Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 28: Another Kind of United Konoha

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Konoha outside,

Taking care of your clothes carefully,

After this battle,

Konoha will no longer be ruled by the ninja clan.

Teacher Tobirama doesn't know that I can become a qualified Hokage like this.

"Konoha is everyone's Konoha. No one person, family or clan can override Konoha." - Senju Tobirama.

"Hiruzhan, the Nara clan leader has agreed. The Inar, Deer, and Butterfly clans will actively respond to the meeting and prepare for war. The roots are ready and can be taken action at any time."

Danzo Shimura walked in and said,

"Ah, thank you for your hard work, Danzo. I'm lucky to have you these days. If it was just me, I really don't know what I would do."

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a long sigh and said with some emotion,

"Hiruzhan, you are the leaves in the sun, and I am the roots buried deep in the ground."

After saying that,

Danzo Shimura went out,

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled happily,

With such friends helping me, how could Konoha not prosper?

conference room,

The heads of the various clans arrived one after another.

The four positions headed by

Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen,

Assistants to the Hokage: Danzo Shimura, Koharu Koharu, and Mito Monobu,


Uchiha Clan Chief, Hyuuga Clan Chief, Nara Clan Chief, Yamanaka Clan Chief, Akimichi Clan Chief, Inuzuka Clan Chief, Aburame Clan Chief, Kurama Clan Chief, Gekko Chief, Yuhi Clan Chief, Mitarashi Clan Chief...

There are more than twenty clan leaders of the big and small ninja clans in total.

However, the ones with the right to speak and the strength are the seven patriarchs in front of them.

There is an empty seat in front of the Uchiha clan leader, which is the seat of the Senju clan.

Since the Senju clan has not elected its own clan leader for a long time, Tsunade is unwilling to take over temporarily.

Therefore, the position of the leader of the Thousand Hands Clan has always been vacant.

As for the test of his voting rights, the Hokage will temporarily take over.

As for revoking the position of the leader of the Thousand Hands clan?

How dare you say this in Konoha, the land founded by the Senju clan.

Oh, Uchiha, that doesn't matter. Anyway, we all need to oppose what Uchiha says.


The Third Hokage started the theme of this meeting,

"How to better deal with the sudden Second World War in the ninja world."

Sarutobi Hiruzen started with the history of Konoha.

Let’s talk about the will of fire that I explained.

Then when talking about the enemies we may face in this ninja war,

at last,

"At this time of crisis, do you have any thoughts?"

Finally we got to the point of the conversation,

The Nara clan chief put away his yawn,

Hokage-sama, can't you be faster? The guy who wrote the manuscript for Hokage must be fired.

In fact, is there a possibility that this is a speech written by Hokage himself?

How is it possible? How can any leader write his own speech?

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Ahem, I am such a serious person.

Just when the Nara clan leader was about to speak,

With a snap,

The Inuzuka clan leader slammed the conference table.

"Konoha has protected the Inuzuka clan and brought us peace, just like our mother. Now that my mother is in trouble, I, the Inuzuka clan, will naturally bear the brunt. Lord Hokage, if we go to the battlefield now, I, Inuzuka The foot of a clan of ninja dogs will be the first to step into the battlefield."

Looking at the high-spirited Inuzuka clan leader,

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shimura Danzo excitedly: Good guy, it turns out there is such a surprise. When did the Inuzuka clan get it? Danzo did it so beautifully.

Shimura Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was staring closely at him: Hiruzen, are you showing off to me that you have other back-ups? Hum, I am the only one who can lead Konoha to the strongest path.

Nara Chief: It’s broken, someone took it alive.

The Inuzuka clan leader pinched his thighs tightly: It feels numb and embarrassing. Please answer the conversation quickly and don't let me stand all the time.

Other clan leaders: Are you sick? Who wants to compete with your dog to see who enters the battlefield first?

"Konoha is a big tree that raises the Aburame worm. Ahem, the Aburame clan is ready to step into the battlefield at any time."

After all, the Aburame clan leader didn’t finish reading the words Shigan Aburame gave her.

To be honest, he admired the Inuzuka clan leader a little. How did he do it? How did he finish reciting such disgusting words?

As for why it wasn’t the Inuzuka clan leader’s initiative,

The Aburame clan leader said: Don't make trouble, he doesn't have the brains, and the painting style is exactly the same, it is difficult that it was not agreed upon by Shiqian and the others. In this case, there should be more than just the two of them.

The Aburra matriarch is carefully looking for her companions.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very happy.

There's actually a surprise.

The Nara clan leader thought to himself, there are more than one people trying to survive, they have to hurry up.

Just about to speak,

"The Uchiha clan is ready to go at any time."

"The Hyuga clan has been assembled."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Is this what Danzo can do?

Shimura Danzo: That weak guy Hiruzen must have promised something to these ninjas again. Sarutobi, you are too weak.

Nara clan leader: "The Nara clan will go through fire and water for Konoha at any time."

Chief of the Mountain Clan: "The Mountain Clan is always ready."

Akimichi clan: "Me too."

The Nara clan breathed a sigh of relief, almost, almost,

Our three clans are not die-hard Hokage clans, so why do we feel alienated?

"Okay, okay, with everyone here, why should Konoha be worried."

"Now let's discuss how many ninjas are appropriate for each clan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that this was the key point. The previous responses and cheers were all empty. Only the number of people was real.

The Nara clan leader breathed a sigh of relief. Now I should set an example.

"The Inuzuka clan has 456 ninjas and 1,123 ninja dogs, ready to fight at any time."

"The Aburame clan has 367 ninjas, ready to fight at any time."

"The Uchiha clan has 962 ninjas, ready to fight at any time."

"The Hyuga clan has 1,230 branch ninjas, ready to fight at any time."

The Nara clan leader had cold sweat on his forehead.

He quickly took back the 300 family ninjas that he was going to export.

What do you mean? You didn't even hit Konoha. Why are you acting like you're showing off your secrets?

But I couldn't help but think too much and hurried to catch up.

If I couldn't catch up at this time, it would be an attitude problem.

"Nara clan, all clans prepare for war."

"Yamanaka clan, all clans prepare for war."

"Me too, cough cough, Akimichi clan, all clans prepare for war."

The rest of the little ninjas were all crazy.

What are they doing?

Konoha is going to be destroyed, why are they all fighting so hard?

"Kurama clan, all clans prepare for war."

"Moonlight clan, all clans prepare for war."

"Yuhi clan, all clans prepare for war."

"Mitarai clan, all clans prepare for war."


The senior leaders headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen were really confused at this time.

It's the end of the world, what are you doing, I don't know,

We only prepared, what if you don't send people,

We didn't prepare, but you sent so many people, what should we do,

This question is beyond the standard.

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