Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 685: Accident

In the sky, Chi Tong stared with interest at the flying white light slash.

Wherever the white light flies, it brings up a bunch of white light leaves the size of a white fingernail. They come and go. As they fly, the light shines like the twinkling stars, which is really beautiful.

The white light slash in front of him was something he had never seen before. The power is pretty good, and like the gangrene attached to the bone, no matter how he changes positions, it will rush towards him in another direction. He thought of a hunting dog he once had, which was so relentless in chasing its prey.

The energy that makes up Light Slash is very strange. It is obvious that the practitioners in this world are creating a higher level of power.

This is what interests him.


Chitong said to himself, and he felt more and more interesting. When the era of cultivation came to an end, he thought that a long period of decline had begun. After reincarnation, he kept encountering "surprises", which made him interested in this era.

How boring it is to be reincarnated in a dull era, he likes vitality.

He has seen how vast and dazzling the world of cultivation built by spiritual power is. He has seen the strange and unpredictable power of cause and effect, and the destiny that cannot be stopped even by the passage of time. He has seen the tyranny and wildness of Blood Refining, which is a continuation of the laws of nature.

In his eyes, the Five Elements Energy was too low-level. He was like watching ancient savages sharpening their stone axes whose hair had not yet fallen off.

But the appearance of the white light slash made him realize that the world was at a spiraling turning point.

The emergence, reproduction, and maturation of any power system cannot be completed by one person. It requires generations to continue inheriting, developing, and accumulating strength. At a special moment, all the accumulated power was ignited by a special person, and the raging power burst out, pushing the whole world to a higher level.

The new Yuan Power formed by integrating the Five Elements Yuan Power is the best proof.

Once Yuan Xiu crosses this critical point, they will discover a broader world and they will build a more powerful system. This system would be so powerful that it would even make Chi Tong feel afraid.

But that was hundreds of years later.

The seedling is now too young to pose any threat to him, even if his strength is far from returning to its peak.

He was floating in mid-air, his body posture unchanged, and his eyes were looking deeply at the [Amanye Fu Kong Slash] that was shooting straight at him, with no intention of evading it.

A gentle sigh sounded in the hearts of everyone. The sound was not loud, but everyone's hearts trembled involuntarily.

The scene in front of him suddenly turned around, and the blood in the sky turned into streams of blood, spiraling towards Chi Tong. They formed a continuously swirling bloody vortex, and Chi Tong was at the very center of the vortex.

Fu Sisi was about to attack the blood curtain when she suddenly noticed that the valley and the blood curtain in front of her were spinning rapidly. The strong dizziness made her unsteady and she fell to her knees with a plop. This didn't make her feel better. She found that her body was suspended in the air, the ground was above her head, and there was endless void beneath her feet.

Even though she knew it was an illusion, Fu Sisi still closed her eyes subconsciously, her heart beating violently.

Illusion? What a powerful illusion...

Fu Sisi's palms were sunk deep into the ground, as if this was the only way to make her feel safer. She was in awe. She never thought that one day there would be an illusion that could make her feel awe.

However, illusions are still illusions, and Tianye Fu Kong Slash will definitely be able to...

As she was thinking about it, she glanced out of the corner of her eye. The next moment, her pupils suddenly widened, her face changed drastically, and her head went blank.

This, this, this...impossible!

Tian Ye Bu Kong Slash was like a drunk fish, dangling in the air, his movements were extremely slow, and he didn't have the slightest momentum from before. Tian Ye Bu Kong's slashing speed became slower and slower, and it suddenly floated like a dead fish, swirling with the bloody whirlpool.

Wisps of white mist dispersed from the Light Slash, and Tianye Bu Kong Slash began to become thinner, and soon disappeared.

There was no blood on Fu Sisi's face, and she was as pale as paper. She had never thought that Tianye Bu Kong Zhan could defeat Ai Hui, but she thought that it could at least cause some trouble for Ai Hui and give them a chance to escape. In order to achieve the desired effect, they did not hold anything back and poured all the Tianyuan power in their bodies into that Tianye Fu Kong Slash.


The intense dizziness caused Fu Sisi to lose control of her body. Her brain was too groggy to think, and the energy in her body was uncontrollable and spinning with the bloody vortex.

Figures floated and spun in front of him, like dead fish. Yes, they are no different from dead fish. If he thinks about it, these floating and rotating figures will burst into pieces.

The strand of pure blood contained in the divine blood is the key to strengthening the host's body after his reincarnation. Unexpectedly, Ai Hui would actually channel such precious divine blood into the sword formation to forge these blood swords. The number of blood swords seemed considerable, but to Chi Tong, they were of no use at all.

He has not practiced any sword techniques and cannot exert the power of these blood swords. He can only treat them as ordinary magic weapons.

And I don't know what method Ai Hui used to make the divine blood blend perfectly with these tattered swords. Even Chi Tong couldn't extract the divine blood from the blood sword again. What a waste of resources!

Without the nourishment of divine blood, even the flesh and blood of the Blood Cultivation War Department was swallowed and absorbed by the blood sword. At that time, Chitong had no control over the body and could only watch helplessly. If it had this kind of flesh and blood, this body wouldn't still be so weak.

Red Eyes dominates the world and becomes the emperor of all nations, relying on countless blood refinings to create the most powerful body in the world, as well as weird and unparalleled demonic thoughts. Now that he doesn't have a strong physical body, the only thing Chi Tong can use is his demonic thoughts.

The Demonic Thought of Death is the masterpiece he created after studying countless classics and techniques.

Ordinary illusions can make the illusion seem real, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false. Powerful illusions can even block a person's five senses and six senses, making it difficult for people to distinguish between true and false, and causing self-harm.

However, Chi Tong's demonic thought of death has reached an unprecedented level, and it can truly change with a single thought.

Within the confinement of his demonic thoughts, there is no absolute true illusion, true illusion, true illusion, truth is not real, illusion is not illusion, true illusion changes, and the cause and effect are reversed. For those who are weaker, their six senses are deprived and they have no power to resist.

This is no longer a pure illusion. He is confident that even with just one [Death Seed Demonic Thought], he can leave a mountain in history that is insurmountable for future generations.

He had just taken over the house and he hadn't recovered yet, but dealing with these guys was like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, not worth mentioning.


Chitong suddenly noticed that among the floating figures, there was a guy whose body was shaking.

It was the middle-aged man who he felt was a little suspicious.

Chi Tong was a little surprised. The six senses were deprived, and the body should not move at all. Could it be that this guy still retains some residual consciousness?

He had noticed that this guy's five elements energy had the effect of restraining his own blood spiritual power. Now that this guy was still conscious within his demonic thoughts, he was even more surprised. Two abnormal things happened to one person coincidentally, leaving him no doubt that someone was already preparing to deal with his reincarnation.


A dangerous light flashed in Chitong's eyes, and he decided to keep the middle-aged man alive, and the others would become the nourishment for him to refine the Life-Destroying Gu.

Soon he would be able to completely control Ai Hui's body.

Thinking of the violent fluctuations in Ai Hui's mind just now, Chi Tong felt extremely satisfied. She looked at the middle-aged man from the Patriarch Association with a much gentler gaze: "It can be considered as your contribution. As long as you cooperate, I will protect you from the soul refining process." bitter."

Chi Tong, who is good at blood refining, has countless ways to get the information he wants from the other party.

Suddenly, a voice as thin as a gossamer penetrated into his ears.

not good! Someone is attacking!

Chitong's face was livid. His current strength was still too weak, and he didn't even notice that someone was approaching. This has never happened to him before.


There was a sound like cloth being cut by a sharp blade, and a scar suddenly appeared in the bloody vortex spinning behind him. The scar was as thin as a hair, but it traversed the entire bloody vortex, dividing it into two.

Tsk, another soft sound.

A crack as thin as a hair appeared on Chitong's body, splitting his body in two.

Phew, Chi Tong's split body turned into two streams of blood and submerged into the broken bloody vortex.

Chi Tong's figure appeared again dozens of feet away.

"Hehe, it is indeed Chi Tong!"

A charming female voice came from nowhere, and Chitong's face darkened. His previous guesses were revealed at this time, and his worries and guesses were completely correct. The other party called him by his first name, which showed that he knew his origins clearly.

The bloody vortex quickly faded and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The floating and rotating bodies lost their strength and fell into the valley one after another, throwing up pieces of dust.

The blue sky appeared again, and the valley was exactly the same as before, without any changes.

Chitong's eyes fell on the uninvited guests, and his pupils shrank again. It turned out to be two people!

He only noticed one person just now... Was he too careless, or did the other person have a special method?

His mind was spinning, and the expression on Chitong's face didn't seem to change at all. He chuckled: "It's so surprising that you actually know my name, Chitong. It seems that you are more prepared than I expected. Haven’t you asked your names yet?”

While they were talking, Chitong looked at the two of them carefully.

The man had a cold expression, and his thin body was wrapped in black trousers. He looked a little depressed, but his face was more delicate than that of a woman. The other one was a charming woman, with her towering breasts and snow-white thighs making her look extremely sexy and enchanting. However, there was no expression on her face, like a lifeless sculpture.

Chitong's eyes fell on the small clay doll on the woman's shoulder, and the light in his eyes suddenly lit up.

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