Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 21: The Chunin Exam is too easy, Hanzo is determined

"The first round of the Chunin Exams begins."

"Shigan Aburame VS Shikaku Nara."

“Rock, paper, scissors.”

“Rock, paper, scissors.”

"This exam is invalid. Change the assessment method to a direct battle against active Chunin. If you persist for half an hour, you will win."

One second later,

"Kamito Uchiha wins."

As expected of the Uchiha clan, the most powerful family in Konoha deserves its reputation.

One minute later,

"Hyuga Hinata wins."

Although the Hyuga clan is slightly inferior to the Uchiha clan, they still deserve their reputation.

One second later,

"Hinata Hinata wins."

The Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan are named, and their performances should be similar. This one is the real genius of the Hyuga clan, and the one above should be a foil. No wonder the gap is so big, one is one second, and the other is one minute.

Hinata Hizashi:? ? ? You come down and see if I can beat you to death. A host who has gone through the process, who gave you confidence. The most important thing for a man is to be durable. I am sixty times longer than them. Well, it is amazing.

Three minutes later,

"Nara Shikaku, win."

Three minutes later,

"Hai Yi in the mountains, win."

Three minutes later,

"Akimichi Choza, win."

Hinata Hizashi: Can I say that you will last three times longer than me? Definitely not, and this is a battle, speed determines everything, the shorter the time, the stronger the strength, so I am better than the three of you, Pig, Deer and Butterfly.

Good morning, Hinata: As expected of you, you are my cousin. He is a man of good deeds and a master of enlightenment.

One second later,

"Aburame Shigan, win."

The bugs in Aburame's house are so scary, they hide so deeply.

Aburame clan: It’s another day of being misunderstood. It’s so annoying. Wait, Shigan is using ordinary parasites? Hahaha, the secret technique that my Aburame has inherited for a long time is so powerful.

One second later,

"Aburame Shihui, win."

The impression is the same as above,

Aburame Shihui:......

One second later,

"Minato Namikaze, win."

The Namikaze clan? Never heard of the hidden wealthy family?

Less than a minute,

"Inuzuka Haruko, the winner."

The little girl from the Inuzuka family is so violent.

One second later,

"Inuzuka, win."

Okay, this is called violence.

One second later,

"Hideki Senju, win."

He is worthy of being a hero of the Thousand Hands Clan, he is powerful.

Other candidates: Is the gap too big? Can you be so strong?

Jiraiya: Wait, his name is Hero, what is my name?

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama: The Senju clan’s transcendent status is given by us. Do you have any opinions?

Senju Clan: Long live Hashirama-sama, long live Tobirama-sama.

Senju Tsunade: Wait, what about me? I have also contributed to the Thousand Hands Clan.

Thousand Hands Clan: Don’t bother me if you’re not familiar with me, you haven’t reached that point yet.

Senju Tsunade: Oooh, grandpa, they bully people.

Senju Hashirama: Ah, Tsuna, how about we take a gamble.

Senju Tsunade: Come.

In short,

The Chuunin Exams are officially over,

Namikaze Minato joined Jiraiya's staff and was officially accepted as a disciple by Jiraiya.

Started a new practice,

Uchiha Kamito joined the security department,

Hinata Ri'an began to take over the affairs of the separation family,

Hinata Hizashi is giving him a hand,

Aburame Shigan, Aburame Shikei, and Aburame Shiguro started new insect breeding.

Hideki Senju returned to the Senju clan and started the "Respect the Elderly and Love the Young" campaign.

Inuzuka and Tsuji returned to the clan and took over the work of the kennel.

Nara Shikaku is lying comfortably at home,

"That's great, Konoha genin. The leader of the ninja can do whatever mission he takes. Konoha chunin. After reaching the eight B-level mission targets in a year, except for major wars, you can arrange your time freely. Konoha jounin, The 8 A-level mission indicators in a year are all designated by the Hokage. Sure enough, only Chunin is the most free. In the year of Genin, if the tasks he did were converted into Chunin indicators, he could almost stay there for a lifetime. Alas. It's comfortable and comfortable. It's not too late to retire at the age of eleven. Think about it, will it be eight o'clock in the evening or ten o'clock in the evening? Oh, what a happy worry."

This also explains the lazy nature of the Nara family, and why Sakumo's class has the same task progress as other classes?

His plans are grand and his vision is far-sighted. He is worthy of being a member of the Nara clan.

The next day,

five o'clock in the morning,

"Shikaku wake up."

The confused Shikaku struggled to get up.

Seeing my father,

"Dad, what's wrong? I've already become a chunin, and the mission targets have been achieved early. According to the regulations, I don't even have to go out."

"You have completed your obligations as an ordinary Konoha Chuunin, but as a member of the Konoha General Staff, you still have a lot of work to do."

"Staff, I didn't join."

"I am the minister, and I have given you special approval to join."

"You are doing something shady and I want to report it."

"Report it, Hokage-sama also agrees."

Nara Shikaku suddenly realized that it was useless to only study the rules. The rules were in the hands of those who had the right to speak.

For example, my unscrupulous father,

The head of the Nara clan was secretly delighted at this time: Great, a young man finally appeared in the Nara family. Shikaku will grow up quickly. Your father will soon break the retirement record of the Nara family. When the time comes, should I play shogi? Or should I play shogi? What a happy trouble.

Nara Shikaku put on his clothes helplessly and thought of his two good friends,

Yamanaka Inoichi and Akimichi Choza: We can no longer be friends at this time.

"Where are Inoichi and Choza?"

"Inoichi went to the Intelligence Department, and Choza is taking over the Akimichi family's barbecue restaurant, plus practicing the family's secret techniques."

Yamanaka Inoichi and Akimichi Choza: Woo woo woo, you are fine, why do you think of us?

Becoming famous at a young age,

may make your future life smoother,

but it may also make your life more complicated,

but it will definitely make your father ecstatic,

the day when the Chunin Exam ended,

Akimichi BBQ Restaurant,

Patriarch Nara, Patriarch Yamanaka, Patriarch Akimichi,


Patriarch Yamanaka: "Nara, your plan is so beautiful, you should let these children go to work as soon as possible, they are not young at the age of eleven, they should take on the responsibility of the family."

Patriarch Nara: "Who said it's not? In these departments of Konoha, each one has his own position. If we don't let these children step down, what will these children do in the future? Where is the future?"

Patriarch Akimichi: "Cheers."

Patriarch Yamanaka: "Cheers."

Patriarch Nara: "Cheers."

According to an unknown staff member of Akimichi BBQ Restaurant,

that day was the happiest day for her to see the three tribes leaders of Ino, Shika and Chou, all of them exuded happiness and joy.

Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, Akimichi Choza: Cheers, we will do the same in the future.

The unborn Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, and Akimichi Choji: Daddy, don’t do it!!!

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