Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 12: Jiraiya's team fights in the sunshine, and Tsunade's team fights to the death

In another training ground,

This can indeed be called a training ground.

There are three figures, one big, three small,

But the small ones are not so small.

At most a head shorter,

It's a picnic,

Namikaze Minato, who was given the title of Little Sun by Kushina,

He was working hard on Jiraiya's shoulders.

"Jiraiya-sensei, is it true? Is the capital of the Fire Nation really that prosperous?"

"Of course. Let me tell you, the capital of the Fire Country is big, white, long and thin. It's really a man's paradise."

"Jiraiya-sensei, your nose is bleeding."

Hinata Ri'an who was grilling meat said


Jiraiya quickly touched his nose. He must not let the children in his class see this ugly look.

The great image of my majestic Toad Sage Jiraiya cannot be mistaken.

Didn't you see how much the yellow-haired young man admired me just now?

"Oh, no."

Jiraiya couldn't find any trace of blood no matter how much he touched it.

"Hahahaha, Teacher Jiraiya, my cousin lied to you."

With the mark of a caged bird tattooed on his head, Hyuga Hizashi, who has officially become an honorable Hyuga branch, said with a smile,

"You are so young and you like to lie to people. You are such a disgusting brat."

"Jiraiya-sensei, I'm just joking about the good day and the day difference. Many of our friends usually play like this. I definitely didn't mean to lie to you, teacher."

Namikaze Minato was afraid of being misunderstood by Jiraiya-sensei, so he quickly explained,

Oh, it turns out that this is how we usually play. I thought, how could there be such a bold student who dares to challenge the teacher right from the start?


Wait, a group of your friends often joke like this, why do you think you are so innocent?

Jiraiya looked at Namikaze Minato carefully.

It doesn't look like he's just pretending.

As the saying goes,

People flock together and things divide into groups.

Just like Sarutobi-sensei and the trio,

Because Sarutobi-sensei is always like that,

So the three of us, ahem, won’t talk anymore.

How come among a group of people who love to joke, there is a child who looks so innocent? Isn’t this a cotton ball popping out of the gutter? No matter how you look at it, it's unreasonable.

"Jiraiya-sensei, why are you staring at Minato like this? I'm telling you, Minato has a master."

Hinata Rian said with a strange smile,

"Oh, good day. Jiraiya-sensei just wants to take a good look at me. There is nothing else. And Kushina and I actually have nothing to do with each other."

Namikaze Minato's face became more and more rosy as he explained.

Look, it's just unreasonable. How contrary. This boy who is full of bad intentions at first glance and this simple guy are actually good friends. How on earth did they get along with each other?

Jiraiya couldn't imagine how they usually played in harmony.

Namikaze Minato: Let's just say, is it possible that I am the one who is being teased in normal times? Everyone's harmony is based on me being teased. Ding, I told you why I am number 1. Now look at it, I simply take all the credit.

"Stop, stop, stop making trouble, everyone, let's start the test now. Do you see the two bells on my waist? As long as you get them, you will pass."

"Start now."

"Jiraiya-sensei, I got it."

Namikaze Minato smiled and said,

Jiraiya looked down and saw that it had really been taken away.

He asked stupidly with his eyes wide open,

"How do you do that."

"Speed ​​up, get the bell, come back. That's it."

Why do I understand every word you say, but I don’t understand them all?


The last training ground,

Ah no,

This is about to become a battlefield.

The dashing Tsunade,

Standing on the training ground,

Facing the front,


"Three brats, how did you grow so tall?"

Tsunade looked at Hideki Senju, who was over two meters tall, Inuzuka Inuzuka, who was 1.9 meters tall, and Inuzuka Hideko, who was just over 1.7 meters tall.

My teeth are almost broken,

Why are you so tall? You are only ten years old.

What should I do with my height of 1.63 meters?

Especially you Senju Hideki,

Why is he half taller than me?

When I watched it yesterday, I was far away and didn’t notice it yet.

When we met today, I felt very oppressive.

Damn it, should I take you, or you should take me?

"Well, Tsunade-sama, if you eat well, drink well, sleep more, and pay more attention to physical exercise, won't your height naturally increase?"

Senju Hideki said,

This is how he got taller.

Bastard, if your method worked, I would have grown to the moon long ago.

"Boy of the Inuzuka family, what's your secret? You are the only tall one in the Inuzuka family."

Inuzuka grinned.

"When fighting, the bones are broken, then they grow back, then they break, then they grow back again, and they slowly grow taller."

It sounds reasonable. If a bone is broken, then it will grow again. It sounds much more promising than eating well and drinking well.



Tsunade looked at Inuzuka Haruko, this little girl who was a bit timid and hiding behind Inuzuka Haruko,

"You've grown so tall too."


The Inuzuka clan doesn't raise idle people, they specialize in ruthless people.

But why haven't I seen it before?

Others from the Inuzuka clan said: Is there a way? The method of the Inuzuka is actually not a good method.

Of course when Tsunade envies other people's height,

She is also envied by others,

Inuzuka Hariko's face was red and her eyes were secretly staring at Tsunade's chest.

How on earth is it done? How can it be so big? Since I am the teacher, can Tsunade-sama teach me? Dogs probably like big ones. It is said that men like big ones.

When Inuzuka Haruko was thinking wildly,

Tsunade has already started the next step,

"Grab the bells, two bells. If you get them, you will graduate successfully. If you don't get them, you will go back to Ninja School to retake it. No objection."

Tsunade rubbed her two big hands together fiercely;

I must teach you brats a lesson.

Why are you so tall?

I want to be side by side with the moon.

Inuzuka and Hideki Senju looked at each other,

You come first, I come first?

You go first, you won't be beaten to death anyway, and you can't beat her to death. This kind of sparring is hard to buy.



Hidemaru, who was at Inuzuka's feet, knew what his master meant.

Activate chakra immediately,

It turned into a giant dog two meters long and more than one meter tall.

"Inuzuka-ryu human-animal hybrid transformation·two-headed wolf."

Becoming taller,

Roar and roar,

Then he rushed towards Tsunade,

The fusion of humans and animals, the Inuzuka secret technique that I have never seen before, and indeed those who can be called ninjas have two brushes.



"You brat, you don't have any brains. You don't want to hide from such danger."

Tsunade covered the claw wound on her arm. Unexpectedly, Inuzuka Ryu would rather receive a strange punch from her than give her a claw.

At this time one of the heads of the two-headed wolf spoke,

"If you can't die, of course there's no need to hide. If you can't die, just do it to death. Teacher Tsunade, don't you be afraid?"

"Afraid? Today I will show you what a medical ninja is."

After Tsunade used the healing technique to repair the wound,

Chakra burst out all over his body and he rushed forward.

This guy is very much to my liking.

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