Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 190 How much has changed?

Li Wuyi was sitting in the main hall, seemingly uneasy. Miao Wangqing on the side was looking at Li Wuyi's beautiful face with big eyes. As he looked at it, he didn't know what he thought of, but his pretty face turned out to be unexpected. She blushed instantly, but when she saw that Li Wuyi didn't seem to notice her, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked curiously, "Senior Brother, Senior Brother, what are you thinking about? There are still many things that need you here. What about processing?”

She called out several times before Li Wuyi came back to his senses and couldn't help but smile awkwardly at her. This smile made Miao Wangqing raise her eyebrows: "Senior Brother, you look so distracted, are you thinking about it again?" Peak that insect girl."

"Insect Girl" is the name she gave Li Changting.

"Oh, no, Fourth Junior Sister, have you noticed that something was wrong with Sixth Junior Sister and Junior Sister Min yesterday? After they went out, they both looked lonely when they came back."

"You said something is wrong between Junior Sister Six and Junior Sister Min? What's wrong? Why didn't I see it? Senior Brother, could it be that you were drunk last night and were still awake? I heard that they grew up together since childhood. You should know this better than anyone else. Yes, the relationship between two sisters cannot be compared to that of biological sisters. If someone says that they will marry the same husband in the future, I won’t be surprised. It’s just that Junior Sister Min won’t like Third Senior Brother..." Miao Wangqing listened to Li Wuyi’s words. After that, he suddenly started chirping, which made Li Wuyun's head feel as big as a bucket, and he waved his hands repeatedly.

"Stop, stop, stop, what are you talking about? I'm just asking you if you felt that she and she were not as casual as before yesterday. Why are you talking nonsense?"

"When did I talk nonsense? Don't you know them better than me? Junior Sister Six is ​​half a master of Junior Sister Min. What else can make the two of them at odds? I didn't think there was anything wrong yesterday. Well, in the middle The two of them went out for a conversation alone, so it was probably something private. Ah... By the way, weren't you drunk at the time? How did you know they were out and how did you see them come back? You look wrong? Okay, you are pretending to be drunk, no, I have to talk to the insect girl about this... Hehehehe."

Miao Wangqing suddenly flashed her big eyes, clasped her onion-like jade fingers, and spoke one by one. Suddenly she let out a loud cry. The cry immediately startled Li Wuyi, and then he saw a pair of cunning eyes. Her eyes were staring at him, and she was sneering. She couldn't help but lament in her heart, as if she had forgotten something about last night.

It was just that he remembered Miao Wangqing's words in his mind, "Marrying the same husband?" But he put it aside the next moment. The third junior brother would never be attracted by junior sister Min under any circumstances. That was really slippery. The most ridiculous thing in the world.


The small courtyard was silent. After a long time, Gong Chenying spoke first, "Li Yan, I'm going to retreat soon."

"Oh, Sixth Senior Sister has gained something from this trip to the secret realm." Li Yan was thinking about Gong Chenying's previous words and replied smoothly.

Everyone enters the secret realm not only for rewards, but one of the important things is the richness of the spiritual energy and the pressure of life and death within it.


It makes it easy for people to break through. Even if they can't break through at the time, it will solidify their cultivation and lay the foundation for hitting the next level in the future. Another point is that after passing the life and death trial, everyone's state of mind will undergo qualitative changes, which is often more precious than a direct breakthrough. Only changes in the state of mind will make the state more stable, and the magic will be more comfortable, rather than like a fish in water. Li Yan's previous continuous breakthroughs have left a lot of gaps in his state of mind and understanding. Even though the magic he performed was several times more powerful than before, it was still jerky and stagnant, unable to achieve smoothness and satisfaction. In this way, when dealing with There is no problem for monks whose realm is lower than your own. However, when people who are in a realm similar to your own are engaged in a life-and-death fight, a pause at a certain moment may kill you in an instant. That momentary stagnation has already Enough to let the opponent kill you a dozen times.

After Li Yan finished speaking, he didn't see Gong Chenying's reply for a long time. He couldn't help but look up and saw Gong Chenying lowering her head. As if she sensed Li Yan's gaze, she made a sound like a mosquito buzzing: "Ah...ah... ...A Ying."

Li Yan didn't hear it clearly at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly understood. He couldn't help but feel hot on his face. He had never called a woman so affectionately before, and he couldn't help scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Then...A Ying, A Ying, are you going to retreat this time to reach the next level, or to consolidate your understanding and cultivation?"

Gong Chenying's pretty face turned red as she listened to Li Yan's stuttering words. She couldn't help but raise her eyes to glance at Li Yan. When she saw Li Yan scratching the back of his head and shouting "A Ying" in a stupid manner, His appearance made him laugh out loud.

Her smile was like melting ice and blooming flowers, her teeth were like gourd rhinoceros, her beautiful eyes were looking forward to it, her red lips were slightly pursed, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, just like the blazing sun. Li Yan, who was looking straight at her, felt like he was falling into the clouds, and he didn't know where he was.

As soon as Gong Chenying smiled, she felt something was wrong. She hurriedly lowered her head and bit her teeth lightly. A few strands of short hair fell from her ears to her silky cheeks. Her crystal earlobes shone like translucent agate. .

A pair of jade hands tried to retract on the stone table, but felt a little abrupt. The hands were crossed, and the slender jade fingers were gently twisted together, slightly embarrassed.

Li Yan had never seen such a heart-wrenching scene before, and his face turned red for a moment. For a moment, needles could be heard in the courtyard, and it seemed that only the sound of each other's heartbeats echoed in his mind.

After a long time, Gong Chenying raised his head again, with residual shyness on his face. He bit his lower lip and said, "It's not about understanding the state of mind. It's because your elixir has a lot of remaining power. It was originally when you came back yesterday." It’s time to go into retreat, but because of..., I feel that this retreat is very likely to impact the realm of fake elixirs.” Halfway through her words, her voice became even lower.

"Oh? You said that the healing elixir still has so much medicinal power?" Speaking of "True Essence"

"Elixir", Li Yan suddenly became energetic. He did not expect that the elixir was so overbearing. It was not only shocking in its healing effect, but also had an effect on improving cultivation. This was something he wanted to know. After all, he still had a pill in his hand. The more clearly you understand the "True Essence Pill", the better you will be able to know when to use it in the future.

"Well, I don't think this elixir is a fifth-grade elixir. It should be at least a sixth-grade elixir, or even a high-grade sixth-grade elixir. Even after healing, the power of the medicine in my body is still extremely strong. I feel that I can't suppress it anymore. It is necessary to retreat as soon as possible. It should be no problem to reach the peak of the later stage of foundation building." Thinking of such a valuable elixir, Li Yan gave it to him without hesitation, and Gong Chenying felt a little sweet in his heart. But she didn't know that Li Yan didn't hesitate at first, but that he gave her the medicine after suffering a lot of pain and there was really no other medicine that could cure her, and he was worried about it for a while.

However, if a similar situation were to occur now, Li Yan would seriously not have any hesitation. Li Yan is particularly willing to give to his loved ones, and he will give to others without hesitation. But he often racks his brains to deal with the people he wants to deal with, and even resorts to any means to achieve his goals.

Li Yan is both affectionate and ruthless. He killed the third military commander when he was young. However, the first time he killed someone, he was not weak or afraid. And he is a contradictory person. Emotionally, he has extremely strong selfish desires, but he has to be recognized by someone who can enter his heart. Otherwise, even if he is gorgeous and charming, he will not waver at all. When it comes to For his fundamental interests, he will kill without mercy.

"It's still a sixth-grade high-level medicine. If I say it's an eighth-grade elixir, will you jump? However, this medicine is still used even for flat earth healing. It should not only help her rush to the late stage of foundation building or fake elixir." It's simple, this is much higher than the 'Wuxin Pill' given to me by my master. I just need to worry about whether my state of mind and understanding can keep up, just like me now." Li Yan looked at Gong Chenying with a smile. , but he thought with some satisfaction in his heart, and said at the same time.

"I really don't know about this. Then, apart from what you did before, you came here today to tell me that you are going to retreat. You can just send a message for this. There is no need to make a special trip."

After saying this, Li Yan thought about Zhao Min again, and sighed in his heart. He wanted to sort it out, but the more he reasoned out, the more confused he became. He also thought about whether Zhao Min would be the same as before when he saw him again in the future, and not to make things worse. In fact, it was the reason why he didn't want to cut off contact with Zhao Min from the bottom of his heart. Just like someone who always gets along well with his friends, maybe there is no such thing as male and female. It's hard to accept.

In terms of familiarity, in the sect, apart from Li Wuyi, Lin Daqiao was the person Zhao Min talked to the most and one of the earliest friends he had contact with. He liked to be with her in silence. He once said, Not a word was spoken, as if time had stopped. Occasionally speaking, both parties would fall into a short silence.


, as if you were immersed in the sentence just now, you can recall it for a long time and savor it carefully.

Gong Chenying was smart enough to hear that when Li Yan mentioned "previous things", there was a slight pause in his voice, and he sighed in his heart.

The river of stars is full of boats, how far away we are...

"When I go back today, I will immediately go into seclusion, which can take at least a few months or as long as a year. But before I go into seclusion, there is one more thing I need to tell you. Whether you do it or not is entirely up to you." Gong Chenying took a deep breath. He took a breath and then looked at Li Yan with beautiful eyes.

Li Yan looked at Gong Chenying's solemn expression and was stunned. He didn't know what could make her so serious.

"Do you want to learn the technique of 'Qiongqi Purgatory'?"

As soon as Gong Chenying said these words, Li Yan was shocked. He knew that the secret body refining technique practiced by Gong Chenying was called "Qiongqi Purgatory", but why Gong Chenying highlighted these words surprised him. This technique was briefly mentioned by Gong Chenying before. It is the top-level secret technique of the Tianli clan and the same level as witchcraft. It is the most powerful cultivation technique in the world and cannot be accessed by anyone who is not the core of the Tianli clan. From this point of view , Li Yan can also guess that Gong Chenying must have a very high status in the Tianli clan, so high that Gong Chenying doesn't want to mention it at all. Now, for no reason, he seems to want to let himself practice this technique. When will the secret technique change? So easy to get.

However, it is impossible to say that Li Yan does not want to get this top-level body refining technique. After seeing Gong Chenying's strength in this trial, he has long wanted to spend a lot of money to find a body refining book when he comes back. Technique.

In fact, he has read introductions about body refining in classics before. There is also body refining in the Demon Sect, but it is extremely rare. There are only a few books, and they are for beginners and intermediates. There is no advanced body refining book. Techniques, not to mention top-level body refining techniques, this is still in a super overlord sect like the Sprite Sect. Those first- and second-rate sects probably have a basic body refining technique or a residual book, even if it is among the secrets. It's a secret, and it is definitely regarded as a treasure of the sect.

There are only a few physical training techniques in the sect, and I heard that they can only be practiced to the golden elixir stage, and there are no techniques for subsequent realms. These physical refining techniques, even the basic ones, require a huge amount of spiritual stones to purchase. At that time, Li Yan could be said to be penniless, and the monthly spiritual stones were not enough for him to practice. In addition, the classics strongly reminded cultivators that those who take the path of dual cultivation of law and body will be prone to multi-tasking. As a result, the overall progress of cultivation was very slow, so the matter was put aside.

However, during this trip to the secret realm, after witnessing Gong Chenying's actions and the power of the demon cultivator, he had an earth-shaking understanding of the body refining technique, and his heart was filled with desire. He was still planning before. The sect would reward him with a few hundred spiritual stones this time, plus the trophies from the sale of the Wheel of Life and Death, especially the hundreds of flying swords from Miao Zhengyi. He might be able to buy a basic body refining technique. But he didn't expect that Gong Chenying would bring it up so easily. Li Yan was stunned on the spot, but he felt vaguely that it couldn't be so simple.

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