
Song Jiang reached out and picked up the paper in the drawer. He could see countless notes on costs, user models, authorization letters, and other things that he couldn't understand.

And, there were more things that were eliminated below.


On each alternative paper, there were dense fonts, and some were still stuck with rice grains that had become hard lumps.

What he saw was the time and persistence flowing above, as well as the collapse.

More than a dozen pieces of paper were divided into two.

No one will succeed from the beginning. Success cannot prove strength, but it can prove luck.

Five-star talents are just people.


"Don't move these things."

"I'll wait for him to come back and tell me in person."


The next day, Song Jiang just sat down in the office, and the next second, Ji Ziping pushed the door in.


The air was quiet for a few seconds, and Song Jiang widened his eyes.

"Aren't you hospitalized?"

"I ran away."


Song Jiang subconsciously took out his mobile phone and planned to call an ambulance.

Ji Ziping had already thrown a thick stack of planning proposals on his desk.

"Boss! I've already thought about it while I was lying down!"

"I just want to make money now!!"

Forget the brand, the concept, the idea!

I just want money!

The establishment of all brands and the output of concepts are just for the core and to increase profits!

Ji Ziping is no longer the Ji Ziping of the past!

"...Then tell me how to do it." Song Jiang looked at the man in front of him who had regained his energy. Although his eyes were still a little dark, his whole spirit had recovered.

"Please let me make a simple report."

This time there was no ready-made PPT, only sheets of tables were placed in front of Song Jiang one by one.

"This time, a total of 5.4 million yuan was invested, of which 2 million yuan was used to contact Sakura Country to purchase domestic exclusive IP authorization. For example, the Curse Return that is currently on the shelves."

"I found that the animation series of Sakura Country is very popular in China, but the corresponding number of derivatives produced is very small. Or the market has not yet realized the production of such products." He paused, "I tried to use the most common printing cards."

"Like the cards that cost one yuan a pack in elementary school."

As soon as these words came out, Song Jiang understood instantly and nodded quickly.

"My price is 128 per box, 12 packs per box, which is equivalent to 10 yuan per pack, and there are 4 cards in each pack."

"4?" Song Jiang's eyes widened, "10 yuan for 4 sheets of paper?"

"Yes," he pushed his glasses calmly.

"At present, it seems that this price is acceptable to the target customers. I judge that this type of customer still has potential."

"..." Song Jiang hesitated, and finally closed his mouth and listened to the other party patiently.

"At present, the highest expense is the licensing fee. In addition, there are art expenses and processing fees paid to the factory. Each card needs to be processed with a special film, which is higher than the cost of ordinary paper." Ji Ziping said with some regret.

"Now the average cost of a box is 12 yuan."

"Oh, 12... how much?!"

"12." Ji Ziping repeated patiently.

Song Jiang opened his mouth wide. You sell it for 128 yuan with a cost of 12 yuan. This is a fucking 10 times profit!

"Who will buy this?"

As soon as the voice came out, he realized that he was talking nonsense.

The thousands of orders are still there!

"Huh——" He took a deep breath and asked weakly, "What about the goods? Yes, I only saw the order, not the goods."

"We are not responsible for delivery." Ji Ziping said calmly, "The factory is responsible for delivery. The agreement I signed with them is that we are responsible for paying the normal express delivery fees in the market."

"Ah?" Song Jiang didn't understand for a moment. Of course, he had to be responsible for the express delivery fee, but, "The factory is so kind to help us deliver?"

You should know that the labor cost here is not low!

"The other party makes money from the express delivery fee."

The normal express delivery fee is 8 yuan. The factory has a lot of goods, so the express delivery fee can be reduced to 3 or 4 yuan, which means that he can take a few yuan of profit from one piece of goods!

These are all no-cost businesses!

But the real no-cost business is Xunyou!

As long as the store is there and customers keep buying, he only provides customer service, and he is not responsible for the rest.

What is empty-handed?

This is called empty-handed!

This is the first time that Song Jiang felt so complicated.

"Is that how you make money?"

"That's how you do it."

Ji Ziping said firmly, and he paused at the end.

"In fact, it's better if we are responsible for production."

This is how you can reduce costs to the extreme!

However, all of Tengsheng's manpower has been invested in mattresses, even if it is to develop a new production line.

That's too far a step!

Ji Ziping was thinking, but Song Jiang suddenly realized.

"This is simple, we just need to acquire that factory."

We just need to acquire that factory--

The spacious office echoed with relaxed words, and Ji Ziping raised his head and looked at him blankly.


"Give me the contact number of that factory."

"...Boss" Ji Ziping thought he would not be surprised, but Song Jiang always gave him surprises.

"Don't worry, the company has money!"

I can't rest assured!

He shouted in his heart, but he still gave his mobile phone number.

I was just secretly worried that with the speed at which the boss was spending money, wouldn't the money he made be less than what he spent? !

Watching Song Jiang dial the number, the other party quickly answered.

"Hello? I want to discuss a big deal with you."

Big deal?

The other party quickly became enthusiastic, "How much do you want to order? The goods we produce here are of very good quality, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

"Okay, how much does your factory sell for?"


5 minutes later.

Song Jiang successfully opened up a new territory with 8 million, plus all the employees of the other party, including the boss.


"Okay, done. In addition to this factory, do you need anything else? For example, new employees and artists." Thinking of this, Song Jiang touched his chin.

"Yes, it's better to invite people directly than to pay them to draw."

"You will be responsible for the art."


"Ji Ziping?"

Ji Ziping, who woke up, responded, his Adam's apple moved a little, "Okay, okay." He didn't expect that his light suggestion would get feedback immediately.

Even, he still felt like he was dreaming.

It seemed that Song Jiang had always been able to meet his needs since he joined the company.

Could it be that——

Ji Ziping swallowed his saliva, took a step back with some caution, and looked at his boss's outstanding face.

The man's dignity fluctuated in his heart.

Could it be that, could it be that, if, or not...

"Boss, why do you value me so much...?" Ji Ziping's heart was beating as his palms sweated.

The handsome man in front of him grinned.



"You are a general!"


Song Jiang crossed his hands and supported his chin with a smile, saying, "My intuition tells me that you can contribute to my career."

That's it?

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