Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 626: Listen to the news and have faith

Ke Ning was inspecting the camp. His steps were very light, not wanting to wake up his comrades who were sleeping deeply with their faces full of smoke.

A young face reveals a maturity that belies his age. The tempering of war can always easily wash away the youthfulness and frivolity in a person. Life and death not only test a person's will, but also test his or her mind.

The changes that happened to Kening also happened to many members of the Tower Cannon Alliance.

There were continuous fierce battles, and several times the situation was extremely dangerous, and the tower gun alliance had to step forward to support. It was the same today. The enemy once advanced to only twenty feet away from the defense line.

After a day of fierce fighting, the soldiers were exhausted. Everyone took the time to rest, because everyone knew that the battle waiting for them tomorrow would be very difficult.

The enemy's four beast camps have not been exhausted yet, and the more powerful divine wolf Yinshuang is waiting for work. Once they show a little fatigue, the cunning enemy will definitely give them a fatal blow.

Tong Gui and Yu Jin were sitting on a slightly higher hillside. The hillside had long been barren of grass, and there were traces of scorch everywhere. Their eyes were focused on Kening, who was slowly patrolling the camp in the night under the hillside.

The night was as dark as ink, and the roar of the wind filled the world. In the quiet camp, the young man's figure was as tall as a gun. Huge hive heavy artillery can be seen everywhere, like ancient ferocious beasts squatting on the ground, casting a shadow of death.

Yu Jin suddenly said: "Ke Ning has made great progress."

The Bronze Ghost understood it deeply and praised: "Yes, it's a complete change. Ai Hui asked us to be this guy's deputy. I was still thinking about how good and capable this guy is? I didn't expect that after a few battles, it was like a different person. Man. Ai Hui's eyes are really vicious."

Yu Jin asked: "What will the enemy do next?"

Bronze Ghost muttered: "I don't know yet. The situation is favorable to us for the time being. The Tower Cannon Alliance is now getting better, and the soldiers are becoming more and more proficient in operating the Tower Cannon. As long as we don't lose this line of defense, we can hold it."

Yu Jin said nothing.

Discussions like this can happen anytime, anywhere. Most of the time, it's just useless nonsense. There will be more detailed and specific discussions in the daily combat meetings. When everyone talks nonsense like this, most of the time it seems like they are cheering themselves up.

Seeing that Yu Jin has closed his eyes, Bronze Ghost stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest. The battle during the day was not easy for him at all.

Lord Volcano squatted on the mountain ridge, overlooking the valley, with a thoughtful look on his face. In the valley, the densely packed lightsabers were like red-hot iron swords, which was a spectacular sight.

Speaking of which, he is also a well-informed person, but this is the first time he has seen such a strange scene before him.

Lord Huo Huo clicked his tongue and marveled: "Ai Hui, this kid, he was so weird the first time I saw him. Every time he would come up with some weird things, I don't know what is in this guy's head."

The hill on the side said nothing, his eyes focused on the valley, not knowing what he was thinking.

He suddenly asked: "How long will it take for Ai Hui to wake up?"

Lou Lan said: "According to the speed of the past two days, it will probably take about ten days to wake up."

The strong sword intent that surged in the valley before has now disappeared. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought the valley was empty. This made everyone even more amazed, indicating that those red-hot iron swords firmly locked all the sword aura.

It is far more difficult to hold back and not let go than to show off wantonly.

Suddenly, Lou Lan raised his head and looked into the distance.

Xiaoshan was very alert and immediately asked: "What?"

Lou Lan was a little confused: "I feel the earth energy on the ground vibrating, as if a wild beast is approaching."

Lord Huoshan asked curiously: "A wild beast is approaching? What kind of wild beast will there be in this ghost place?"

They had already explored the surrounding area many times, not to mention wild beasts and even larger insects were nowhere to be found. In the area near the wind curtain, not a single blade of grass grows.

Xiaoshan immediately showed a vigilant look: "What kind of beast? How many are there?"

Loulan closed her eyes and answered after a moment: "Many, very light steps, wild beasts with limbs."

He is a sand puppet and is extremely sensitive to earth energy. The flow of earth elemental power is much slower than other elemental powers. On the vast ground, the earth energy is like a lake as calm as a mirror. Loulan felt that the earth energy in the distance was making weak ripples.

When Shi Youguang chased Ai Hui, he used the traces Yuan Xiu left on Tu Yuan.

Loulan is more powerful than Shi Youguang. Not only is he born with a sand puppet physique, but his [Midnight] sand core is extremely powerful. He can capture the weak changes in the earth elemental power that are taking place more than ten miles away.

Xiaoshan became even more nervous: "Which direction?"

Loulan raised his arm and pointed to the back of the camp, with a very sure tone: "Over there!"

The hill rose into the air without hesitation and flew into the sky.

Looking in the direction guided by Loulan, on the distant horizon, a group of tiny shadows were squirming, as if the smooth and flat arc of the horizon was beating.

When he saw the vast phantom, he finally understood that Loulan was talking about a large number of beasts with four limbs...

A cold air rushed straight up from the soles of the feet along the spine, reaching the forehead. The scalp exploded, like falling into an ice cellar, and the whole body was chilled.

The pale Xiao Shan came to his senses and shouted loudly: "Enemy attack!"

A shrill scream broke the deep and quiet night.

"Enemy attack!"

The enemy camp was in sight, and the continuous lights were bright and colorful in the night, like stars in the sky.

Helian Tianxiao murmured: "It's so beautiful!"

A shrill cry could be heard in the distance: "Enemy attack!"

A ferocious smile suddenly appeared on Helian Tianxiao's face. He pinched the wolf's belly under his body and shouted: "God Wolf, charge!"

Song Xiaoqian on the flank immediately ordered: "Yinshuang, charge!"

Ta-ta-ta-ta, the wolves started to speed up.

The inaudible sound of hoofbeats began to become louder, and then merged into one, like thunder. The powerful wolf hooves were like heavy hammers, falling to the ground with astonishing power. The hard rock turned into powder in an instant, unable to stop their footsteps at all.

Boom, boom.

Thousands of wolf hooves fell to the ground at the same time, as if the thunder from the nine heavens were stuffed into the soil, and the earth was trembling.

The divine wolf, which was as red as blood, and the warrior on the wolf's back, lit up with a faint red light. The red light on their bodies gradually merged with the light emanating from their teammates around them. Looking down from the sky, one can clearly see that as the speed of the Divine Wolf increases, the red light spots gradually merge into one.

The blood-red torrent roared across the earth, and their speed was so fast that it seemed like a red giant ax splitting the air.

On both sides of the divine wolf, the snow-white silver frost is wrapped in the terrifying frost mist, like sharp double-stranded swords, ready to respond and deliver a fatal blow at any time. They freeze rock and dirt wherever they pass. Behind them, two white and cold frost paths were left.

On the wolf's back, excitement and murderous intent appeared on the faces of the soldiers. Their eyes were covered in blood, and a murderous smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

There was no moment when they were so sure that victory was right in front of them!

With the experience of countless battles and such a close distance, when they charge, no one can stop them! Not even the three central departments!

The enemy camp in front was noisy and commotion, lights were constantly on, and exclamations came and went, making the enemy camp as bright as day.


The enemy's panic further aroused the ferocity in their bodies, and bloodthirsty killing intent surged within their bodies. They seemed to see the scene of rushing into the enemy camp later, and the weak enemy camp was shattered under their wolf hooves. They will be like heavy and sharp axes, effortlessly cutting into the enemy's fragile body, taking away countless flesh and blood.

Several figures rose into the air from the enemy camp and flew towards them.

An ice edge appeared out of thin air in front of them, and the ice edge grew crazily.


A strong man from the Tingfeng Department.

Helian Tianxiao had witnessed several battles in Xiaoshan, and the opponent's strong strength left a deep impression on him. Several of the powerful ones on our side suffered losses at the hands of Xiao Shan.

However, that was only a local battlefield.

On local battlefields, the master can play a huge role. They are strong and flexible and can help gain advantages on local battlefields.

But facing the charging war department, what about the master?

Don’t overestimate your capabilities! The mantis is acting like a chariot!

In the blink of an eye, the ice edge that froze the space grew into a transparent wall several feet thick, blocking the front of Helian Tianxiao.

The corners of Helian Tianxiao's mouth curved slightly, revealing a disdainful sneer.

Without slowing down at all, he took the lead and hit the transparent wall head-on. The Divine Wolf Division was like a heavy ax shrouded in red light, slashing hard at the transparent wall.


Crisp as glass, the transparent wall shattered into countless fragments.

The charging momentum of the divine wolf did not diminish at all.

A cloud of blood spurted out from the hill in the sky, and his body lost control. The companion next to him had quick eyes and quick hands and caught him. Xiao Shan stabilized his body and suppressed the surging Yuan Power in his body. How could he not know that using his own strength to block the charge of the Divine Wolf Division was no different from seeking death.

But at this time, any delay is extremely valuable!

His clothes were stained with blood and his face was pale. His usually indifferent expression was burning like a raging flame. He shouted in a hissing voice: "Listen to the wind and you will have faith!"

Others were shocked, knowing that Xiaoshan was going to fight for his life. What followed was a ball of flames exploding in his chest. They all followed Xiaoshan from Tingfengbu. Before they came, everyone had the consciousness to die.

No one flinched, and they exclaimed in unison: "Listen to the wind and you will have faith!"

The surging Yuan Power rose from beneath their feet like a tide, sweeping and burning every inch of their skin. Their eyes were clear, their bodies were firm, and they felt the resonance of each other's energy.

When they looked back in time and practiced this technique when they were young, they never thought that one day they would actually use this technique.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

The sword brushed away the thick dust that had annihilated the years. The cold light was bright. The terminally ill beast opened its heavy eyelids and its power was still there. A group of abandoned disciples of the Millennium War Department sang loudly and were carried by the war songs of their ancestors that echoed in the years and clouds. The flag, already tattered and decaying, shone like the sun.

They knew it was the swan song.

Then the swan song.

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