Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 605: Birth and Death

Ai Hui's body couldn't move at all. When he gradually regained consciousness and figured out what was going on inside his body, he was dumbfounded.

What happened to the golden light?

Hey, the smell feels a bit familiar!

Loulan immediately noticed Ai Hui's awakening of consciousness, and he quickly explained everything that had happened before in detail. The situation inside Ai Hui's body is complicated and outsiders cannot intervene, but Loulan can help Ai Hui master more information.

Loulan didn't speak fast, and explained every detail very clearly and specifically, and also gave Ai Hui his own guesses for reference.

After finishing speaking, Loulan calmed down and stayed on one side, her eyes flashing red, always paying attention to Ai Hui's situation.

After listening to Loulan's description, Ai Hui suddenly realized that he had immediately locked onto the target.

——Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique! One thousand dollars!

Because the blood plum blossoms have disappeared.

Ai Hui was extremely afraid of a thousand dollars. This voluptuous woman in red was like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, biting her without warning.

Ai Hui slowly calmed down and temporarily put the thousand yuan behind him. The blood plum blossoms disappeared, which meant that the birth-death flower ritual was lifted. This made him feel inexplicably relieved. The Flower of Life and Death Technique has always been a major concern for him.

What he needs to think about now is the terrible situation inside his body.

The blood of the devil!

When Lou Lan expressed his guess and judgment, Ai Hui suddenly realized. No wonder he felt that the aura of golden light was a bit familiar before. The other drop of Demon God's blood was given to the Demon God's armor by Ai Hui himself.

Unexpectedly, one thousand yuan also contains the blood of the devil.

Loulan once reminded him that there was only one word difference between the blood of the devil and the blood of the god, and the two were probably related. Looking at it now, Loulan was right.

From the golden light changing from domineering to gentle, and the bloody eyes of the bandage, Ai Hui understood that the bandage saved him once again.

Looking back, Ai Hui thought that the dream he experienced last time was probably true. The blood of the devil, the devil's armor and the bandage are very closely related.

Unknowingly, Ai Hui's thoughts wandered further away.

It is not known whether the ancient demon god with a strange aura really exists. However, whether it is the blood of the demon god, the armor of the demon god, or the bandages, they are all extremely mysterious and powerful.

The bandages alone saved his life several times.

Whenever this happens, Ai Hui will think of his master and his wife.

Faint thoughts lingered in his heart, and the voices and smiles of his master and his wife appeared in his mind. The originally irritable mood gradually calmed down. No matter how difficult the situation was, it was difficult for him to lose his courage. After all, I am very lucky to be alive until now.

Loulan didn't know how Ai Hui would deal with it, but he found that Ai Hui's poor health seemed to have eased a lot.

It is indeed Ai Hui!

Loulan was very happy. He always had inexplicable confidence in Ai Hui. Loulan's eyes were slightly curved, like two crescent moons. But soon he clenched his fists, his eyes widened, and the red light flashed rhythmically.

I must record every change in Ai Hui's body and give it to Ai Hui for reference.

After Ai Hui calmed down, he looked at the condition inside his body and felt that it was not that bad. Sometimes, things are still the same, but when you look at them in a different mood, it's a new world.

Ai Hui began to think about it slowly and carefully.

His first target is the blood of the devil. Probably nothing can compare to the word "serious". After careful consideration, Ai Hui noticed something different.

He had personally used a drop of the demon's blood.

The golden light in the body seemed to be much weaker. Not milder, but much smaller. Ai Hui's rough feeling was that the golden light in his body was only one-quarter or one-fifth of a drop of demon blood.

Ai Hui felt a little lucky.

If it had been a drop of complete demonic blood, I probably wouldn't have been able to hold on until now and would have exploded to death.

After determining the quantity, Ai Hui focused on the nature of the golden light. The bandage changed the golden light from overbearing to gentle and restrained, but the characteristics of tempering flesh and blood did not change.

The golden light was obviously different from any kind of power Ai Hui knew. It was not Yuan Power or Blood Spirit Power. Fortunately, he is facing an unknown field and has rich experience.

Whether it's the sword embryo or the thunder, they are all brand new powers.

Facing the unknown, make bold guesses, try carefully, and sort out carefully. This is Ai Hui's experience.

He tried to activate the golden light, but it didn't move at all.

Ai Hui was not surprised. The bandage weakened the destructive power of the golden light, but it was obvious that the level of the demon's blood was very high. Maybe if I enter the Demon God's Armor, I can mobilize the golden light? It's a pity that now he can't even move a finger and can't speak. This guess can only be verified later.

Since the golden light couldn't activate it, Ai Hui tried to activate the other two forces.

The movement of Jian Yun was very smooth. Almost at the thought of his thoughts, Jian Yun penetrated his body. Normally, with Jian Yun penetrating his body, he could control almost any part of his body at will, but at this moment, he was still unable to move.

The original vitality transformed from the branches can also be stimulated, but it is also subject to invisible obstacles.

At this point, Ai Hui has determined that the level of the Demon God's blood is at least no lower than that of Jian Yun and Origin Vitality.

The golden light flowing freely in Ai Hui's body was the culprit. Before, his body, sword cloud and original vitality could reach a rough balance, but now the golden light entered his body and flowed everywhere, making him jump all over the place. The sword cloud seemed to be threatened, the thunder kept flashing, and the aura of destruction was heart-stopping. And the original vitality kept following behind, repairing Ai Hui's damaged body, just like cleaning up the mess.

Three distinct forces, incompatible with each other.

It was like three Yuan Xiu, whose strengths were not much different but did not see eye to eye, fighting in a melee.

The vibrant original vitality, the destructive thunder, the unknown blood of the demon...

Ai Hui suddenly felt something in his heart.

The original vitality represents "life", and the thunder represents "destruction"...

Five words suddenly popped into his mind, [Birth and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique]!

Ai Hui's spirit suddenly lifted!

Having been threatened by the [Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique] for a long time, Ai Hui spent a lot of effort on it, and he had experienced it both as a flower slave and as a flower owner. He has his own understanding of the [Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique].

Birth and death represent the two most extreme states, which seem to be completely opposite.

However, Ai Hui knew that the relationship between birth and death was extremely profound and subtle. If he were to make an analogy, he would think of Han Li's "yin and yang", but "birth and death" is more profound than "yin and yang".

For example, in places where "yin and yang" coexist between heaven and earth, although they are rare, they can still be found. But no one knows the place where "birth and death" coexist.

Birth and death are two completely opposite states. To bring them together, a medium is needed. Only an extraordinary medium can connect these two completely opposite states!

Without any hesitation, Ai Hui set his sights on the demon's blood.

This bold and unusual idea made Ai Hui's heart flutter. Theoretically, there is absolutely no problem with this idea of ​​mine, and it can be called ingenious.

However, how can the three distinct and conflicting elements be blended together?

Ai Hui suddenly remembered the scene of planting blood plum blossoms for himself with one thousand yuan.

His spirit stirred, and his blood came out!

What contains your own essence and blood? have!


Almost as soon as Ai Hui's idea came to his mind, the bandages wrapped around his body moved. The bandage was like a dexterous white snake, worming its way into Ai Hui's body from his fingers.

Ai Hui's coma added a layer of gloom to the sky above the defense line.

But at this moment, the three war departments could no longer care about anything else, and everyone's nerves were highly tense. The arrival of the blood cultivator that covers the sky means that the real decisive battle is about to begin.

All the ground-fire tower cannons on the God-Suppressing Peak were replaced with hive heavy cannons.

Thick, bright red barrels pointed straight into the sky. Buckets of snow lava were poured into the fire pool, making the air hot. Fatty patrolled back and forth, carefully checking each tower cannon to ensure that there would be no problems during the battle.

The honeycomb heavy artillery has a mother-child fire pool structure, while the tower gun uses a mother fire pool and six child fire pools. This quantity can not only ensure the continuous attack time of the hive heavy artillery, but also shorten the time of setting up positions. The role of the child fire pool is not only to replenish the snow lava for the mother fire pool, but also to enhance the power of the hive heavy artillery.

Each fire pool is manned by three warriors, plus the main tower gunner and an auxiliary tower gunner, each hive heavy gun requires twenty people.

On the Zhenshen Peak where the Chongyun Spear is stationed, a hundred honeycomb heavy cannons are arranged layer by layer along the mountain, making it a spectacular sight. This is an unprecedented tower and gun position, but everyone is not sure whether it can block the enemy.

The blood beast that covers the sky and the sun brings unprecedented pressure.

Siege warfare is a meat grinding ground. What is needed first is not the quality of the war department, but the quantity of the war department. Without sufficient numbers, it is difficult to conquer a well-defended fortress.

The enemy's reinforcements were overwhelming and they could afford a war of attrition.

And those huge blood beasts made everyone feel a strong threat. Any general with a little military knowledge can realize that these behemoths will cause them big trouble in the next battle.

Even Fatty was worried, wondering if the hive heavy artillery could block it.

On the surface, it was natural that he could not avoid all kinds of cynicism towards Xue Xiu. The fat man had improved a lot from his previous timidity, but his poisonous mouth had only worsened. However, the tower gunners of the Chongyun Spear still did this. The fat man scolded them in a very cunning and vicious manner, which caused bursts of laughter from time to time, and the tense atmosphere relaxed a lot.

It was not just the fat man who was nervous, but others were also in danger.

Shi Xueman couldn't bear to stay outside Ai Hui's camp. The battle situation was critical, so she personally took charge of the center of Shenfeng. The tower gun alliance is not yet of use, but the elite Tingfeng commanded by Xiao Shan are ready to provide support at any time.

Time passed little by little in the frozen air.

The scouting sentry that was as annoying as a fly before disappeared, and the camp opposite was silent, like a dormant beast, recharging its energy and waiting for an attack.

In the early morning two days later, the sky was slightly bright and the sun had not yet risen. The blood cultivator camp began to stir, and the screams of the blood beasts could be vaguely heard.

The battle is about to begin.

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