bumped into Aunt Zeng’s family of three who had gone to the city to visit their mother.

 Huniu is twenty-eight years old.

He came from a poor family, and no girl ever looked after him.

 Seeing that the New Year was about to turn one year older, Aunt Zeng could no longer sit still and went to the city to ask her mother for advice, even if she wanted to change her marriage.

 Aunt Zeng was mentioned by my mother.

 Vicious and cunning, domineering and unreasonable.

 It is a powerful horn.

 She immediately changed her mind.

Even if the second-rate man pulls his hips, he is still a city dweller and eats commercial grain.

How can an ungrateful person like Ying Sisi be worthy?

Huniu is just right.

 So she invited people home.

Deliberately praised Ying Sisi in front of Aunt Zeng about how diligent and capable she was to attract Aunt Zeng's attention, and also deliberately let Aunt Zeng and Ying Sisi live together.

As long as Aunt Zeng likes Sisi, she will be able to persuade King Hu Niu to bow.

The results of it.

 Huniu shirtless and Aunt Zeng.

Oh my God.

She subconsciously avoided it, turned around and saw Ying Sisi who was safe and sound, and said angrily: "Why are you going to the study if you don't sleep at night?"

As soon as Song Hanmei spoke, Ying Sisi suspected that she was also involved. She clenched her fists quietly and looked at her coldly and said, "Are you concerned? I am usually busy doing the family's laundry until midnight and I didn't see you asking me a word." By the way, who are you pretending to show?

Song Hanmei choked: "How dare you talk back?!" "Let's discuss the matter." Ying Sisi changed the subject: "Grandma, I understand that you are reluctant to let your uncle lay the floor, but you can't take advantage of my absence to ask him to come. Can you stay in my bed?"

Aunt Zeng’s face turned pale, her body was shaking uncontrollably, her mouth was wide open, and she could not speak.

Hu Niu's forehead was furious: "Mom was tied up, gagged and brought next to me just now." He thought it was the eldest girl of the Li family.

 It’s going to kill you!

Ying Sisi grasped the key point: "Being tied up? Who could tie her up? She was also gagged and brought next to you. Isn't it wrong? Aunt Zeng lives in my room. Someone tied her up and brought her next to you. It should be In the living room, how come you are in my room? Yuwei, you are the most educated person in our family. How can you analyze it?"

Li Yuwei was woken up while sleeping, and was forced to watch the excitement for a long time. She was full of frustration: "What's there to analyze? The door is locked, who can get in? There won't be any thieves during the Chinese New Year, right? My gold ring Ah." She ran back to the house and screamed after a moment: "Mom, my gold ring is missing. There is really a thief in the house. Let's go to the police station to report the crime."

As soon as the words fell.

Hu Xiaoqian looked panicked and hurriedly stopped her: "It's so late, the people from the police station should be sleeping, right?"

Ying Sisi originally planned to use Li Yuwei's mouth to talk about Aunt Zeng and Hu Niu living in her room, but Li Yuwei did not follow common sense and brought the topic to the thief.

Unexpectedly, Hu Xiaoqian reacted violently.

Ying Sisi thought for a moment, and a sly smile appeared on her lips: "Auntie, Yuwei's things are lost, just don't worry and accompany her to find them, why are you playing the opposite tune?"

Li Yuwei's eyes flashed with a sharp look, and she immediately started searching: "Did you take it?"

 “Yuwei, don’t be like this, I don’t have it.” Hu Xiaoqian hid around.

 Li Yuwei forcibly searched his pockets.

Ying Sisi remembered that fellow villagers would hide money on the soles of their feet, so she promptly reminded her, and when she saw the opportunity, she stepped forward and hugged Hu Xiaoqian from behind: "Yuwei, you can hide it in your shoes."

Your Highness Princess, can you cast a few more recommendation votes? ~~~



 (End of this chapter)

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