Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 111 Ten Miles

Seeing that every step forward on the street, he was surrounded by intensive attacks. Gong Chenying couldn't help but frown. He felt that the speed was too slow. After taking a breath, he barely flew to the rubble on one side. The shops and houses here had collapsed. It was unobstructed, and she could see the endless fields behind the house. But when she continued to fly outwards again, she felt she hit an invisible layer and bounced back. After Gong Chen stabilized his body, he slowly raised his right palm. The aura on the jade palm was rich, and then he smacked it in front of her. A dull sound echoed, and she could not help but sway in the air for a few times, and almost fell down. , with the strength of her body, it was as if she had been hit on an eternal iceberg. The place where she was attacked remained unchanged. It was so transparent that she could clearly see the endless fields in the distance, but she could not move forward at all.

Seeing this, Gong Chenying had no choice but to make a new plan. She quickly rushed back to the street, barely keeping her body stable about a foot away from the ground, and began to fly forward along the center of the street. She held a gun in one hand and cast magic spells in the other, with a rumbling sound. They kept attacking the shops on both sides. As the shops and houses on both sides continued to collapse, the density of the attacks on them suddenly decreased by more than half. This caused the pressure on the people below to condense and wait, and they began to move faster in the center of the street. Slowly speed up.

And just when everyone felt relieved and wanted to walk out of the street in this way, Li Yan felt his heart beating wildly, and the earth spiritual power tank in his body boiled for a few more minutes, and the spiritual power in it was already high. Beyond the fire spiritual power tank in front, he looked sideways along the source of his heart palpitations. He couldn't help but feel frightened. He quickly raised his head and said, "Sixth Senior Sister, trouble is coming." Then he used one hand to kill the thing that was resisting the attack in the shop, and the other hand. Point to the street when you come.

Everyone was startled when they heard this and looked sideways. When they looked carefully, they couldn't help but be scared to death. On the street when they came, a huge black shadow in the sky covered the sky and slowly pressed over. As it moved, the black shadow became bigger and bigger, like a dye pen, slowly covering the sky. The layers of blackening gradually made everyone's hearts feel as if heavy lead ingots had been poured into them. Some shops that had not been attacked when they first came here turned into powder in an extremely weird and silent manner when the black shadow passed by, and then The dust blended into the black shadow like being sucked by a whale, causing the black shadow to continue to surge thickly, leaving only a bare street below. And all of this was done silently. If you don't look back or deliberately use His consciousness swept back and he couldn't notice it at all.

"Hurry up and try your best to resist with talismans and spiritual power. Let's distance ourselves from the black shadows first." Seeing that they couldn't make it at this speed, Gong Chenying gave a sweet shout, and the green and yellow lights on his hands became even bigger. Sheng, she continuously attacked the shops on both sides of the street. She did not hesitate to use up her spiritual power to open up a longer passage for the Qi Condensation Stage disciples below to reduce the strange attacks on both sides.

At the same time as Gong Chenying attacked, the people below also accelerated their advance.


Due to their speed, they chose to resist some of the attacking artifacts. Obviously, this also consumed a lot of spiritual energy or talismans. Who would be so willing to do so in normal times.

Gong Chenying's body flashed wildly. She almost gave up on evading at this moment, and only resisted with the protective spirit shield. Most of her spiritual power was put on attacking and keeping her body in the air. She took the time to look down and saw a group of people. The disciple followed about three feet behind him, chasing closely, but he was slightly relieved. When he saw Li Yan at the back of the team, he remembered that Li Yan had warned him three times since he entered the wheel of life and death, except for the first time with him. Except that he, the client, discovered it almost at the same time, he was the first to notice that the situation had changed in the other two times. Could it be that he had practiced some secret method? But this is not the moment for questioning.

No one in the group of Qi Condensation Stage disciples below remembered Li Yan's several reminders at this time. At this time, everyone's nerves were tense. In addition, Li Yanru gave a brief reminder, and like them, they also tried their best to resist the attack of the shop debris. There is no conspicuous performance. Before they entered the wheel of life and death, they knew how terrifying the black shadow was and would be killed if they touched it. Now they saw the huge black shadow not far behind, like a grinning demon hiding its face and chasing after him. They couldn't help but I was nervous, so what other thoughts did I have? I just wanted to get away from the black shadow as soon as possible.

While the group of people were running desperately, they did not notice that the sky was already dark. More than half a quarter of an hour had passed since they entered, and there was still no sign of the coming of night. Instead, the light was as dim as before, illuminating the shops. The streets are like the twilight of doomsday, which is depressing.

The dull or sharp sounds in the air became more intensive. Many wine bottles and dishes were smashed, and then turned into more and smaller intensive attacks. Heavy furniture, sharp farm tools, and even disgusting toilet objects It roared in, and was immediately blocked by the protective spiritual light. The monks were shaken by the shock. Obviously these were not ordinary attacks by mortal objects, but objects driven by spells. In this desperate rush, many monks had already There were scars on the body.

At this time, if someone can fly very high, then he can see twenty long bars flying and circling in a sphere, but the person above cannot feel the flying long bars, and may even feel that he is standing on a solid surface. On the earth.

Li Yan only felt that the attacks were coming one after another, with no sign of stopping at all, as if they were endless. At this moment, he felt the meaning of the wheel of life and death. He had been fighting and running almost the entire time he came in. He didn't have time to rest for even a minute. The five spiritual power cylinders in his body were running crazily and endlessly, creating a powerful core power, but he knew that this

If this continues, he will probably run out of money in about an hour. Now the earth spirit in his body has gradually calmed down, and the five elements are circulating normally, but he still feels that the five elements in his body have been circulating two or three times faster than the outside world since he came here. He believes that others will not have this feeling, because he has five elements of mixed spirits and can feel the five elements. "Why is this ghost street endless?" said someone next to Li Yan. When Li Yan heard this somewhat indifferent voice, he knew that it was Wu Shixi from the Lingchong Peak who was in the same team as him. At this time, he was commanding five colorful centipedes to wander around on his body, constantly spitting out colorful mist to wrap Wu Shixi in it. Any flying objects that hit him turned into bursts of smoke and dissipated in the air, but his scarred face was even more ferocious at this moment, and he was obviously angry because of this endless attack. Everyone was moving at full speed, and no one answered, but many people had obvious doubts on their faces. Many people also looked in the direction of the extension of the street. Under the dim sky, it seemed that there were only endless streets and shops ahead, which was a dead silence completely different from the dark battle here.

"Maybe there will be an intersection ten miles later, there should be something different there." At this time, Yu Yi, dressed as a scholar, held a large brush in his hand. With each stroke, a green ancient character would appear in the air, and then quickly break it down into strokes, and the green dots would face the attacking objects.

Li Yan also thought of ten miles away, but he didn't say it. He also remembered that Li Wuyi told him that the wheel of life and death was only ten miles long when it first came in. Why did he mention this number separately? Li Wuyi didn't say it clearly, maybe he didn't know it very well, just copied the ancient books or the instructions inside the door. In this way, it is possible that ten miles away is the intersection with another road, or that every ten miles forward will be an intersection.

On the dim street, the front was quiet, the back was in a mess, the two ends were silent, and in the middle, various colors of light were flying and bursting, which was a dim and gloomy picture.

Looking at the figure flying in the air in front of him, attacking with explosive power, attacking the houses on both sides like fire, and bursting and blasting, it was an unmatched momentum. Li Yan looked back at the street he came from and calculated silently in his heart. Now he has walked for about a quarter of an hour, and has walked about four or five miles. In other words, in another quarter of an hour or so, they can probably walk ten miles. Who knows what will be waiting for them then. At the beginning, he also had Gong Chenying's idea. It is estimated that it is not just the two of them. Many cultivators want to break through from the side and stay away from this street. But after seeing Gong Chenying's previous attack, they saw that a foundation-building cultivator could not break through the barriers on both sides, and they were even more


not able to break out.

After seeing Gong Chenying's attack, Li Yan was thoughtful. He thought that the leader of the team that entered the Wheel of Life and Death before was a Jindan master. At that time, he should have also thought about breaking through the two sides to leave this ghost place. They are now like in a narrow alley, with only forward and backward. Perhaps only the Yuanying ancestor can break the space horizontally, but what is the meaning of the trial in that case.

Every cultivator closed his lips tightly and resisted the attack somewhat numbly. They felt very aggrieved at first. In addition to defense, they could not attack the opponent at all. Even if they attacked, they could only smash the object and could not kill the opponent at all. Defense, defense, defense blindly, the movements of the hands were a little mechanical, but looking at the black shadow slowly pressing in from the back of the street, it seemed that he could not do anything except running forward in the resistance.

Time passed little by little in the oppression and continuous explosions. With high-intensity and uninterrupted output, some cultivators were already soaked, and the spiritual light shields on their bodies began to show signs of instability. But most of the cultivators above the tenth level of Qi Condensation still looked like they had some strength left. Several wounded soldiers had appeared at this time, but fortunately they were all lightly injured. Their spiritual power had already been depleted. Some of them were attacked intensively, and if they were careless, they would be pierced directly through the body by sharp objects, leaving a trail of blood. Fortunately, they all instinctively avoided the vital points.

"The outer perimeter of the sixth team is composed of the late tenth level of Qi Condensation and above to form a defense network, and the inner members assist in forming a spiritual power network to protect the outer members from close-range attacks." Gong Chenying said while attacking.

The most tired person here should be Gong Chenying. She bore the absolute majority of the attacks. In order to speed up, she only used the spiritual power shield to resist the attacks from both sides of the street. Those lifeless objects seemed to know that she was the biggest enemy, and slowly increased to more than half of the attacks directly attacking her in mid-air, which forced Gong Chenying to use more spiritual power to resist. At this moment, she was sweating profusely.

She looked around anxiously, but there was nothing she could do. This trial was to force people to one direction. The other three directions were either approached by the god of death or they simply could not break through. Watching the dark and boundless fields on both sides was driving people crazy.

When she felt that her physical strength had dropped to only 40% of the usual, Gong Chenying immediately planned to change her plan and land on the ground. Although she could not exert great power in the air, she could reduce the loss of her spiritual power due to flying.

Just as she was about to land, her eyes suddenly lit up, because she glanced at the end of the street from the corner of her eye. There was no endless winding streets and shops there, but a huge sphere with yellow light blocking the middle of the street.

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