Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 688 Kill me

After running away for several days and nights, Chitong felt relieved when he was sure that he was safe. At this time, there was no trace of the high-spirited and arrogant look on his face. Running away was undoubtedly an insult to his proud heart, but so what? Whether human, demon or god, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When lives are at stake, vain pride is not worth mentioning.

Chitong was full of vigilance and wariness towards the mysterious organization of the Patriarchate.

He had a hunch that the Patriarch was likely to have some means of restraining himself. Chitong didn't believe Hong Rongyan's talk of cooperation at all. He felt that it was just an excuse to deceive him. He even found many possibilities to support this idea. For example, this specific method of the Patriarchate needs to be close to him before it can be used.

If he coveted the things in other people's heads, he could think of various ways, but each of them was extremely cruel and desperate, and he definitely didn't want to experience any of them himself.

Regardless of whether his guess was correct or not, Chitong felt that the patriarch would exude a dangerous and disturbing aura, and he did not want to have any interaction with them.

It's just a pity for that woman.

He smashed his mouth, if he could swallow her flesh and blood, it would be a rare treat. When she thought about her sudden attack at the last moment, Chitong couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It is indeed a rare treat!

I think those guys at the Patriarchal Council must agree with my idea very much.

Chitong slowed down his flying speed and relaxed his tense nerves. He was a little tired. When he had just completed the journey, he felt that the next journey would be a pleasant and wonderful one. It might be a dusty journey, but he would always be able to complete the trip with a calm and leisurely attitude.

Now he felt completely different.

I was like a lion roaming the grassland, suddenly breaking into a primitive, dense and unknown forest. The towering trees blocked the sky and the sun, looking eerie. Countless vines criss-crossed the trees, covered with damp moss. The air is filled with the smell of decay, and the thick dead branches and leaves are not as solid as the open wilderness of the grassland. Also be careful of the unknown dead bones buried in the dead leaves. Their shapes are completely different from those of grassland beasts.

Chitong hates this feeling, he likes to be in control of everything.

In the current situation, he must be cautious. Any slight mistake may lead to a big mistake.

Fortunately, he discovered Ai Hui's weakness and decided to deal with the host first.

The combination of the god's statue cloth and the sword's fetus gave Chi Tong a deep headache, but the mere verbal attack stirred up Ai Hui's mind so much that Chi Tong immediately became acutely aware of the opportunity.

Chi Tong understands people's hearts well.

The human heart is so contradictory yet so unified. It is a world, a world that is complete and rich beyond human understanding.

It can radiate light and heat like the sun, warming the souls around it, but in some inconspicuous corner, there are piles of shadows deeper than the night.

It is indestructible and can withstand the most brutal torture and the deepest pain in the world. It will also be as soft as a bubble, falling apart at the slightest touch of a crunchy toothpick.

Nobility and despicability can be buried in the same grave, and the two vines of bravery and cowardice are often entangled with each other. They are indistinguishable from each other and are elusive.

The changes in the sword fetus can explain everything.

The previous sword embryo gave Chitong an indescribable hardness, and he simply didn't know where to start, but now he saw a crack.

This is a good sign.

Self-doubt and self-denial are the most damaging.

The former is an invisible dagger, sharp and unpredictable, and the scars left behind are as thin as a hair and hard to find. However, every crack and canyon in the spiritual earth originates from this.

The latter is a heavy ax that is swung. Every time the ax goes down, it penetrates three-thirds of the wood, and sawdust flies everywhere. If it is swung continuously, no matter how thick the tree trunk is, it will collapse.

Chitong has rich experience. He has seen many amazing geniuses. He has been lost in his own soul far more often than lost his life under the enemy's sword.

He licked his lips and chuckled, his scarlet eyes showing coldness.

Probably because he had an insight into Chitong's thoughts, his body fluctuated violently and became blurry. That was Ai Hui struggling. In Chi Tong's eyes, such a struggle made him feel unspeakable pleasure. What could be more pleasurable than destroying such a strong guy?

"Who should we operate on first?"

Chitong's voice was intermittent, but he didn't mind at all, with a smile.

Suddenly a voice sounded.

"From you."

Chitong turned his head, and what caught his eye was a woman in red. Dressed in red, she looked like a blooming rose, staring at Chi Tong with a cold expression, without concealing the murderous intent in her eyes.

She Yu stared at Chi Tong, and for some reason, her heart was filled with extremely strong murderous intent towards Chi Tong. Yes, she was shocked when she found out. She had never had such a strong urge to kill someone, this was the first time. For some reason, she felt an inexplicable uneasiness lingering in her heart, as if she would fall into death if she didn't kill Chitong.

Is it some kind of premonition about the future?

She Yu forced herself to calm down.

She is not a reckless person. Faced with the Patriarch's Association's escape, Chitong allowed her to see this powerful man who had just awakened the Demon God. If you want to kill Chi Tong, now is undoubtedly the best opportunity. For a cunning guy like Chitong, any chance to breathe will allow him to regain his strength.

She carefully positioned herself behind Chi Tong, and Chi Tong's hurried look confirmed her suspicions.

Although her decision entailed risks, she decided to take the risk.

It’s a woman again! A trace of haze flashed through Chitong's heart, he hated women. This reminded him of the woman from the Patriarchate, whose coldness made him instinctively disgusted.

He suddenly relaxed his brows and said, "Oh, little reptile, you must be peeping. I was just about to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door."

She Yu was indifferent. Chitong could be said to be the ancestor of the blood cultivator. How could he hide this little trick from him? Chi Tong's reaction only strengthened her determination, proving that Chi Tong's escape was not an illusion.

Chitong let out a sigh, his eyes suddenly widened, and he raised his head and laughed wildly: "It's really effortless to find it without any effort at all! It actually has divine blood!"

From the moment She Yu appeared, Ai Hui, who was struggling wildly in the sword womb, calmed down.

The thought that Chi Tong had just now made Ai Hui feel scared. Yes, it was fear, unparalleled fear. He was chilled all over and couldn't breathe. Chi Tong wants to kill Shi Xueman, Lou Lan, Fatty, Duanmu Huang, Jiang Wei...

At that moment, Ai Hui was ready to die together. He would rather die under the bloody sword with Chitong than have his hands stained by anyone's blood.

There has never been a time when a witch was so pleasing to Ai Hui's eyes, and he felt so grateful.

Now even if he died at the hands of the demon woman, Ai Hui would not have any resentment towards her. He fears death, but there are consequences that make death so insignificant that he can accept it happily.

He had already experienced it once.

Human destiny is really strange.

In Songjian City, when he was at the end of his rope and desperate, this woman planted the [Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique] in him, giving him the ability to complete the final blow. He failed to complete the redemption and bore the blame, but he was grateful.

Today, when he was at the end of his rope, desperate and helpless, this woman appeared again. Even though it was meant to take his life away, he was still grateful.

Ai Hui could clearly feel She Yu's strong and fierce murderous intent, without any obstruction, as if he could reach it at his fingertips. At this moment, he was in an unusually calm mood, and he seemed to be looking at her.

"kill me."

The sword tire roared and turned, and he whispered softly.

"kill me."

She Yu seemed to hear someone talking.

Her heart skipped a beat and she couldn't help but glance around, "Who?"

There is no one around. Is it my imagination?

Chi Tong spoke arrogantly, but in her heart she was not careless at all, but full of vigilance. The other party had been chasing him for several days and nights. If he dared to show up at this time, he must have someone to rely on.

He hates women. Although the other party contained the divine blood that he urgently needed most, and was not as cold as the woman from the Patriarchate, she still exuded the aura of disgust he felt.

She stared at him like she was staring at a prey, and a prey to be killed.

When Chitong realized that She Yu was suddenly distracted for some reason, he launched an attack without hesitation.

The blood light exploded like a red curtain, and the blood sword under him suddenly jumped out like a bloody python and rushed toward She Yu in mid-air.

When She Yu found out that she was distracted, she secretly cried out that something was wrong. She was filled with regret. How could she have made such a low-level mistake? When fighting against a strong man of Chitong's level, any slightest carelessness would be enough to plunge him into a state of eternal disaster.

The torrent of blood swords whizzing towards him was extremely ferocious and frightening in power.

There were so many of them, shrouded in dazzling red light, that they exploded instantly and filled her entire field of vision, making her feel suffocated.

Damn it!

She Yu was about to dodge when she noticed that a faint red light suddenly appeared around her. It was like she was stuck in a quagmire, unable to break free.

Her expression changed drastically!

She didn't expect that she would fall into such a bad situation just by meeting him. At this moment, she had no time to worry about whether her previous judgment was too optimistic and whether she underestimated the enemy too much.

The direct threat of death made her brain almost go blank, and her body reacted in the most instinctive way.

It was as if all the blood in her body rushed into her heart instantly.

There was a bang on her head, as if something exploded, and she seemed to hear the sound of something cracking and peeling. Time seemed to stop at this moment.

Her eyes widened, pupils unfocused.

She didn't see the giant blood sword python that was about to pierce her body suddenly turn a corner and plunge into the ground.


The earth shook, the mountains shook, mud flew across the ground, and the Blood Sword Python disappeared suddenly.

The sudden change caused Chitong's expression to change, and he angrily squeezed out two words through his teeth: "Ai Hui!"

However, the next moment, he noticed something and suddenly looked up at She Yu.

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