When it comes to flattery, none of the people present are weak. One after another, they praised Song Jiang so much that his face became rosier. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone was almost full.

They also felt that they had almost figured out Song Jiang's character. After all, he had just entered society and had some potential to be a boss.

His character was also a little soft, with the clear stupidity of young people.

At this time, someone led the topic back.

"People like us sometimes do things that are not our original intention. Mr. Song, don't take it to heart if you offend us."

"Yes! We are just guns in the hands of others." Wanqi Qi changed his tone, "From now on, this good gun of mine will belong to Mr. Song."

Raise your own status!

"Okay." Song Jiang responded, "I am in need of weapons."

He paused and looked around, "Who else wants to join my arsenal now?"

As soon as this was said, everyone looked at each other with different expressions. Some people came to the banquet without sincerity. Some people gave negative scores after the initial impression just now.

And some people just stood up directly!

The woman smiled, "I am willing to work hard for Mr. Song!"

"Very good."

"I admire Mr. Song's ideas, and we will have a happy cooperation in the future." Zhu Luo said so.

Then as the two people finished speaking, the scene became quiet, and the remaining 4 people had different expressions. Some hesitated, some sneered, and some stood up and bowed to Song Jiang with a smile.

"Mr. Song, I'm sorry, I'll go first."

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment and nodded in agreement, "Then you go."

"Okay." Xu Junjie smiled and nodded, pulled out the chair without hesitation, stood up and walked to the door.

After eating this meal, he only felt that Song Jiang was young, and Tengsheng's current situation was just good luck, just stepping on the wind.

Following such a person, it is better to...

"Zhu Luo Ban Fangfang, remember that face. We will target him in the future." Song Jiang, who said the frame-up words openly, looked serious.

Ban Fangfang and Zhu Luo looked at Xu Junjie who had not walked out yet, a little confused. Boss, he hasn't left yet, are you going to say it now?

You don't want to hide the bad words behind his back?

Song Jiang said, hide, what is that?

Anyway, I do what I say!

Xu Junjie, who just put his hand on the door handle, was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but look back: "Boss Song, you are wrong, right?"

How can you cricket someone in front of others!

"I'm just stating the objective facts."

"Someone put a knife on my neck, I can only kill him first. After all, I'm afraid of death."

After all, I'm afraid of death--

Clear voice, but different from it are those cold eyes.

Song Jiang's eyes were slightly curved, "Bye."

Xu Junjie was silent for a moment, his hand on the handle, wanting to press it down. He was silent for a full three seconds, and finally let go of the handle.

"Mr. Song, you are doing this. I can't leave or not." He raised his hands, "I surrender and follow you."

"Are you sure?"

Xu Junjie was helpless, and smiled like Maitreya Buddha: "After all, I am just an ordinary person, and I am also afraid of Tengsheng's suppression."

"A man who knows the times is a hero," Wanqi Qie said sarcastically, "Manager Xu, you think you can leave after coming, so it's better not to come."

"Hehe~ Teacher Wan, I didn't see you agree."

Face to face the old rival again, Wanqi Qie's face sank, "I came with sincerity, so naturally I have to see Mr. Song's sincerity." He raised his glass to Song Jiang, "Mr. Song hasn't made a price yet, how dare I agree casually."

"After all, I am confident that what kind of person is worth what kind of price. Unlike some people who are rash-"

Zhu Luoban Fangfang, who was inexplicably ridiculed, blackened his face. This Wanqi Qie always knows how to speak, and every word makes people uncomfortable.

Although it sounds unpleasant, everyone still pricked up their ears.



What price can Tengsheng offer?

It is still unknown. Although the treatment promised by Sun Lai is very generous, what he said is different from the reality! No contract has been signed to ensure it!

No one dares to believe it!

After all, there are too many examples in society, and in their position, they are also accomplices in most of the games!

"Yes, I almost forgot!"

Song Jiang suddenly realized and quickly opened the bag he brought with him and took out the contract from it.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the contract, with a little tension in their eyes.

At this time, they found that Song Jiang divided the contracts into two piles.

He pressed his hand on the left pile, "This is the treatment promised by Sun Lai to you. If there is no problem, you will be assigned to Xunyou with a management position." He paused and put his hand on the other side.

"This contract is a bit special. The salary may be higher than here, or it may be lower than here."

What does it mean?

Everyone couldn't help but look up, is there any difference between the two contracts?

"Since everyone present is the project leader, that is, they can take charge of their own affairs, this contract is for a separate project."

Separate project? !

"Are you kidding?" Someone lost his voice.

"Of course, if you want to be more stable, just sign this one." Song Jiang distributed the contract, and everyone started flipping through it as soon as they got it. With the intensive sound of flipping pages, the room became quiet for a while.

Five minutes later, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the regulations were normal.

They looked at the other one.

"Mr. Song, can you tell me what it means to lead a project?"

"It's very simple. Each person will receive 5 million yuan and be responsible for the operation of the project. I will not interfere with your card design and promotion. If the income meets the target, continue to work. If the income does not meet the target, the project will be suspended and assigned to management positions."

"5 million yuan per person?"

Song Jiang touched his chin and changed the wording to "each project."

"Hu——" Everyone took a deep breath, "If a project is carried out, the people under your command..."

"You can find them yourself." Song Jiang paused, "Xunyou's personnel will not be drawn out. Whether it is operation, sales or production, you can only use the Xunyou brand."

That is to say, Xunyou will not provide much help, but it will not interfere.

I have to say, too much freedom!

It makes people feel hot in their hearts. Doesn't this mean that 5 million yuan can be spent at will!


"Is there any change in salary?"


A clean and neat word immediately made people alert.

"The price Sun Lai agreed with you is the market price, and the price of this contract is the Tengsheng price." Song Jiang stretched out his hand to press the table, "I can tell you a fact. So far, the highest salary of my employees is 20,000."

20,000? ?

Zhu Luo, who currently has a monthly salary of 25,000, frowned slightly. This information is inconsistent with what Sun Lai revealed!

Didn't he say that Ji Ziping's salary is 300,000 a month!

"Ji Ziping's work is similar to yours. If you come in, I will also open 9,000."

"Mr. Song, you are not kidding. Mr. Ji's salary is only 9,000? ?"


Without a doubt, "If you choose to sign this contract, your salary will be 9,000!"

For a moment, everyone looked ugly. Although they could freely dispose of 5 million, it was tiring to work on a project!

Exhausted like a dog to get such a small amount of money? !

Who will sign!

As everyone picked up the pen one by one, they planned to sign the first contract. Ban Fangfang was wondering, if Ji Ziping had such a salary, why wasn't he poached?

Unless there was something else in the contract!

"Mr. Song, can I see the contract?"

Song Jiang smiled and handed her the contract.

She looked through it carefully. The previous clauses were basically the same, and it was clearly stipulated that 5 million would be used to operate the project. What was wrong?

The number 9,000 flashed by, and it seemed that there was a percentage next to it.

"Wait!" Ban Fangfang's pupils shrank, and she quickly turned back.

I saw.

9,000 salary + 3% project profit for performance!


She signed her name without hesitation when she saw it clearly!

Now she understood what kind of temptation Ji Ziping was facing?

No capable person would refuse this kind of temptation.

After all, no one would doubt their own ability!

Even if it was 3%, the money was much higher than the salary!

Of course, the premise is that the project is successful!

When others saw this, they also asked for a contract and signed their names when they saw it clearly!

I couldn't help cursing in my heart!

Song Jiang, what are you up to? You're hiding something! Just tell me!

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