Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 167: Relentless Pursuit

Seeing that Qiu Jiuzhen finally stopped after hesitating, Bailiyuan was still arrogant and pursued Gan Shi all the way.

For more than four hundred miles, Gan Shi was rushing forward with all his strength. After half a stick of incense, he had already seen Mei Bucai and the others. As Gan Shi and the others approached, there were still a few strands of spiritual consciousness that caught sight of Mei Bucai, who had been standing still for a long time. Six people, but at the same time, they also scanned the spiritual consciousness that enveloped Gan Shi there. After hesitating at first, he even vaguely wanted to approach Mei Bucai and the others, but not long after, Bailiyuan's powerful spiritual consciousness also enveloped them in an instant. With Mei Bucai on them, the approaching team suddenly stopped moving. Because Gan Shi and Baili Yuan’s spiritual senses simultaneously transmitted, “No matter who comes close to these six people, the Demon Sect will fight to the death.”

The approach of the two foundation-building masters immediately caused the team that had any intentions to give up their thoughts. They did not know that Gan Shi had only retained his powerful spiritual consciousness, and his combat power had not yet been restored, but no matter who met a foundation-building monk, There are one and two things to consider, not to mention how to get a better outcome from the fight when there are two masters of foundation building at this time.

Gan Shi came like a shooting star. He had already left the few people behind him far away. He was not worried anyway. He encountered no obstacles along the way. There was Bailiyuan behind him, and several people were behind him. There will be no problems in between. Gan Shi couldn't help but nodded when he saw the six people standing there in the distance. Even though he ordered them to wait where they were, Mei Bucai and the others still stood back to back with horns, and at the same time there was a person a few feet away from them. A circle of faint yellow mist surrounded them, hazily covering their figures. At first glance, they looked like poisonous things.

After Gan Shi landed, even though several people had excited expressions, no one walked outside the protective yellow mist. They just stared at the yellow-haired man who was over ten feet tall with vigilance.

"Okay, Mei Bucai, you little brat, you don't have to stare at me like this. I'm not an illusion. Remove the poisonous mist. Don't accidentally hurt me. Where is your Uncle Gong?" Gan Shiyi looked down. He glanced at Huang Wu, then waved his hand and shot a black token at Mei Bucai. He saw that Mei Bucai should be the leader of these people, but it was not difficult for them.

Mei Bucai saw something flying towards him and looked at it with a solemn expression. After seeing it clearly, he took the black token in his hand and looked at it carefully. His expression finally relaxed and he couldn't help scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. .

"Uncle Gan, the illusion here is too scary. The disciple's cultivation level is too low to be able to distinguish it temporarily, so..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gan Shi had already arrived outside the yellow mist and waved his hand, "Okay, don't be verbose. The yellow mist will soon dissipate. Do you really want me to take action?"

After hearing this, Mei Bucai and Cheng Jingnian dispersed with respectful expressions on their faces. They quickly stretched out their hands to touch the yellow mist in front of them. This yellow mist was formed by mixing and condensing the most powerful poisons on their bodies. , its toxicity is even a bit tricky for Gan Shi. After collecting the condensed yellow mist, several of them came out at the same time.


r\u003e Mei Bucai took the lead and handed the token back to Gan Shi with respectful hands. Looking at Gan Shi’s impatient expression, he knew what the uncle was worried about. While handing over the token, he was already expressing displeasure. Zhizhi told them about their meeting with Wang Lang and Gong Chenying's death, and also explained that Gong Chenying was seriously injured.

Gan Shi nodded when he saw that Mei Bucai was so sensible. However, after listening to the following content, he frowned and asked about the previous sentence from time to time. In addition to Mei Bucai's narration, the others also occasionally added a few words. , but the expressions of a few people were a little nervous, because they all saw that the uncle in front of them was obviously not as powerful as they thought, and they could still see the weak aura on his body, and why was only one person coming here? ? But no one dared to ask, they just answered Gan Shi's questions respectfully.

Gan Shi was thinking about things in his mind, and did not explain what happened to Bailiyuan and the others in the rear. "We have to find the way Mei Bucai and the others came as soon as possible, otherwise Junior Sister Gong will be really in trouble." He thought quickly in his mind. hover.

While they were talking, several more people were running quickly across the ground from a distance. Of course, Mei Bucai and the others also saw someone running towards them. It's just that at this time, there is no tension like facing a powerful enemy. No matter how weak Master Gan is, he is still a foundation-building monk. What's more, seeing this Master's expression of indifference to the people coming from behind, he obviously didn't care. When people take it to heart, they feel a little relieved.

Those people came very quickly, and they were already approaching within a few breaths. When they entered the scanning range of Mei Bucai and several of his spiritual senses, Mei Bucai and the others could not help but feel more reassured. These people were all disciples of the Demon Sect, and several of them were still alive. They are quite familiar with each other, such as Du Sanjiang, Lu Qiutong, and Rui Feikai. These people were assigned to Gan Shi by Baili Garden. They are currently the most powerful among the Qi Ning disciples. Let them A little protection Gan Shi.

When the six members of Mei Bucai saw Du Sanjiang appear, they looked puzzled. If I remember correctly, Du Sanjiang, Lu Qiutong and the other two monks behind him should have followed Uncle Baili's team, but Immediately, several people's eyes lit up and they thought of a possibility.

Several people flew over quickly, and when they got behind Gan Shi, they all stood on the spot without saying a word. They just bowed their hands to Mei Bucai and the others. Mei Bucai and the others returned the gesture without speaking. Gan Shi lowered his eyes and thought. look like.

After a while, Gan Shi frowned and said, "Why hasn't Baili come here yet?" At the same time, his consciousness swept towards the rear. His words seemed to be asking Du Sanjiang and the others, but they seemed to be talking to himself. Du Sanjiang and the others had wry smiles on their faces. They were only ordered to follow this uncle. Seeing him advancing very fast, they had no choice but to fight with all their might.

Follow me. If it weren't for the uncle in front of me who was worried about the few of them missing, they would have been out of reach. Now, in their consciousness, the traces of Uncle Baili have long been lost.

Hearing Gan Shi's words that seemed to be talking to himself, Mei Bucai and the others showed excitement in their eyes. As expected, the two uncles and uncles had already reunited, so Uncle Gong would be saved.

Gan Shi's spiritual consciousness glanced around and determined that Baili Garden was less than 150 miles away from him and would arrive soon, and the girl from the Taixuan Sect had already left with a few people.

He did not waste time, but looked at Mei Bucai and continued to ask, "Which direction are you coming from? Uncle Gong, can you tell me how many people are on the other side besides Wang Lang?"

"Master Qi, Master Gong did not say how many people there are in the other party, but there is no doubt that the other party's foundation-building monk is Wang Lang. We wanted to stay and jointly stop the enemy, but Master Gong strictly ordered us to leave." At this time, Cheng Jingnian said quietly. .

"It's in vain for you and the others to stay. The enemy is a Foundation Establishment monk, so I guess. Otherwise, with her severely injured body, she can only hold down one Foundation Establishment at most. If there are other Foundation Establishments, just chase you separately. , There is no way you can escape. Then when your uncle Baili comes, we will go and look for him." Gan Shi nodded, and then stood there motionless. ??

At this time, Du Sanjiang and others walked to a corner with Mei Bucai and others, and began to whisper in low voices.

It was not long before Bailiyuan and the others arrived. They had been rushing along the way since Qiu Jiuzhen left. But when they arrived, Gan Shi pointed at Bailiyuan and pointed at Mei Bucai in the direction they came from and said, "Junior sister Gong disappeared there."

Bailiyuan had already communicated with Gan Shi's spiritual consciousness on the way here, and already knew Gong Chenying's situation. He didn't say anything at the moment, and went directly to Gan Shi in front, sandwiching Mei Bucai in the middle to let him continue to guide the direction. , flew directly to where Gong Chenying originally was. Dozens of disciples from behind divided Cheng Jingnian and the five into different small circles, and they all asked for the reason through private spiritual transmission. They knew nothing about Mei Bucai's team. But seeing that the two uncles and uncles were rushing forward with Fatty Mei in their arms without saying a word, they had no choice but to ask questions from these people.

Under the leadership of two foundation-building masters, they walked toward the edge of the area. At this time, there was basically no other people here. Even if occasionally a trace of spiritual consciousness swept across, they saw that it was the two foundation-building masters leading the team, and they hurriedly avoided it. Bailiyuan and the others did not care, but let go of their spiritual consciousness and continuously scanned the surroundings.

To their disappointment, when they arrived at the place where they had fought, they found no traces of the previous battle, and the huge black shadow in the sky was already far away.


They were only more than 200 meters away, and the traces of the fight that were farther away and everything else were silently swallowed up by the black shadow in the sky.

The two looked solemn. They split into two paths along the edge of the huge black shadow in the sky and flew four hundred miles to both sides. However, they still found nothing. The two had no choice but to turn back and reunite. After a few words of discussion, they had no choice but to fly towards the center. During this journey, they were still searching for Gong Chenying with their spiritual senses while walking. What worried the two of them was that they still found nothing. Even Junior Brother Li who came to report the news did not find any trace. The two of them did not know this area. How big is it? Now they only hope that Li Yan can go in another direction. Gong Chenying and the others have bad thoughts in their minds, but they have never found Wang Lang, so they still have a glimmer of hope.

Wang Lang's face was extremely ugly at the moment. After he recovered for less than half an hour, the flying sword could no longer be used. However, it was still possible to use some small-power magic and use the flying sword magic weapon in the storage bag. He followed Li Wang Lang chased him in the direction that Yan fled. At this time, Wang Lang no longer had the idea of ​​​​getting a ranking in the competition. Now he felt aggrieved. After decades of hard work by the sect, not only did he not meet the Demon Sect once in the previous clearance, but he also The Taixuan Sect monks who successfully reunited with him were completely destroyed, and he was seriously injured in the end. The only three people he brought out were poisoned by the Demon Sect that he had not seen for a long time. The anger in his chest was about to burn him to death. No matter what, He has to make the people of the Demon Sect pay the price, even if he is afraid of losing his ranking, losing generous rewards, and even the chance of being promoted to the Golden Core in the rewards, otherwise this inner demon will definitely accompany him for the rest of his life.

However, after searching for a while, nothing was found. For a moment, I didn't know where the Qi-Condensing Stage monk from the Demon Sect had hidden himself with the seriously injured Gong Chenying. A Qi-Condensing Stage monk who couldn't fly in less than half an hour should not have been there. It will only be within a hundred miles radius, unless he has a high-level flying magic weapon.

After searching for a while, Wang Lang put his consciousness in the air. Soon after, he was surprised. Not to mention that he actually discovered a small white jade boat moving along the black shadow in the sky three hundred miles away on the right. Keep flying.

"Sure enough, it's Gong Chenying and the boy in the Qi Condensation stage." However, although Gong Chenying's aura was weak, he didn't look like he was seriously injured, and his aura was gradually increasing. This made Wang Lang hesitate for a moment. His current state It was terrible. I originally thought I could find the unconscious Gong Chenying, but now the situation was not what I imagined. I couldn't help but hesitate for a while.

At the same time that Wang Lang discovered Li Yan and the others, Gong Chenying suddenly opened her beautiful eyes while meditating. Just now, she felt a spiritual consciousness passing from above. She was familiar with this spiritual consciousness and had fought with it before. So Gong Chenying's consciousness disappeared immediately, and after a while, he took back his consciousness.

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